March 2020 Horoscope: Shaking Up the Foundations | The AstroTwins
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March 2020 Horoscope: Shaking Up the Foundations

March madness? Yeah, there’s some of that ahead, as your March 2020 horoscope begins with Mercury retrograde and ends with a major Saturn transit that hasn’t happened since 1994.

by The AstroTwins

March comes in not so much like a lion…but certainly like the kind of animal you’re wary of encountering outside its cage. Amid headlines of a global public health pandemic and plunging markets (which we predicted months ago in our 2020 Horoscope book), we’ve got nine days of Mercury retrograde left, as the planet of communication, technology and travel rounds out a backspin that started on February 16.

Mercury’s been reversing through secretive Pisces, making it hard to get clear information about anything (including the origins of coronavirus—including the astrological explanation for it) and testing our patience with technology mishaps, miscommunications and travel issues. Social Mercury is also linked to all things communicable—including what we touch. While Mercury’s retrograde in this water sign (and virus season thrives) vigilant handwashing isn’t Pisces-paranoid—it’s just common sense.

From March 4 to 9, Mercury will back into air sign Aquarius, which could warrant extra travel precautions, especially on planes where fresh air can’t circulate. Do we foresee another month of paper mask shortages? Not trying to be apocalyptic, folks…just reporting on the stars.

Here’s hoping that the March 9 full moon in health-and-wealth governess Virgo, which dovetails with Mercury turning direct (forward), will bring some good news, or at least, helpful illumination. Fact-finder Virgo can also help clear up some misinformation that’s spread a lot faster and farther than any airborne illness.

It’s par for the course as four potent planets—Mars, Jupiter, Saturn AND Pluto—gather in Capricorn, the sign of governments, the economy and corporations. Capricorn rules the structures that hold up our lives. And with these headstrong planets donning Sea Goat horns and butting them against these pillars, spring won’t exactly blossom gently.

The official spring equinox—and the start of Aries season—arrives right before midnight EST on March 19. The next day, energizer Mars and expansive Jupiter will unite at an exact degree of Capricorn, a headstrong and fast-moving energy. Power struggles and breakthroughs could erupt on March 23 when Mars and Pluto make a volatile mashup.

But the headline news for your March 2020 horoscope arrives March 21, when Saturn begins the first leg of a three-year visit to Aquarius—its first time here since a 1991 to 1994 transit. (Note to readers, if you were born during this time, you may be starting your Saturn return.)

As legendary Aquarius singer songwriter Carole King sang, “I feel the earth…move…under my feet. I feel the sky come tumbling down.”

With Saturn—the modern ruler of Capricorn and the classical ruler of Aquarius—starting the first leg of its three-year tour through the Water Bearer’s court from March 21 to July 1, this might become an apt theme song. (Especially when Saturn gets tangled in a series of squares to volatile Uranus in Taurus next year…but we’ll hold off on that for now.)

Suffice to say that change is in the air…and March is definitely NOT slated to go out like a lamb. Mars will move into Aquarius on March 30, making another exact meetup on March 31, this time with Saturn. The impact could be like having one foot on the brake, the other on the gas. It won’t be comfortable, but it will certainly help us sift through all the facts before we make any binding decisions for April and beyond.

Read your zodiac sign’s March 2020 Horoscope now >

Photo credit: Pietro Karras via Stocksy

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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.