May 2024 Horoscope: A New Life Direction | The AstroTwins
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May 2024 Horoscope: A New Life Direction

Your May 2024 horoscope has all the cosmic details to help you navigate the month. Here’s an overview of May’s astrology and what you can expect.

Does your energy feel dense, uber-concentrated and heavy? The cosmic cluster that’s throttled the skies for much of this year continues for one more month. By late May, we’ll see an entirely new scene, including Jupiter’s big move into Gemini on May 25. But for the majority of the month, there’s still a traffic jam up there.

If your answer to “So, how are you?” could be “awesome and discombobulated all at once,”—join the club. Since mid-February, every single planet in the solar system has been in either Aquarius, Pisces, Aries or Taurus. If you look at an astrological chart of the moment (below), it’s impossible to overlook the swarm of planets all gathered in one area.

transit chart for May 2024 horoscopes

For everyone on THIS planet, that means that just a few specific areas of our lives have been getting the lion’s share of attention, whether we wanted to focus on them or not. The other parts of our lives may be woefully neglected or sidelined. Or, you could feel intense pressure around one or two matters—relationships, work, family, money. 

In April 2024, many of the planets congregated in Aries, and threw in a total solar eclipse AND a Mercury retrograde in Aries for good measure. It was like a reverse slingshot: First the eclipse projected us out of our comfort zones, then Mercury retrograde pumped the brake and pulled us right back. If you’re still recovering from the whiplash of “OMG I found my life purpose and I’m going all in—wait, no, not yet!” you are not alone.

In May 2024, we’ll see the planets mostly divided between fiery Aries and stable Taurus, a more manageable spread. The presence of earthy Taurus will be grounding but still intense. A headstrong Ram and a charging Bull both want what they want when they want it. But Taurus energy is more mature and discerning than Aries. Here’s hoping that will temper some of the irrational energy we’ve all been caught up in.

It’s time to metabolize the pent-up Aries angst. If you’ve been stressing and obsessing (which Aries can do), Taurus season helps you just pick a lane and drive on it for a bit. Get out of your head and onto the metaphorical road. Take one of your ideas for a short spin. Sometimes, the only way to know if an idea will work is by testing it out a little bit at a time!

For the first three weeks of your May 2024 Horoscope…

We’ve got the Sun, romantic Venus, lucky Jupiter and disruptor Uranus all in Taurus. The Taurus new moon on May 7 could be the moment that settles things down. But by May 13, the Sun and Uranus make their annual meetup, which could find us wanting to rock the boat, if not jump ship. Stay calm during this one-day transit and don’t do anything that you can’t undo!

2024 Day of Miracles is May 18

On May 18, the Sun and Jupiter unite for their heavenly annual meetup, also known as the Day of Miracles for its auspicious energy. The charisma and can-do confidence that we get from a Sun-Jupiter conjunction can top our tanks with premium fuel. Got a big idea to pitch? Thinking of taking a leap of faith, like buying a home or making a relationship official? Today will help you see just how many possibilities await. That said, the Sun and Jupiter can also make us overly optimistic. Gather the facts to back up those excited tingles in your tum before you take a huge risk.

Pluto retrograde in Aquarius and Capricorn begins in May 2024

Transformational Pluto, which has been in Aquarius since January 21, begins its annual retrograde this May 2, a five-month cycle that will last until October 11. It’s been a whole new landscape, as Pluto is making its first visit to Aquarius in our lifetimes, a cycle that started briefly in March 2023, and will span all the way until 2044!

If you’ve still been catching up to the Aquarius world of AI, technology and new ways of forming communities, you’ll have a chance to do that while Pluto backs through Aquarius until September 1. After that, it will make a final visit to Capricorn in our lifetimes, leaving on November 19—right after the 2024 U.S. Elections. To say that’s a nail-biter is an understatement! Read more about Pluto Retrograde.

Gemini Season 2024 welcomes Jupiter in this sign for a year

On May 20, the celestial scene begins its dramatic changeover. The Sun moves into Gemini, followed by a Sagittarius full moon on May 23. These are also the final days of Jupiter’s yearlong visit to terrestrial Taurus, a 12-month cycle that began on May 16, 2023. Since last spring, we’ve all been under the stewardship of the sensual, sensible Bull.

Now, Jupiter progresses into airy Gemini on May 25, staying until June 9, 2025. Jupiter is in “detriment” in Gemini, meaning it’s not the easiest placement for it. Makes sense—Jupiter is expansive and outward, while Gemini is more focused on the micro details. The last time Jupiter visited Gemini was from June 2012 to June 2013. If you can remember back to that time, you may see similar themes emerging. 

If you think your social media feed is noisy now, get ready. Outspoken Jupiter in Gemini, which rules neighborhoods, communities and communication, will make the second half of the year a big moment for spreading your message and forging kindred spirit alliances!

Read May horoscopes >

Read your Mother’s Day horoscope too!

Feature art by Rosie Dienhart


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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.