These 8 Libra New Moon Rituals Attract Love and Beauty To Your World | The AstroTwins
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These 8 Libra New Moon Rituals Attract Love and Beauty To Your World

Whichever Libra new moon rituals you choose, Libra and her ruler, Venus, practically guarantee you’ll be at your most graceful and lovely.

The Libra new moon on October 2, 2024 (at 2:49 PM EDT) is also a solar eclipse. This is the second in a pair of solar eclipses in this charming sign—the sequel to the October 14, 2023 annular solar eclipse.

Choose one (or more) of our Libra new moon rituals to embrace the energy of bringing love, beauty and balance into your life!

Libra New Moon Rituals

1. Gather what you’ve grown

As the first autumn zodiac sign in the Northern hemisphere, Libra marks the start of fall and harvest season. Ask yourself: Where was your energy planted in the spring? What have you been cultivating since then? Do you like what’s growing in your metaphorical garden? If not, now’s the perfect time to sort the crops and, if necessary, plant some “bulbs” that will bloom next spring.

Were you hoping for bumper crop but only got a few half-hearted starts? Retrace your steps. There’s a good chance it was you who planted those heirloom seeds. Or maybe you weren’t discerning about what was being planted at all. Don’t beat yourself up or deflect responsibility. Identify where the U-turn happened, forgive yourself and then course-correct.

If you’ve kept a calendar or journal, review it to see where you’ve been leaking time and energy. That can be incredibly telling! It can also help to look at where you’ve been directing your attention. Untangle yourself from anything that doesn’t bear the fruit you hope to harvest. Then be super-intentional about what you take on as you move forward.

2. Just say…maybe!

Feeling pressured to make a decision? Refuse to cave. At the Libra new moon, it’s okay to wait and see. And if you’re applying the heat to someone else? Take a nice, deep breath and give things a rest. 

After all, that “no” might simply mean “not now.” When a “no” is heard and honored, it may turn into a “yes” down the line. So let go of your agendas and need to control results. Be open to change, course corrections and unexpected outcomes. As Libra Oscar Wilde once joked, “Consistency is the last refuge of the unimaginative.”

3. Freshen up

While Libra is the zodiac’s fashionista, dressing up can feel like a part-time job. That extra hour of assembling your OOTD, accessorizing, makeup application and blow-drying can be a real weight on an already overloaded schedule.

Fortunately, Libra is ruled by Venus. Under its influence, art, beauty and sensuality are as natural to drink in as the air you breathe. At the Libra new moon, taking time to adorn yourself can be a pleasurable, ritual escape from the intense, achievement-focused energy of your day.

For this Libra new moon ritual, check out our Style Horoscopes for some wardrobe inspo!

Anything beyond a messy updo may seem frivolous when you’re driving kids to practice, cramming for finals or hammering away at a massive deadline. (And let’s be real, it kind of is.) But here’s a Libra lifehack: Create a uniform! This should be a simple, go-to combo that cuts down stress when you face your closet. Structured top, jeans, boots…GO! Button-down, leggings, ballet flats, colorful bag…DONE.

And since this new moon favors partnership, why not enlist a fashion-savvy pal to help? You may not have a bestie with the effortless style of Libras Jenna Ortega, Bella Hadid, Gwyneth Paltrow (the list goes on!) but just about any Libra friend (or friend with a Libra moon or Venus in their natal chart) will offer valuable, kindly delivered advice. 

Libra knows best: When you look good, you feel good and you can communicate your personality to the world through your individual style. Carry yourself with more confidence and your energy will always attract opportunity. 

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4. Embrace the art of diplomacy

Libra is all about perfecting the balance between me and we, and finding terms that work for everyone. This doesn’t just apply to individuals. Many important international agreements were signed in September and came into effect during Libra new moons—including the treaty between Britain and the U.S. that ended the Revolutionary War, and the treaty that restored Japan’s independence after WWII. 

Count on the Libra new moon to gift you with diplomacy so you can truly step into another person’s shoes to understand them. During these polarizing political times, that can seem nearly impossible, especially when headlines leave you feeling upset, angry and helpless. How can you move through grief and outrage with grace? It’s possible the Libra new moon can give you more insight—or at least greater determination to put energy into the world to make it a better place for everyone.

One Libra new moon ritual that can help you navigate tough negotiations is nonviolent communication, created by Libra Marshall Rosenberg. It’s a powerful, time-tested method of communication used by everyone from top international diplomats to titans of business to friends and lovers to smooth the path to understanding—in even the most challenging situations.

In less-charged scenarios, the Libra new moon can help you hash things out, be a great listener, and create a win-win wherever you focus your energy. There are your needs, the other person’s needs, and the greater needs of the relationship, which is like a third entity. Lay them all out on the table and assess. Just remember your limits and boundaries. Sometimes, trying to please everyone can mean pleasing no one in the end.

5. How to revamp your relationships

The Libra new moon offers a cosmic reboot to your relationships. Even single-and-loving-it types may feel a sudden desire for companionship. For couples, this new moon supports co-creation. Do you need to heal a rift? The peace-loving new moon in Libra can guide you to find outside support like a mediator, coach, or couple’s therapist. 

Are you effectively sending out signals when you want your partner to pay you some attention? John Gottman, author of The Relationship Cure, did extensive research on what he calls “bids for connection.” These are the verbal and nonverbal cues you send out to your partner to acknowledge you or interact with you. Gottman’s research showed that happy couples will place their “bids” up to 100 times in a 10-minute span. According to Gottman, your ability to communicate your desires and needs in a loving way is essential to a healthy relationship. His practices are worth reading about!

Also helpful as a Libra new moon ritual: Read up on attachment theory and discover your attachment style. Do you tend to be anxious, secure, or avoidant? How about the people to whom you gravitate?

You may not end up with a series of headline-grabbing relationships like Libra Kim Kardashian—and that’s probably a blessing. Still, the Libra new moon assures you’ll have the easiest, most pleasant opportunity of the year to make things just a little bit better.

6. Beautify your surroundings

Libra, the ultimate love goddess and aesthete, prompts you to beautify something now—and even your tiniest, most delicate touch will be seen and appreciated. Arrange cut flowers for your dining room table and bedroom. Invest in a nicer bottle of wine. Buy that amethyst ring from a street vendor. Paint an accent wall in your home. Arrange an eye-pleasing tablescape on your desk.

The Libra new moon is an optimal time to give your space a thoughtful style overhaul. What can you toss or donate? Why not declutter your closet and hold a clothing/decor/art swap with friends? Need inspiration? Legendary Libra organizing guru Marie Kondo is worth a revisit for ideas to achieve a less cluttered life. You can also check out our Home Decor Horoscopes for style ideas by zodiac sign for this Libra new moon ritual.

7. Strike mind-body balance

Is your mind all over the map? Why not use your body to bring back the balance? Mindfulness practices can really hit the spot anytime you’re seeking a healthy dose of that trademark Libra calm.

Do a few sun salutations or head to a class where you can work it out on the mat. Try a few partner yoga poses to help you bring balance back to your body—and become a little bit closer to your partner, too. Up for something more active? Get in the flow with a partner and try the Brazilian dance-inspired martial art Capoeira. Or go all out and really dance under the invisible but powerful Libra new moon with your own moves.

You can also try a Libra season meditation or one that invokes the air element as part of your Libra new moon ritual.

8. Attract love with a “Cupid’s Candle”

This Libra new moon ritual ignites the spirit of partnership and cooperation. The intention of this particular ritual is to attract love or to improve a relationship you are in.

First, be sure you are attracting an available partner into your life. In other words, don’t devote this candle to someone already in a relationship. If you are in love with someone who is taken (we realize that happens), you could devote the candle to divine timing. Ask the universe to reveal to you the right moment for a sacred union to manifest and to release you from attachment until that time arrives. Another option? Ask Cupid to send you someone to love even more than that unavailable paramour.

What you’ll need for this Libra new moon ritual

  • a pink candle or votive (pink is the color that represents romantic love, reconciliation and a heart-centered connection); be sure the candle is free of a container
  • a carving tool, like a small knife or just a safety pin

With your tool, carve your name into the candle wax and then carve the name of your beloved or simply “my future love.” Don’t fuss with how you carve the letters, so long as you can read them! If you feel like etching a heart into the wax, go for it! 

Create a lovely space to burn your candle. We like to collect vintage metal trays on which there is often space for other objects like crystals, love notes or wish lists of your romantic desires. Set a small piece of aluminum foil under the candle to collect melted wax. Let the candle burn down fully while you are present, or light it during the course of a week while visualizing yourself receiving the love you desire.

Other, simple Libra new moon ritual ideas to try

  • Do a Tarot reading. Try our Tarot spread for new moons.
  • Celebrate peace. Watch a documentary about an activist bringing harmony and love to the world. Invite friends to join you and have a salon-style discussion after viewing.
  • Libra loves to get fancy. Throw a cocktail (or mocktail) party to give your friends an excuse to dress up!
  • Take a painting or ceramics class, a crafting workshop, or a guitar or singing lesson.
  • Frame photos of the people you adore to surround yourself with reminders of love and community.
  • Write a pros and cons list about anything that’s left you feeling indecisive (Libra needs to see both sides before making a decision).

Photo by George Becker

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Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.