Jada Pinkett Smith Birth Chart - Virgo Zodiac Sign Horoscope & Birthday | Astrostyle.com
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Jada Pinkett Smith Birth Chart – Virgo Zodiac Sign Horoscope & Birthday

Jada Pinkett Smith Birth Chart – Virgo Zodiac Sign Horoscope & Birthday’s birth chart, interpreted by The AstroTwins

The following analysis by celebrity astrologers Tali & Ophi Edut, aka The AstroTwins, highlights the most interesting astrological features of Jada Pinkett Smith’s birth chart for all level astrology readers to understand.
Additional reporting by Astrostyle Contributing Editor Tasha Beg @thepopastrologist

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When Is Jada Pinkett Smith’s Birthday?

Jada Pinkett Smith’s birthday is September 18.

Jada Pinkett Smith’s Sun Sign Is Driven Virgo

The Sun represents the essence of your personality, your main character energy

Jada Pinkett Smith’s astrological sign is Virgo. She was born on September 18, 1971, in Baltimore, Maryland.

Virgo is a grounded earth sign primarily concerned with acts of service. Symbolized by the virgin maiden, Virgo is responsible, discerning, and at its highest vibration, humble. Always striving for perfection, Virgo can struggle to harmonize the gap between expectations and reality. At a low vibration, Jada’s inner Virgo critic can lead her down an intense anxiety spiral. 

With her Virgo Sun in the tenth house, Jada lives a very public life in the spotlight (the tenth house is typically associated with career and purpose). Her Virgo Sun is also conjunct Pluto, the planet of radical truth and transformation. Pluto is a powerful placement, often hiding whatever planet it comes into contact with. With Pluto on her Sun, Jada’s identity is hidden, buried under layers of trauma in need of excavation.

Love it or hate it, Jada’s here to live an emotionally rich intense life in a public manner. She traces her healing journey from being unlovable to lovable in her memoir, Worthy (how Virgo), detailing her mental health struggles and suicide depression battle—a deeply Plutonic read not intended for surface-dwellers.

Jada Pinkett Smith’s Moon Is Also In Virgo

•Your moon sign governs the “inner you” and influences your emotions•

Jada Pinkett Smith is not only a Virgo Sun, but she also has a Virgo moon. Having been born in a balsamic moon phase, Jada embodies a wise mystic energy, as those born under the dark of the moon tend to do. 

Jada’s Virgo moon is conjunct Mercury, the planet of communication and intellect. Mercury in the natal chart serves as our megaphone. For Jada, her Mercury-moon conjunction is located in the tenth house of reputation—the megaphone meeting Jada’s emotions in a public forum (RIP Red Table Talk). 

On another note, Mercury can symbolize youth while the moon can represent the mother—poignant symbolism considering Jada’s mom (moon) had her as a teenager (Mercury) as well as Jada’s own friendship with her children.

Jada Pinkett Smith’s Rising Sign Is Independent Sagittarius

•Your rising sign, or ascendant, is the first impression you make. Like a filter, it “tints” your Sun sign•

Jada Pinkett Smith is a Sagittarius Rising. Sagittarius risings are free-spirited types on the hunt for adventure. Confident and optimistic, Sagittarius risings are well-versed in synchronicity and tend to find themselves in the right place at the right time (some might even call it lucky!).

As a Sagittarius rising, Jada has a strong sense of personal values and is passionate about ideas and spiritual meaning (ayahuasca, anyone?). However, Jada’s values could skew dogmatic (and exaggerative) based on her own experiences, potentially hindering the opportunity for a more expansive and honest perspective. 

Jada Pinkett Smith’s Larger-Than-Life Chart Ruler

Your chart ruler is the planet that rules over your rising sign

As a Sagittarius rising, Jada Pinkett Smith’s chart is ruled by her Jupiter in Sagittarius. A chart ruler acts like your personal avatar in your matrix. With Jupiter in Sagittarius steering Jada’s chart, she assumes the identity of the sage philosopher, here to experience all that life has to offer and share her hard-earned truth.

Jada’s Jupiter in Sagittarius sits atop her ascendant, giving her a larger-than-life presence at first impression. Her Jupiter is also conjunct Neptune (mysticism and spirituality), adding an otherworldly layer to her being. Jupiter and Neptune coming together evoke the image of a guru—a professor who can help guide those looking for meaning.

Jada Pinkett Smith’s South Node Is in Leo

•Astrologers use the nodes of the moon (found opposite each other in your birth chart) to determine where your destiny lies (North node) and what you were in past lifetimes (South node).

Jada Pinkett Smith has her South Node (past-life karma) in Leo and her North Node (destiny) in Aquarius. Her South Node is located in the ninth house of truth and beliefs (typically associated with Sagittarius energy) with her North Node in the third house (typically associated with Gemini energy). Jada is here to move away from performance into depth; she’s looking to step off the pedestal of perfection and get real about her truth, evocative of that aforementioned guru energy. 

With Mars in Aquarius on top of her North Node, Jada is learning to be courageous about her authenticity, social convention and criticism be damned. Mars can be challenging; the idea of the angry mob meeting her unique perspective. With her North Node in the third house, writing and communication are instrumental in her self-actualization journey.

Love Astrology of Jada Pinkett Smith: Intellectual and Independent

Venus and Mars are the love planets in astrology. In your birth chart, Venus represents seduction and romance while Mars represents lust, motivation and erotic instincts.

Mars and Venus in Jada Pinkett Smith’s natal chart form a harmonious trine; she has Venus in Libra and Mars in Aquarius. 

As both Jada’s Venus and Mars are in air signs, intellectual conversation, social adventures and new perspectives are important cornerstones to a healthy relationship. With this much air in her chart, however, Jada could find herself over-intellectualizing emotion rather than processing her feelings. 

Jada’s Venus in Libra is naturally relationship-inclined—always looking for the right balance (can’t forget the scales!). She’s naturally attracted to grace, charm and talent, inherently in search of her perfect mirror. 

Meanwhile, her Mars in Aquarius is a friendship-oriented placement that straddles the line between independence and a sense of belonging. Expect the unconventional with Mars in Aquarius (these are not your typical relationship types/she’s got a thing for Bad Boys). Mars in Aquarius struggles with wanting to be where the people are while preserving the freedom to explore something different (ahem, August Alsina).

Synastry of Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith

While there is no hard and fast rule regarding synastry, Jada Pinkett Smith and Will Smith share interesting relational aspects that offer additional color around their seemingly unconventional dynamic—especially with all their Libra energy!

For starters, Jada and Will have matching Venus in Libra—cute! As Venus in Libra can indicate our love language and how we relate to each other, a natural sweetness and ease exists between the two. Think small-talk for days, balanced perspectives, and even endless artistic collaboration. With both parties rocking Venus in Libra, they could overtly prioritize their relationship and social Hollywood obligation—too many compromises that don’t reflect their true needs. 

Will Smith isn’t just a Venus in Libra, he’s a Libra Sun, with Mercury and the South Node in Libra—his need to mate and relate is very real—reflecting Jada’s inherent desires. However, all of Will’s Libra could grate on Jada’s Virgo stellium (Sun, Moon, Mercury and Pluto). As subsequent signs in the zodiac, Libra and Virgo act as corrective forces for each other; Libra is concerned with the surface and how things look from the outside, whereas Virgo is concerned with relationship management and the fine print. 

Despite all that Libra, Will has Mars in Virgo in his fourth house of home and family, a grounded placement that can bridge the distance between their respective stelliums. Mars in Virgo is service-oriented, responsible, and eager to help, bordering on martyr status. Will is an active agent (Mars) who can help Jada navigate her anxiety and mental health (Virgo) and is willing to work on the relationship no matter the cost.

On a deeper level, Jada’s Virgo stellium helps facilitate Will’s self-actualization, usually through a disagreement or confrontation (Mars). While Will may be quick to help his damsel in distress (Virgo), he’s also uncovering the parts of him that need to be worked on, especially concerning relationship and family dynamics.

In the aftermath of Oscar slap, Will has opened up about his unresolved childhood trauma having witnessed his mother at the receiving end of his father’s physical abuse. The incident was born out of Will’s internalized shame and guilt (Virgo) as a child, trying to make things right this time around by standing up for his partner (Mars).

See the Will Smith birth chart

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