Megan Thee Stallion’s birth chart, interpreted by The AstroTwins
The following analysis by celebrity astrologers Tali & Ophi Edut, aka The AstroTwins, highlights the most interesting astrological features of Megan Thee Stallion’s birth chart for all level astrology readers to understand. Additional reporting by Astrostyle Contributing Editor Tasha Beg @thepopastrologist
When Is Megan Thee Stallion’s Birthday?
Megan Thee Stallion’s birthday is February 15.
Megan Thee Stallion’s Sun Sign Is Unique Aquarius
•The Sun represents the essence of your personality, your main character energy•
Megan Thee Stallion’s astrological sign is Aquarius. She was born on February 15, 1995, in San Antonio, Texas.
Aquarius is known for its trailblazing spirit and penchant for originality. They often march to the beat of their own orbit, valuing independence and innovation. Aquarius is known as the “rebel” of the zodiac, the type to pursue unconventional paths and form unlikely collaborations. For Megan, this manifests as a relentless pursuit of her artistic vision, carving out her identity in the male-dominated hip-hop landscape.
Megan’s Sun is in her ambitious tenth house—a public placement that signifies a strong drive to stand out and make a mark in the world. Her 10th house Sun suggests Megan is not just interested in fame; she seeks to use her platform for social change. Megan has used social media (very Aquarius-coded) to speak up for black women (check out her op-ed in The New York Times), body positivity and mental health awareness.
Megan launched her non-profit organization, the Pete and Thomas Foundation (named after her late parents), to help fund charitable programs in Houston. Megan’s inspirational actions and unapologetic attitude reflect the progressive and humanitarian nature of her Aquarian Sun—real “Hot Girl.”
@theestallion ♒️♒️♒️♒️😇😇😇😇 #MEGAN ♬ B.A.S. (feat. Kyle Richh) – Megan Thee Stallion
Megan Thee Stallion’s Moon Is In Entertaining Leo
•Your moon sign governs the “inner you” and influences your emotions•
As a fiery Leo moon, Megan Thee Stallion is a natural hype-woman. She may identify as a “savage,” but she is undisputedly a talented Queen (Leo and regality go hand-in-hand). Megan is a passionate entertainer. She’s just as comfortable sharing the stage with Beyoncé on tour as she is hosting the 50th anniversary of MTV’s Video Music Awards and stealing the spotlight in Pepsi’s iconic “We Will Rock You” commercial.
As an Aquarius Sun and Leo moon, Megan was born under a full moon phase (Aquarius and Leo are opposite signs!) Those born under this lunar phase tend to get involved in complicated relationship matters (especially with Megan’s passionate Leo moon). Between the foot-shooting charges involving her ex, rapper Torey Lanez, and her recent feud with Nicki Minaj, it’s safe to say there’s no shortage of drama in Megan’s life.
Body-od-ody-ody Taurus Is Megan Thee Stallion’s Rising Sign
•Your rising sign, or ascendant, is the first impression you make. Like a filter, it “tints” your Sun sign•
Megan Thee Stallion is a Taurus Rising. As Taurus is the zodiac sign associated with flora and fauna, it’s only fitting that Megan’s entertainer persona would involve a self-described Stallion.
Taurus risings are naturally “one-with-the-herd” and like to be where the people are. They understand the importance of upholding appearances, often masking what’s going on behind closed doors.
As a fixed sign, Tauruses are known for their loyalty and stubbornness—they are naturally territorial of those in their inner circle. Megan has affectionately spoken about her friendship with fellow female rapper Cardi B, expressing her appreciation for Cardi and the loyalty she’s demonstrated through the years.
Megan Thee Stallion’s Chart Ruler? Classy and Bougie Venus in Capricorn
•Your chart ruler is the planet that rules over your rising sign•
As a Taurus Rising, Megan’s chart is ruled by none other than her Venus in Capricorn. A chart ruler acts like the personal character in the movie of your life. With Megan’s Venus in Capricorn driving her chart, she assumes the role of a determined and tenacious “If it ain’t about the money, then you know I’m gon’ ignore it” hottie.
Venus in Capricorn indicates a serious and disciplined approach to her relationships and career. Megan began rapping at a young age and quickly made a name for herself in Houston’s underground scene by taking on male rappers in a competitive format—no easy feat for a woman trying to break into the space.
Amidst her superstar rise, Megan was also determined to finish college—something her late mother and grandmother had instilled in her before they passed. Venus in Capricorn embodies a strong-willed lineage of women who deeply respect and honor their inherited legacy.
Megan ultimately graduated with a Bachelor’s in Health Administration in 2021 from Texas Southern University—juggling a full five-class load and entertainment career in her final semester before graduating! Now that’s some serious determination.
Love Astrology of Megan Thee Stallion: Pragmatic, Grounded
•Venus and Mars are the love planets in astrology. In your birth chart, Venus represents seduction and romance while Mars represents lust, motivation and erotic instincts.
Mars and Venus form a complicated elemental aspect known as a quincunx in Megan Thee Stallion’s natal chart, indicative of some underlying tension inherent in her relationships. Megan has her Venus in Capricorn, catalyzing her Mars in Leo. While quincunxes might seem contradictory on the surface, Mars and Venus ultimately act as “cosmic antidotes” for each other.
Megan has Venus in Capricorn—a pragmatic and grounded placement that appreciates the finer things in life. Venus in Capricorn types tend to approach romantic relationships with a serious mindset, valuing stability and long-term commitment; they’re looking for a partner who can match their drive and ambition—no average Joes here. For Megan, love isn’t just about passion, it’s also about building a solid foundation for the future, which could contradict her natal Mars in Leo’s fiery whims.
Megan’s Mars is also retrograde in Leo, indicative of going-against-the-grain energy that accentuates her authenticity (who says female empowerment can’t be sexy?). While Leo is known for its boldness and charisma, those with Mars retrograde may struggle with being assertive, often preferring to take a step back rather than dominate the conversation or decision-making.
Megan’s Mars also activates her Leo moon, which could suggest an inherent challenge around how Megan finds safety in an intimate relationship—the idea of Megan feeling a need to perform to keep up appearances rather than be rooted in her moral compass is interesting to consider (Venus in Capricorn).
Megan Thee Stallion’s South Node Is In Steadfast Taurus
•Astrologers use the nodes of the moon (found opposite each other in your birth chart) to determine where your destiny lies (North node) and what you were in past lifetimes (South node).
Megan Thee Stallion has her South Node (past-life karma) in Taurus and her North Node (destiny) in Scorpio. Her Taurus South Node is in her first house of self and her Scorpio North Node is in her collaborative seventh house.
With her first house South Node in Taurus, Megan possesses a strong sense of self and a desire for comfort and stability. This placement can manifest as a natural inclination toward familiarity; these types may be grounded and practical, finding comfort in routine and material stability. Megan could feel like she can only count on herself, even as she finds herself in a trusted partnership.
With her North Node in Scorpio and her collaborative seventh house, however, Megan is learning to cultivate a deeper emotional connection with her relationships. She is being asked to move beyond her comfort zone, embracing the intensity, vulnerability and complexities of a deep, emotional relationship (blemishes and all). Megan may initially struggle with trust or fear of losing sense of self but is ultimately guided to forge connections that challenge her to grow.
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