What’s happening in astrology today
May 26 in the stars: Venus is in Cancer, sextile Uranus in Taurus. What’s it mean for you? Find out below in our daily horoscopes for Friday May 26.
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Your daily horoscopes for Friday May 26, 2023
Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Friday May 26
If money gets funny today, use humor to diffuse the situation. Then get real. Is it time for a new system of budgeting, saving or divvying up expenses? Rather than letting frustration kick in, spearhead a creative brainstorming session. Friends, family, even a coworker may have brilliant suggestions or, if you need a side hustle, could provide a lead worth following. Got a little extra coin to spare? Surprise someone you adore by picking up the tab.
Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Friday May 26
Do you feel like a broken record, Bull? Bringing up THAT subject again won’t engender change, especially if you bare your teeth instead of your soul. And as liberated Uranus gets in friendly formation with your ruler, diplomatic Venus, playing nice will work in everyone’s favor. No one likes being backed into a corner, least of all you. To get the results you desire in this relationship, dangle a carrot. When you’re off enjoying life, you’ll easily switch from pursuer to pursued!
Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Friday May 26
You have results to produce, Gemini, but at what price? If “making it happen” requires you to do anything remotely shady, rethink your game plan. Single-mindedness could draw enemies today, and that’s not something anyone can afford. Even if you ARE dealing with a sketchy competitor, keep your strategy undercover instead of getting emotional and showing your hand! How sure are you that you still want to seal that deal you’ve been working on?
Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Friday May 26
Now accepting applications for the Cancer Crew! Today, Venus in your sign gets pinged by communal Uranus, bringing refreshingly good reasons to widen the radius of your inner circle. At the very least, you may pick up a couple merry bandits to hang out with for the evening. Be open to the kindness and wit of strangers. This cosmic connection activates your humanitarian side as well. New ways for giving back could emerge over dinner conversations. Explore!
Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Friday May 26
Much as you’d love to unplug and get an early start to the weekend, your people need you. Check in before checking out—or at least before you nod off for a disco nap. Uncomfortable feelings that you’ve been avoiding may surface against your will. Rather than attempting to distract yourself, process with a wise friend. But choose a confidant who has been down this road. You need solutions, not more speculations!
Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Friday May 26
Good luck getting a moment to yourself today. A flurry of invites could disrupt your focus, and all you can do is surrender. Hey, Virgo, the universe’s plan might be better than your insistence on keeping nose to grindstone. While you’re mingling, you could connect to a helpful person who can not only elevate your vision but potentially partner up on production.
Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Friday May 26
The details don’t matter as much as the big picture today, but that’s a tough thing for your (ahem) particular sign to remember. While you’re busy making everything “just so,” you could miss your window of opportunity. So do something very un-Libra-like and move ahead without deliberating…just because you feel like it! Picking up the pace can be exhilarating, especially if a trusted friend is leading the way.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Friday May 26
Ideas may be a dime a dozen, but under today’s brilliant mashup of Venus and Uranus, you’re sitting on a gold mine. And if you want to expand your “net worth,” get into dialogue with other great minds. Brainstorming sessions are sure to lead you…somewhere. But it’s not so much about following a treasure map as it is about the journey itself. Trust the process, talk it through, and you’ll arrive at an ideal solution!
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Friday May 26
People’s opinions aren’t law, Sagittarius, so try not to take every offhand comment to heart. That may be easier said than done today, when a Venus-Uranus combo leaves you cranky and erratic. Steer clear of the button pushers, and set limits with people who aren’t great with time. If they don’t show up by a certain hour, you may have to leave without them!
Read more Sagittarius horoscopes
Capricorn (December 22-January 18) daily horoscope for Friday May 26
Relationship readjustment time! Today you’ll quickly notice where dynamics have grown lopsided. If you’ve been playing Best Supporting with a castmate, feel free to request a little star treatment in return. As the zodiac’s provider sign, people don’t always realize they’re leaning heavily on you. But that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t speak up on your own behalf!
Read more Capricorn horoscopes
Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Friday May 26
The deprivation mindset never worked for anyone, not even the most principled Aquarius. Don’t deny yourself a well-deserved treat today. Just think about gifting yourself something from a different category. For example, if you’re eating clean, you might splurge on a candle instead of a cupcake, or if you swore off dirty martinis, book a massage instead. Has someone been extra kind to you lately? This is your cue to reciprocate!
Pisces (February 19-March 20) daily horoscope for Friday May 26
Today’s electrifying alignment of Venus and Uranus reboots your joie de vivre. Even if you leave the house in a mood, it won’t be long before you’re charming the barista and texting a friend for a spontaneous brunch. Don’t sleep on the muse, though! If a creative brainstorm strikes, excuse yourself and head to your “studio!” But don’t get lost in there. This convivial cosmic mashup could lead you to some legendary Friday night fun.
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