What’s happening in astrology today
July 9 in the stars: Quarter moon in Aries; Mercury in Cancer, trine Neptune in Pisces. What’s it mean for you? Find out below in our daily horoscopes for Sunday July 9.
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Your daily horoscopes for Sunday July 9, 2023

Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Sunday July 9
During Sunday’s quarter-moon phase, you could find yourself ruminating on bigger questions like, Where are all my actions taking me? A course correction may be in order if your goals have become more about making money than finding actual satisfaction. Aim for both, Ram! If a particular “watched pot” is refusing to boil, take advantage of Sunday’s distracting Mercury-Neptune trine and focus on something else. Despite your best efforts, it’s not always up to you how fast things get done. The lesson, of course, is to be more in tune with the bigger picture—if things (or people) are slow, it could be for a reason. Vent to a friend so the frustration doesn’t get to you. Or go for a brisk walk or blood-pumping run. Your main focus? Dialing down the anxiety.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Sunday July 9
With the Aries moon hitting your restorative twelfth house all weekend—and arriving at a balancing quarter-moon phase on Sunday—you have permission to bow out of draining obligations. At the very least, reschedule them for a time when you’re feeling stronger. This weekend is about tending to your emotions and possibly processing a recent loss. Regardless of circumstances, saying no to things you DON’T want to do can be so refreshing. Start practicing, Bull; this is a skill worth building. Fortunately, Sunday’s supportive Mercury-Neptune trine connects you with kindred spirits. Peek at your phone periodically to see who wants to hang, but try to keep devices out of your sight line when you’re talking to people. Being present and undistracted will deepen your bonds. If you’ve been spinning your wheels, tap your inner circle for wisdom and insights. Stay open to their feedback, even (and especially) if it involves stepping out of your comfort zone in a proactive way.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Sunday July 9
When la luna reaches its quarter-moon phase on Sunday, you may feel inspired to explore a new scene, perhaps via the introduction of a great friend. Tag along and see what she’s been raving about! But bear in mind that you may be driven to distraction this Sunday as your ruler, mental Mercury, gets in the flow with blurry Neptune. Don’t even bother trying to decipher people’s motives or the meaning behind their messages. You’ll only come up with about 800 different possibilities that could all be true. Instead, see what happens if you surrender the need to know. The answer might just show up when you’re not looking for it!

Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Sunday July 9
Thanks to Sunday’s flowing trine to imaginative Neptune, your creativity will be out in full force. So will your nomadic spirit, so plan to get out for a day of meandering! A road trip—or full-on weekend getaway—will refuel your inspiration stores. No matter where you find yourself, talk shop freely, Cancer.The Aries moon is hovering in your career zone both days, reaching its harmonizing quarter phase on Sunday. As long as you don’t start wheeling and dealing, discussing your professional passions can make for engaging brunch talk. Plus, there are no better sounding boards for a Crab than your nearest, dearest friends.

Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Sunday July 9
Sunday’s quarter moon helps you view a delicate situation from a philosophical perspective. Though walking on eggshells is never fun, what are you learning about diplomacy here? Some people can take the direct hit, others can’t. Seek out friends with thicker skins—and better senses of humor. And know that you’re also a bit of a psychic sponge this weekend. For this you can thank (or blame) messenger Mercury, who’s plunged in your esoteric twelfth house. Shield your field on Sunday, when boundary-challenged Neptune enters the game. If you aren’t careful, you could lose hours problem-solving for someone who isn’t even ready for that kind of “fix.” As tough as it is to detach, speak your piece, then change the subject.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Sunday July 9
Sunday’s quarter moon brings some moderating energy to the mix. Rushing headlong into a stimulating situation could bring an emotional crash that isn’t worth the pain. Take a breath and try to think about the impact of your actions, no matter how fast your heart is beating. You’ll have plenty of LESS-charged invitations all weekend, thanks to a supportive trine between your ruler, Mercury, and compassionate Neptune. Step away from your to-do list and go for brunch and a walk with your favorite sounding boards. While you’re wired for productivity, brainstorming conversations like these are what get you inspired to actually do the work! Arguably, that makes them the most fundamental part of the process.

Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Sunday July 9
Sunday’s quarter moon helps you restore equilibrium. If you’ve been overgiving, don’t get mad. Even the score by requesting support from your friend or S.O. Extend the benefit of the doubt. They might actually be oblivious of their neglect. Then, redistribute responsibilities so you’re both pulling your weight and are clear about who is handling which task. You could bounce out of bed feeling inspired and productive, thanks to Sunday’s Mercury-Neptune trine stoking your imagination. And if not, just wait until that first cup of matcha kicks in, Libra. If you hit a wall along the way, break to handle mundane tasks like upgrading your apps, refilling your business card order or cleaning out your inbox. This can actually be soul-soothing. Once you’ve cleared those “boulders,” hand your creative side the wheel again!

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Sunday July 9
Sunday’s quarter moon helps you lay out a framework for success. Put a structure in place and break your duties down into actionable steps. This will make the “impossible” feel doable. Make sure your time frame is challenging enough to keep you motivated yet realistic enough to pull off without turning into a total stress case. With curious Mercury in your travel zone all weekend, you might do your best thinking AWAY from home. And thanks to free-flowing Neptune fist-bumping the messenger planet on Sunday, it’s anyone’s guess where these exploratory journeys could lead. Under this poetic planetary alignment, you could nail the choreography for a dance piece or suddenly feel flooded with appreciative feelings for bae. Your job? Stay open to the muse!

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Sunday July 9
On Sunday, a stabilizing quarter moon provides a more levelheaded lens. Keep people in their proper categories: a hot hookup does not a husband (or wife) make. If you’ve been a little too eager with your S.O., pull back and get obsessed with your own creative pursuits. That might even involve turning the video camera on yourself and hitting record! Share your wisdom and humor with the world or find an outlet to express your imagination. And make room for your emotions. On Sunday, a heart-opening trine between mental Mercury and deep-diving Neptune is bringing buried feelings to the surface. Your first instinct may be to avoid them, perhaps with the numbing agent of a large bowl of ice cream or boozy brunch. Avoid the avoidance! A little introspection brings epic insights that can turn this all around. You just have to get past the discomfort of any sadness or anger that arises. You’ve got this!
Read more Sagittarius horoscopes

Capricorn (December 22-January 18) daily horoscope for Sunday July 9
Fortunately, on Sunday, a balancing quarter moon gives you a friendly nudge to open your heart. You had major aha moments at the Capricorn full moon this past Monday. Perform a check-in to ensure your head and heart are still aligned. You may need to rearrange your personal space so it’s more functional or get the advice of a beloved relative before the weekend is through. Good news! Sunday’s Mercury-Neptune trine puts you in a team-centric mood, eager to listen to ideas and maybe even roll up your sleeves in tandem. Instead of committing to anything long-term, use this bustling energy to test out different synergies. One friend might be the perfect fitness buddy while another could be your future shared officemate. One way or another, bouncing ideas around over brunch could give you all a burst of motivation.
Read more Capricorn horoscopes

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Sunday July 9
Sunday’s quarter moon reminds you that your ideas are actually “intellectual property” and could grow in value over time. Don’t underestimate their worth—you could be talking to potential competition without even realizing it. Sunday’s Mercury-Neptune trine in the grounded, practical zones of your chart could yield an exciting harvest for recent efforts. If you’ve been focusing on, say, revenue generation, you may take the morning hours to get uber-organized. Follow up where need be. Same goes for your budget. Take a magnifying glass to see where you can cut expenses and save in greater chunks. Plus, all this detailed work might even reveal some money you left on the table.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) daily horoscope for Sunday July 9
On Sunday, a practical quarter moon helps you lay the framework for some lofty ideas that arrived on the July 3 full moon. Remember: Rome wasn’t built in a day. Start small, tackling what’s right in front of you in the foreseeable future. As much as you want to spill your guts this Sunday, you’re better served by keeping quiet—or at least selectively mum. As your ruler, esoteric Neptune, dances with expressive Mercury, your boldness could overshadow your self-awareness. For example, maybe you feel so confident about sharing a salient point or unveiling a masterpiece that you don’t read the appropriate cues of timing. Resist your impulses and force yourself to be more strategic—and definitely more observant—before you make any big reveals.