What’s happening in astrology today
August 8 in the stars: There’s a quarter moon in Taurus. What’s it mean for you? Find out below in our daily horoscopes for Tuesday August 8.
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Your daily horoscopes for Tuesday August 8, 2023
Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Tuesday August 8
Stay the course, Ram! You’re not wild about repetitive routines, but under today’s stabilizing quarter moon in practical Taurus and your grounded second house, you can make epic progress by slowly and surely plodding ahead. Even if your boredom meter goes through the roof, don’t throw in the towel. A breakthrough is just around the corner. If you feel overwhelmed by a big project, break it down into doable steps. Patience is a virtue as well as a learned skill. Take lots of breaks to get out in nature. Sunshine and oxygen are brain food.
Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Tuesday August 8
Are your needs at the bottom of the pile or the top of the heap? Self-care isn’t a luxury—and under today’s stabilizing quarter moon in Taurus, you may be reminded that it’s a necessity. Bow out of any plans that aren’t your cup of chai, then devote the day to pampering yourself as you see fit. Whether you’re getting a massage and French manicure or reading a book on the beach, carve out the biggest possible window of time where you have no one to answer to but yourself. It’s not selfish, Bull. When you’re relaxed and recharged, everyone wins.
Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Tuesday August 8
Even if you can’t forget, you CAN forgive. Today, with a harmonizing quarter moon in Taurus illuminating your twelfth house of compassion and release, you’re in a perfect position to extend the olive branch. Maybe you have every reason to be mad at someone in your circle, but who’s suffering more? It might be YOU, Gemini. We all make mistakes, but it’s a mark of character to absolve and move on. Of course, if there’s a “next time,” you might want to think twice about keeping this person close.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday August 8
Two heads—and hearts—are SO much better than one, Cancer! If you’ve been trying to do it all alone (again), today’s quarter moon in Taurus and your collaborative eleventh house could reveal the futility in that strategy. Instead of struggling, drum up clever ways to pool resources with friends and neighbors. Be open to new people joining your core squad, especially if they have new ideas and positive energy to offer.
Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday August 8
If you’ve been racing toward a finish line but suddenly realize you’re heading in a direction that doesn’t suit your style, stop! Today’s quarter moon in Taurus and your career house can help you recalibrate your success strategy. Stop to examine what your heart desires NOW (as opposed to the last time you updated your LinkedIn profile). It’s okay to shift your course. In fact, it’s a prerequisite to happiness! Just try not to bite off more than you can chew. Rome wasn’t built in a day!
Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday August 8
Should you tell them how you REALLY feel, Virgo? Today’s quarter moon in vocal Taurus activates your candid ninth house. You might feel like speaking your mind without self-editing. The trouble is, not everyone can handle unfiltered feedback. Under these balancing moonbeams, be sure to deliver your comments with compassion. Let your approach be more like a journalist than a preacher. You’ll draw more out of people by asking questions than you will by delivering sermons.
Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday August 8
The jade-eyed monster could make an unexpected appearance today as the quarter moon in Taurus fires up your eighth house of intense emotions. Trust, jealousy, competitiveness and even rage could rise to the surface and catch you by surprise. Try to keep your Libran cool and weigh your feelings against all available facts. You may have a legit reason to be distraught, but making a mountain out of a molehill could permanently damage an important relationship.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Tuesday August 8
Great minds don’t always think alike, Scorpio. Today, the most helpful feedback might come from people who see the world from a vastly different POV. Open up the opinion polls and listen objectively. Even if you don’t take their advice to heart, this process could illuminate unseen possibilities. Under today’s quarter moon, you might feel a frisson of romance with an attractive “opposite.” Explore! Bring an existing relationship back to equilibrium by doing more giving—or receiving, if you’ve been the generous one.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Tuesday August 8
Tumbled off the wellness wagon? If you try to offset your fall with deprivation, you’ll never get on an even keel. Vibrant health isn’t about being unnaturally thin or smashing a triathlon. It’s about forming habits you can stick with—and enjoy! Today’s stabilizing quarter moon in Taurus and your sixth house of healthy living can point the way to a well-modulated self-care plan. Aim to eat nutritious (e.g., not junk) food 80 percent of the time, and instead of grueling workouts, move every day and work in short bursts of high-intensity intervals.
Read more Sagittarius horoscopes
Capricorn (December 22-January 18) daily horoscope for Tuesday August 8
Pump yourself up, Capricorn! Today’s quarter moon in Taurus revs up your fifth house of drama and fame, making this a perfect day for a little shameless self-promotion. Go ahead and post some glamorous selfies and humblebrags. In love, a moderate approach works best today. While you don’t want to be secretive, save the acoustic guitar serenades for another time. For now, focus on being bae’s best friend (with benefits, naturally), and you’ll hit the perfect target.
Read more Capricorn horoscopes
Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Tuesday August 8
Give Chateau Aquarius a little love! Today’s quarter moon in Taurus illuminates your domestic fourth house, giving you the urge to purge—and then maybe do a little nest-feathering. Clear out the clutter so you can see what’s there and decide what you love enough to keep. Get rid of those clothes that are never going to come back in style. Lose enough stuff and you might actually have room for a meditation and yoga area. Now see how much white space you can build into your calendar so you can enjoy your home sweet home.
Pisces (February 19-March 20) daily horoscope for Tuesday August 8
Speak up, Pisces! You won’t be at a loss for words today as the quarter moon in Taurus activates your communication corner. Hit “send” on that message that’s been snoozing in your drafts folder (just read it over first) and slide into you-know-who’s DMs. Then search for important emails that might have gotten buried. You might have skipped a “can’t miss” invitation! And even if you didn’t, don the entertainment director’s cap. Fun that the whole squad can enjoy is a Lyft ride away! The only catch? Figuring out who to invite and who to leave off the list. This quarter moon calls for savvier curating of your crew. Time to stop letting that bad apple spoil the barrel.