Daily Horoscopes for Tuesday July 11, 2023 | The AstroTwins
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Daily Horoscopes for Tuesday July 11, 2023

What’s happening in astrology today

July 11 in the stars: Mercury enters Leo until July 28. What’s it mean for you? Find out below in our daily horoscopes for Tuesday July 11.

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Your daily horoscopes for Tuesday July 11, 2023

Aries Daily horoscope

Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Tuesday July 11

If you’ve got a song to sing, a story to tell or a declaration of love to proclaim, don’t keep it to yourself, Ram! Today, messenger Mercury takes over the DJ booth in your fifth house of creativity, fame and romance until July 28. Your star power is on the rise, and you owe it to yourself AND your fan base to get your work out there! Whether you’re single or otherwise engaged, this is a lovely two-week period to deepen a bond or bring more playful energy into your life.

Read more Aries horoscopes

Taurus daily horoscope

Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Tuesday July 11

Where is the love? If you’ve been on the outs with a friend or relative, begin the process of burying the hatchet today as communicator Mercury bolts into big-hearted Leo and your intimate fourth house. Between now and July 28, the messenger planet supports you with healing this rift. You don’t actually have to rehash the upsetting situation in extreme detail. But DO let this person know how much you care about them and how sincerely you want your loving relationship back. Mean it, and they’ll feel it.

Read more Taurus horoscopes

Gemini Daily Horoscope

Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Tuesday July 11

There’s no time to waste on gossip or small talk, Gemini. Starting today, your galactic guardian, articulate Mercury, will be buzzing through Leo and your expressive third house, firing up your natural genius until July 28. Ideas come pouring in a mile a minute, and it’s all you can do to capture a handful. Keep a small notebook or recording app with you at all times. There could be gold in these brainstorms—literally. Who knows? One big idea may be all it takes to make you the next celebrated influencer or digital mogul.

Read more Gemini horoscopes

Cancer Daily Horoscope

Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday July 11

Keep your mind on the bottom line because today, savvy Mercury beams into Leo and charges up your income-generating second house until July 28. During this productive cycle, focus on the practical details. With some ingenuity and elbow grease, you could turn one of your most promising ideas into a viable revenue stream. Social Mercury can help you network your way into a job opportunity. If you’re on the hunt for more gainful employment, see if friends or former coworkers know of any openings.

Leo Daily Horoscope

Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday July 11

The universe hands you the mic today as voluble Mercury whips into Leo and fires up your first house of self-expression until July 28. Now that you have people’s attention, how DO you want to sway the masses? Do you want to get a buzz going about a creative venture? Rally people around a cause that you’re personally connected with? During this cycle, important eyes will be on you. Make sure your outer style reflects the “you” that you want the world to take notice of.

Read more Leo horoscopes

Virgo Daily Horoscope

Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday July 11

Sometimes, Virgo, your inner critic can be the loudest voice in the chorus. So for the next couple weeks, surround yourself with supportive people who mirror back your greatness. Until July 28, your ruler, rational Mercury, is free-falling through Leo and your murky twelfth house. Observe the conversations going on in your head. (Better yet, record them in your journal.) You may realize ways your thoughts influence events and outcomes. It might take some effort, but start training yourself to focus on the results you WANT to create instead of looking for all the things that could (but probably won’t) go wrong.

Read more Virgo horoscopes

Libra Daily Horoscope

Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday July 11

Let’s hear it for team spirit! Your pep is naturally high, but starting today, when sociable Mercury swings into your collaborative eleventh house, you’ll be ready to spearhead something epic. It’s easy for you to root-root-root for your friends and colleagues, but between now and July 28, you can channel your vivacious energy into supporting one squad in particular. Since the eleventh house also rules activism and technology, you could tap into a wider audience via social media, all while changing the world for the better.

Read more Libra horoscopes

Scorpio Daily Horoscope

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Tuesday July 11

Everyone could use a little updating and upgrading when it comes to their career, Scorpio, and your chance comes now! Messenger Mercury struts into regal Leo, guiding you to a new professional pinnacle by July 28. People do make snap judgments based on image, so make sure you are representing like a stylish, savvy pro. To get your online presence up to snuff, hire—or barter with—a copy editor and a graphic designer who can add the extra polish to make everything pop.

Read more Scorpio horoscopes

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Tuesday July 11

Mic drops: incoming! Today, loquacious Mercury buzzes into your live-out-loud ninth house, and you may be more explicit than ever! (Who knew that was even possible?) While honesty is the only policy you’ve ever known, there is such a thing as not dispensing the whole unvarnished truth. Diplomacy will go a long way from now until July 28, though it might be in short supply. Log into that translator app! This worldly Mercury cycle could inspire you to start conversing in Portuguese or Thai—or deciphering a new “code” like tarot or performance data.

Read more Sagittarius horoscopes

Capricorn Daily Horoscope

Capricorn (December 22-January 18) daily horoscope for Tuesday July 11

Your animal magnetism will be fiercer than ever as compelling Mercury slinks into your seductive eighth house starting today. You won’t have to work hard to draw people into your innermost sphere—but you might want to elevate the eligibility requirements for entry. Beyond common values, it’s essential to connect with them on multiple dimensions (as in mind, body and soul). Coupled Caps can go deep under this transit. What’s next for your relationship? These discussions could be your favorite form of pillow talk between now and July 28. 

Read more Capricorn horoscopes

Aquarius Daily Horoscope

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Tuesday July 11

Ah, the paradox of being an Aquarius: You’re an unabashed “people person” who also requires large blocks of alone time. Expect to pair up more frequently starting today, when social Mercury beams into Leo and your seventh house of committed connections. Between now and July 28, you’ll be even more electrifying, and people will swarm to your sphere. If you’ve been carrying a disproportionate amount of the load yourself, you’ll appreciate a like-minded partner to share it with. This could be for work, a creative project or romance…and good on you if you can blend two of those!

Read more Aquarius horoscopes

Pisces Daily Horoscope

Pisces (February 19-March 20) daily horoscope for Tuesday July 11

Nimble Mercury has been zipping through your active fifth house for the past three weeks, but it’s time to slow your roll. Starting today, the messenger planet settles down in Leo and your sixth house of health and organization until July 28. The first lesson: Start giving your body the royal treatment with clean food and regular movement. Another thing to add to your day: regular breaks. It’s good for your body, your mind—and your stress levels. With clever Mercury here, it’s a great time to get tasks, projects and paperwork streamlined and systematized.

Read more Pisces horoscopes


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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of Astrostyle.com and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.