Aquarius Monthly Horoscope: February 2025 Career, Love... by The AstroTwins | Astrostyle
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Aquarius Monthly Horoscope: February 2025 Career, Love... by The AstroTwins | Astrostyle

Aquarius Monthly Horoscope

Aquarius Monthly Horoscope: February 2025 Career, Love... by The AstroTwins | Astrostyle

Aquarius Monthly Horoscope February 2025 - Page 3

Power to your partnerships! Make time for a special soul, or the key players on Team Aqua, at the February 12 Leo full moon. With your seventh house of committed connections flooded by these passionate beams, you’ll crave the company of someone who complements you beautifully. Opposites don’t merely attract under this lunar light, they click into place for a power-couple-style alliance. 
This union could be romantic, but that’s not the only shape twosomes could take under the manifesting beams of this full moon. Leo energy is playful, theatrical, artistic and expressive. Don’t be surprised if you discover new dimensions to the people in your world, which could lead to all sorts of tag-team efforts. A fellow creative could become your songwriting partner, like legendary Aquarians Carole King and Gerry Goffin who composed a fleet of No. 1 hits in the 1960s—and were briefly married FWIW.
No matter where you spot the synergies, you’ll feel anything BUT lukewarm for the people in your path this February 12. If you’ve been on the fence about whether to stay or go, these decisive moonbeams will help you finally reach a decision. A partnership that’s been developing since as far back as the August 4 Leo NEW moon could reach a key turning point. This is a great day to hammer out deal points or to even sign on the dotted line. 
Remember this, Aquarius: A key aspect of a healthy partnership, no matter if it’s at work or at play, is being able to see things from another’s POV and give a little as you take a little. Don’t forget the power of negotiation during this full moon. With la luna dancing through a dynamic T-square (three-way tug-of-war) with the Sun and Mercury in Aquarius and your ruler, innovative Uranus in Taurus, it might be tempting to ram through your agenda or stubbornly refuse to budge. Playing hardball, however, will backfire on you, blowing the deal. Even the most celestial of connections have to meet in the middle sometimes. A little compromise now could set you up for longer-term gains down the line.
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