Will your sign be lucky in 2024? Will you fall in love? How will the year be for you? All about 2024 astrology, from The AstroTwins.
The following 2024 horoscopes are partially excerpted from The AstroTwins 2024 Horoscope astrology book, which is also available as individual sign daily planners!
Could you be among 2024’s luminaries? Well, why not? Nepo baby privilege is not required to get ahead this year. Taurus jazz queen and civil rights activist Ella Fitzgerald said it best, “It isn’t where you came from, it’s where you’re going that counts.”
2025 Horoscope
2025 Horoscope
So, where are we going in 2024?
Existentially, humans are facing a crisis. As UAPs (formerly known as “UFOs”) buzz our skies, can our species survive accelerated climate change, disease, radicalized ideologies, global wars, gun violence and widespread abuse? Fear has torn communities apart, right when we need each other the most. We are grappling with the weight of history and it’s time to reinvent the wheel. Fortunately, 2024’s starry lineup is primed to help us do just that!
What’s also quite nice—and, if we’re being honest, a huge relief—is that most of 2024’s planetary alignments are a continuation of transits that began in 2023:
• The lunar nodes remain in Aries and Libra
• Saturn keeps on paddling through Pisces, and
• Pluto do-si-dos between Capricorn and Aquarius.
Until Jupiter leaves Taurus and moves into Gemini on May 25, there’s nothing technically “new” going on with the trend-shaping outer planets. That means we already have a baseline of familiarity with the energies of this year. And after a decade fraught with so much change and instability, what a relief it will be to not have to recalibrate our bearings all over again!
2024 horoscopes by zodiac sign
Below are 2024 horoscopes for every zodiac sign. You can read for your Sun sign or your rising sign (ascendant). Visit our Cosmic Calculator section if you want to calculate your Rising sign or discover more about your personal astrology.
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Aries 2024

You continue reinventing yourself from the ground up in 2024, Aries, which is both exhilarating and disorienting. The destiny-dusted lunar North Node spends the entire year powering through your sign, a game-changing event that only happens about once every two decades. You’ve got a running start on this, since this cycle began on July 17, 2023 and doesn’t end until January 11, 2025.
So, Aries, what on earth is next for your life? Keep reading the 2024 horoscope for Aries!
Taurus 2024

This year, your sharpest compass is the one that resides deep inside of you, Taurus. Call it your gut instinct, your intuition, your core values. As the planets push you out of your comfort zone, you can always come home to your finely honed beliefs. That’s the beauty of being a Taurus!
Remember that, Bull, because 2024 promises to be an exhilarating year, jam-packed with adventure. With expansive Jupiter and experimental Uranus joined at the hip in Taurus until May 25, a treasure trove of new opportunities awaits your discovery. The work you do during this powerful year of renewal and fresh starts could raise your public profile in a prestigious way. You’ll feel electrified with excitement! Keep reading the 2024 horoscope for Taurus!
Gemini 2024

Can you hustle and flow at the same time, Gemini? That’s your 2024 challenge. This may sound a bit like patting your head while rubbing your stomach simultaneously—not altogether impossible, but something that requires focus and intention. Good thing your sign is so gifted at bouncing between extremes.
Career momentum won’t be in short order this year! But neither will your desire for meditative downtime, which allows you to deepen your connection to spirituality and creativity. Keep reading the 2024 horoscope for Gemini!
Cancer 2024

Now they see you, now they don’t! Your best magic trick in 2024 is your uncanny ability to pull a disappearing act, only to reappear when people least expect it. When it comes to how you spend your time and energy, you want full control. This is not the time for compromising, Cancer, but rather, negotiating out-of-the-box solutions that make everyone happy. Patience for the process is required. Keep reading the 2024 horoscope for Cancer!
Leo 2024

From the boardroom to the bedroom, Leo, it’s all about who you know in 2024. All year long, planets push you to pair up, team up and collaborate for the win!
Life is anything but a spectator sport, thanks to adventurous Jupiter’s journey through Taurus and your tenth house of public prestige and leadership. With the red-spotted planet soaring alongside changemaker Uranus in Taurus until May 25, you’ll be recognized for your unique gifts. Bask in the glory, but don’t stand still. Your leadership is wanted now! That special blend of passion, power and playfulness is a heady brew that has the power to wake people up and get them into action. Keep reading the 2024 horoscope for Leo!
Virgo 2024

Feet on the ground, head in the stars: That’s how you’re rolling into 2024, Virgo! This year brings a unique set of stretching exercises as you figure out how to blend your wealth of practical wisdom with your out-of-this-world ambition. Good thing you’re one of the zodiac’s mutable signs. Versatility is your secret weapon for success!
Let’s start with the fun part—all the places you will go. (Ohhhh!) As the year opens up, wisdom seekers Jupiter and Uranus are journeying together through Taurus and your ninth house of global adventures. Until May 25, these free spirits direct your attention far beyond anything (or anywhere!) that’s comfortable and familiar. Whether you’re traveling, studying or learning a whole new way to do business, immerse yourself in every experience. Keep reading the 2024 horoscope for Virgo!
Libra 2024

As the zodiac’s pacifist, it’s not often that you let yourself confront the stormier end of the emotional spectrum. You prefer to keep things “all love,” often suppressing necessary conflicts in an effort to keep the peace. Well, Libra, how’s that working out for you? Holding up the weight of the world is just…exhausting. Let yourself off the hook!
Love cannot exist without its opposite which, this year, is not fear, but rather, genuine rage. We’re not suggesting you become a hateful, angry person. But with the karmic South Node journeying through Libra all year—a once-every-two-decades transit—you need to go down to the bottom of your own “emotion ocean” to find the buried treasure. Permission to experience it ALL, granted! Keep reading the 2024 horoscope for Libra!
Scorpio 2024

Partner up, Scorpio! In 2024, joining forces can light the path to your liberation. That might sound like a paradox, especially for someone who takes relationships as seriously as you do. But stay with us here. When you’re paired up with someone who gives as good as they get, life takes on a mood of what we like to call “contagious ease.”
While two is your magic number this year, don’t worry! Your sacred solo time is also getting support from the planets. Your cosmic ruler, evolutionary Pluto, is settling into a twenty-year transit through Aquarius and your private, domestic fourth house. And with the lunar nodes in your health and healing zones all year, being “at home” in your body and psyche will be a huge theme. Keep reading the 2024 horoscope for Scorpio!
Sagittarius 2024

Spontaneous Sagittarius, get ready for a sea change! No longer will you be able to fly by the seat of your low-slung denim; well, not if you want to stand solidly on your own two feet. The planets are calling you to do something wildly out of character in 2024: Slow down and plan.
You get to be the star too, Sagittarius. All year long, the destiny-driven North Node shines in Aries and your fifth house of fame. This glamorous, romantic cycle could put your name on the map, but not just for any old reason. Use your voice to elevate and energize. It’s time to be known for the things you care about the most! Keep reading the 2024 horoscope for Sagittarius!
Capricorn 2024

There’s no stopping a Capricorn from making plans for the future, but get ready for a (Sea Goat) sea change. In 2024, the most compelling magic will be found in the present moment. Stop, drop and look around. You’ve been overlooking some amazing things!
Don’t worry, Capricorn: Embracing “the power of now” won’t make you less productive, nor will it diminish your level of hard-won success. But it will enrich your quality of life—and ideally, get you back in touch with the artiste living within you. With indie-spirits Jupiter and Uranus rolling together through your romantic, playful and creative fifth house until May 25, that won’t be hard. 2024 could bring the hottest fun that you’ve had in years! Keep reading the 2024 horoscope for Capricorn!
Aquarius 2024

Get ready for a year of profound transformation, Aquarius, one that’s bound to be unlike anything you’ve ever experienced in the past. Mystical, evolutionary Pluto is officially drifting into your sign, awakening hidden parts of your personality and shaping you into a powerful leader for the Age of Aquarius. Yes, it’s officially your time!
But this is not an overnight transition. Pluto tours Aquarius from January 20 to September 1. Then, on November 19, it plants itself in your sign for two decades, until January 19, 2044! Expect to feel both stimulated and out of sorts as this cycle unfolds. Keep reading the 2024 horoscope for Aquarius!
Pisces 2024

Bring it in, Pisces! This year’s planets direct your attention back home—to the local scene, the Pisces palace, and the deepest dimensions of your soul’s interior space. There’s so much to love right there already. Tune in and stop overlooking the obvious.
For the first half of the year, adventure-seeking Jupiter and iconoclastic Uranus roll through Taurus and your third house of neighborhood activities. What’s happening in your neck of the woods? Get involved in the music scene, local politics, community organizing. Making new friends is as easy as breathing for you in 2024. Keep reading the 2024 horoscope for Pisces!