Justin Bieber Birth Chart - Pisces Zodiac Sign Horoscope & Birthday | Astrostyle.com
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Justin Bieber Birth Chart – Pisces Zodiac Sign Horoscope & Birthday

Justin Bieber’s birth chart, interpreted by The AstroTwins

The following analysis by celebrity astrologers Tali & Ophi Edut, aka The AstroTwins, highlights the most interesting astrological features of Justin Bieber’s birth chart for all level astrology readers to understand. Additional reporting by Astrostyle Contributing Editor Tasha Beg @thepopastrologist

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When Is Justin Bieber’s Birthday?

Justin Bieber’s birthday is March 1.

Justin Bieber’s Sun Sign Is In Dreamy Pisces

The Sun represents the essence of your personality, your main character energy

Justin Bieber was born on March 1, 1994, in London, Ontario, Canada. Justin Bieber’s astrological sign is Pisces.

As a Pisces Sun, Justin can be incredibly sweet and rather empathetic, potentially to a fault. Aside from the glamor and fame (very Piscean themes), he is ultimately a sensitive soul that might get swept up in collective hysteria and projection. 

Spiritual matters also hold deep significance to Pisces Sun natives like Justin Bieber. Aside from being one of the biggest pop stars in the world, his spirituality is a huge part of his identity. After previously being identified with the Hillsong church and Pastor Carl Lentz (before his fall from grace), Justin became a member of Churchome. 

Justin Bieber’s Sun happens to be located in his third house of social media. Pisces is also the zodiac sign linked to youth and innocence as well as virality. Having risen to fame at 15, his career and celebrity lifestyle were ultimately bolstered via social media platforms. When Justin Bieber broke onto the scene, social media, as a whole, was still very much in its nascency. This created an opportunity for him to seamlessly intertwine (Pisces) his identity and career with social media’s evolution and hyperbolic growth trajectory.

Justin Bieber’s Natal Chart Has A Magical Pisces Stellium

•A stellium is when three or more planets are in the same zodiac sign or house in a birth chart•

In addition to his Pisces Sun, Justin Bieber’s natal chart also features Venus (artistry and style) and Saturn (mastery and authority) in Pisces.

A concentration of Pisces energy in the natal chart can indicate a strong ability to go with the flow as they ride the waves of their creativity. Despite starting out as a pop star, Justin has commanded some serious staying power (musically speaking) with his multi-genre musical performances—from R&B and EDM to his Latin Despacito collaboration with Luis Fonsi—earning him a Latin GRAMMY Award.

Justin Bieber’s Moon Is In Talented Libra

•Your moon sign governs the “inner you” and influences your emotions•

Justin Bieber’s moon is in Libra, a charming air sign that’s happiest when in a relationship. They can’t help that they love to connect with others! Despite an incredibly successful music career, Justin Bieber is also known for his relationships out of the studio—his on-and-off teenage romance with Selena Gomez and current wife Hailey Biber come to mind.

As a Libra moon, Justin Bieber is naturally gifted with creativity and an artistic perspective (he’s got beauty AND a beat). Libras tend to have excellent taste, making them rather popular with a crowd! His Libra moon is located in the eleventh house of fans, traditionally linked with Aquarius energy. 

No surprises that Justin Bieber shot to superstardom at 15. He was discovered on YouTube (back in 2008 when the platform was in its infancy) by famed (and now former) manager Scooter Braun and introduced to Usher, who he collaborated with immediately for his debut single, “One Time.” Aquarius and internet work are deeply connected. To wit: Justin Bieber’s first breakout hit, “Baby,” is incredibly Libra-coded, with him singing about his first love (and heartbreak).

Justin Bieber’s Rising Sign Is Powerful Scorpio

•Your rising sign, or ascendant, is the first impression you make. Like a filter, it “tints” your Sun sign•

Justin Bieber is a Scorpio Rising.

Scorpio risings have a reputation for intensity and diligent determination. But don’t be mistaken by their seemingly cool and charming demeanor. Scorpio risings tend to mask their sensitive underbellies. As such, they’re incredibly discerning about who they let into their inner circle. 

On a superficial level, Scorpios and tattoos go hand-in-hand like peanut butter and jelly. Justin Bieber began inking himself on his 16th birthday and seemingly has no plans of stopping; he has more than 60 designs, covering both his arms, torso and most of his legs. Most of his tattoos center on religious themes—hello Pisces stellium!

One of his tattoos is the “Chi” symbol, representing Christ (nestled in his arm sleeve). Bieber previously told GQ magazine that the “X” could actually hold a deeper, more mysterious meaning. He went on to explain that “X” means unknown, that folks might know the shell of him or might know the artist but not necessarily the “real” Justin (spoken like a true Scorpio Rising).

Pluto (in Scorpio) and Mars (in Aquarius) Rule Justin Bieber’s Chart

Your chart ruler is the planet that rules over your rising sign

As a Scorpio Rising, Justin Bieber has two chart rulers, giving us more flavor for his personal avatar. Think of your chart ruler as the character you play in the music video of your life. Justin has both Pluto (planet of power and transformation) and Mars (planet of action and assertion) at the helm of his chart. 

Justin Bieber’s Pluto happens to sit right on his ascendant, coloring Bieber’s identity with intense insatiability and magnetism. While Bieber may be very Piscean with his aforementioned stellium, he’s certainly got an edge with Pluto in such a prominent natal chart position. Pluto on the ascendant types are notoriously private and powerful.

Justin’s Biieber’s Pluto happens to challenge his Mars in Aquarius. While friendship and community are important motivators for those with Mars in Aquarius, Justin has to navigate the tension between maintaining his privacy (Pluto in Scorpio) while still being connected to his wider community and fan base (Mars in Aquarius).

In 2020, that tension seemingly came to head, with Justin writing on his Instagram story: “How do you convince yourself it’s not completely inappropriate and disrespectful to wait outside my home to gawk, stare and take pictures as I walk into my apartment?”

Love Astrology of Justin Bieber: Lost In Romance, Friendship

Venus and Mars are the love planets in astrology. In your birth chart, Venus represents seduction and romance while Mars represents lust, motivation and erotic instincts.

Mars and Venus in Justin Bieber’s natal chart are situated next to each other in the zodiac, reflecting some tension as one placement acts as a corrective force for the other. As noted in the above “chart ruler” section, he has his Mars in Aquarius, to go along with his Venus in Pisces.

With his Mars in Aquarius, friendship is key to a long-lasting committed relationship. Justin Bieber is attracted to authenticity and is turned on by a partner who isn’t afraid to be themselves. He’s naturally attracted to the “alternative”—someone who is able to offer him a counter opinion that can expand his idea of the world. Intellectual stimulation and banter are extremely important. 

With Venus in Pisces, however, Justin Bieber may find himself lost in the romantic, emotional sauce. Operating out of empathy, he can get roped into the idea of overidentification; lines can get blurry and emotions overwhelming. His Venus in Pisces might pose an emotional challenge to the cool Mars in Aquarius disposition. How does he balance his friendliness and propensity to relate to others without crossing lines and commitments? Would it be too late now to say sorry?

@justinbieber A dream 😍 @Hailey Bieber ♬ Met Gala – Justin Bieber

Justin Bieber’s South Node Is In Artistic Taurus

•Astrologers use the nodes of the moon (found opposite each other in your birth chart) to determine where your destiny lies (North node) and what you were in past lifetimes (South node).

Justin Bieber has his South Node (past-life karma) in Taurus and his North Node (destiny) in Scorpio. With a South Node in Taurus, he has an arsenal of Taurean qualities to draw from in his energetic toolkit, namely his artistry as well as his voice (Taurus rules the throat after all!) 

His Taurus South Node happens to straddle his sixth house of work and health and descendent/seventh house of relationship. That particular nodal placement suggests that workaholic tendencies and overt obligation to his relationships can certainly impact his health in his pursuit for creative excellence. 

In 2022, Justin Bieber was actually diagnosed with Ramsay Hunt syndrome, a neurological disorder that causes facial weakness or paralysis. In an attempt to prioritize his health, he had to cancel the remaining dates of his tour to prioritize his health.

With his North Node in Scorpio situated on his ascendant/twelfth house, Justin Bieber is looking to come home to self and his privacy. He is here to break away from collective pressure/expectations to properly process his emotions and get connected with his spirituality.

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