What’s happening in astrology today
April 14 in the stars: Venus is in Gemini, square Saturn in Pisces. What does this mean for you? Find out below in your daily horoscope for Friday April 14.
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Your daily horoscopes for Friday April 14, 2023
Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Friday April 14
You’re easily irritated by stupid human tricks, but do your best to stay objective and not project any of YOUR stuff onto anyone else today. That may not be as easy as it sounds, however, thanks to a tense square between Venus in your impulsive third house and Saturn in your unconscious twelfth. If you start to sense unsavory motives, don’t leap to conclusions. Find a straightforward yet non-accusatory way to come out and ask them what’s really going on. Maybe what’s needed is a little space!
Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Friday April 14
Looking to buddy up with a potential collaborator for a professional or creative project? Normally your sensory instincts are your best Magic 8 Ball, but on Saturday, as idealistic Venus bangs into reality-checking Saturn in your teamwork sector, you need to lose the rose-colored glasses and NOT extend the benefit of the doubt prematurely. A solid bio and decent recommendations might look good on paper, but have a face-to-face chat in which you can ask some direct and unexpected questions. What they say—and how they react—are your best indicators.
Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Friday April 14
Regardless of how confident you feel, this is NOT the day to climb up on your soapbox and blast your message through a megaphone. With diplomatic Venus in your sign clashing with restraining Saturn in your tenth house of public image, consider yourself on planetary probation for the day. Be careful not to ruffle any feathers—or fan your own peacock plume—because the fallout from that provocative stance could cost you a key opportunity.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Friday April 14
Information overload! Your personal operating system could crash today if you don’t close some unnecessary programs and stop trying to process so much data at once. You may be more of a sprinter than a marathoner, but slow your pace to the finish line. With the cosmic taskmaster, Saturn, checking people-pleasing Venus, rushing could mean making the kind of mistakes that force you to redouble your efforts. If you need an extended timeline, ask for it!
Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Friday April 14
Let group activities lure you out of your den this Friday night, but be selective! Amicable Venus is waltzing through your collaborative eleventh house, a time when the more’s generally the merrier for you. But today, the whirling social dervish locks into a speed-checking square with stern Saturn in your intimacy sector and fires off a warning salvo. While it’s fine to enjoy lighthearted banter, stop short of spilling your guts to people with whom you have yet to establish trust. The vulnerability hangover will not be worth it.
Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Friday April 14
Warning! Someone you considered a solid player on Team Virgo could put your trust issues on high alert. Part of you is always trying to protect your heart, but recently you might have opened up about a highly personal matter. And today, as kind-hearted Venus in your public image center clashes with reality-checking Saturn in your relationship realm, you may start hearing some false notes in their voice. You don’t have to do anything rash, but maybe stop confiding in them when it comes to your most confidential intel. But definitely DON’T shut down.
Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Friday April 14
You’ve been on quite the expansive roll lately, with your ruler, fervent Venus, sailing through your “no limits” ninth house. New friends, unfamiliar vistas, epic travel plans—and maybe a brewing notion to get a certification degree—have had you going at warp speed. And while you’ve been loving every minute of it, level-headed Saturn in your meticulous sixth house calls Venus back down to earth, downshifting from overdrive into a far more sustainable speed. It’s not that you can’t do all this, Libra—just not at the same time!
Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Friday April 14
Regardless of your current relationship status (or your current mood about that), today’s intensifying connection between serious Saturn in your amorous fifth house and vixen Venus in your eighth house of intimacy and seduction will help you materialize some viable options for whatever’s next. Couples can benefit from clearing your schedules and devoting the evening to each other, perhaps having a talk about shared goals. Single or newly dating? Get back into the driver’s seat and be proactive instead of reactive.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Friday April 14
Here’s a news alert for any Sagittarius ostriches who’d rather keep their heads buried in the sand than face up to an uncomfortable situation. Stashing away problems in an “untouchable” vault doesn’t make them disappear. You can keep pretending this isn’t going on or that it will go away by itself, but a clash between idealistic Venus in your relationship zone and serious Saturn could force you to finally deal—and heal! Question: Could you bring a little more playfulness to the solution process?
Read more Sagittarius horoscopes
Capricorn (December 22-January 18) daily horoscope for Friday April 14
Dismount any high horses and give people a fair chance! You might be able to rationalize that what you say or do is “savvy” or “self-protective.” But what if you’re really just masking a fear of putting yourself out there and risking rejection? Ouch! A modicum of skepticism is fair, but if it escalates into criticism or naysaying before you have all the facts, you’re doing a disservice to yourself and everyone. All told, however, your emotions are just going to get bigger if you try to shut people out.
Read more Capricorn horoscopes
Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Friday April 14
You don’t have to literally watch every dollar you spend, but it could be useful to track how much you shell out when you aren’t conscious of your money. Today, cautious Saturn in your financial district speed-checks decadent Venus. Eight dollars for a chagaccino, a LOT more at dinner out, cover charge and maybe an Uber home: When all is said and done, that could easily put a dent in your rent money. Consider this an opportunity to proactively tighten the belt!
Pisces (February 19-March 20) daily horoscope for Friday April 14
A close friend or relative may request your help today, which you’d normally show up for without question. But as time lord Saturn throws shade at sentimental Venus, you may feel too crunched to respond. Even if you can only spare 15 minutes on the phone, stay sensitive to the fact that they wouldn’t be reaching out if they didn’t at least FEEL like they needed support. While their “crisis” might be an emotional paper cut to you, don’t minimize it. If they need help talking out solutions, schedule a follow up for a time that actually works for you.
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