What’s happening in astrology today
May 8 in the stars: The moon is in Sagittarius, trine Jupiter in Aries. What does this mean for you? Find out below in our daily horoscopes for Monday May 8.
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Your daily horoscopes for Monday May 8, 2023

Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Monday May 8
Before you get swept up in Monday madness, pause to express your sincere appreciation for someone who’s done more than merely pique your interest. A playful thank-you email or an invite to an exclusive affair keeps that chemistry bubbling. Just make sure you keep it casual. If no one’s on your radar, don’t wait for them to come to you, Ram. Be proactive: switch your dating apps back on and peruse the options. With today’s lucky Sagittarius moon trining bountiful Jupiter in Aries, you’re likely to discover more worthwhile contenders than you expected.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Monday May 8
Talk is cheap, Taurus, and today’s demonstrative moon-Jupiter trine wants you to how ‘em what you’ve got. You don’t need to have a formal pitch deck to get a buzz going. But DO make sure you offer people concrete evidence that you’re the one who fits their bill. Captivate them with your confidence, then get your nose to the grindstone to offer social proof of your capabilities. Fulfilling certain promises may pull you away from the spotlight for part of the day. Slap on the noise-canceling headphones and focus.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Monday May 8
An emotionally charged discussion could heat up in all the right ways under today’s passionate connection trine the moon and risque Jupiter. Try as you might to focus on practical matters, the bubbling undercurrent of erotic chemistry could be too distracting to ignore. If it’s appropriate, you might move from the “debate room floor” to the bedroom, where you can work it out in another, er, language. Or maybe you just pause and take a lunch break. But don’t expect the issue to go away. Take another stab at it once you’re feeling more connected.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Monday May 8
If you’ve been powering up on sugary pastries and caffeinated drinks, today’s trine between the moon and vitality-boosting Jupiter calls for a change-up. Your plate may be overflowing with obligations, which makes it easier to self-soothe with instant gratification hits. Ironically, these busy moments are when you need clean, slower-burning fuel like protein and veggies to avoid running on empty. Besides nourishing yourself physically, take mental breaks: get up and stretch between tasks, eat your meals far away from your laptop. Yes, every minute counts, but you’ll find that these self-care pauses amp up your efficiency in the long run.

Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Monday May 8
You’ve probably heard the buzz about “personal branding” by now, Leo, which in essence translates into helping people easily understand who YOU are as an individual. That doesn’t merely encompass what you do for a living. It reveals your core values, your personal passions, and yes, your shining gifts. As the moon in your fame sector fistbumps maximizing Jupiter today, dedicate some time to reviewing the platforms where you’re most active online—from TikTok to LinkedIn. What easy refreshes could be added to keep people up to date with 2023 Leo? Implement away!

Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Monday May 8
Reframe! It’s not “selfish” to establish clear limits with the people you interact with today. While they may not love hearing a “sorry, I can’t” (or a straight up “no”), they are likely to feel safer when they understand your boundaries. For one thing, they won’t have to walk on eggshells around you, wondering if they’ve gone too far or perhaps haven’t gone far enough. Bottom line is that your needs matter as much as everyone else’s, Virgo. What’s equally important to remember is that it’s your job to inform people of what, exactly, those are.

Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Monday May 8
Social isolation is a recipe for Sad Libra vibes, so don’t start this Monday with nose to the grindstone. With the savvy Sagittarius moon fistbumping Jupiter in your partnership zone, you’re getting a clear pop-up reminder that people are always part of your pathway to prosperity. If the opportunity arises to meet a friend for coffee or walk to the food truck with a coworker for lunch, grab it. (In fact, why don’t you just initiate it, Libra?) What starts out as lighthearted chitchat could lead to exciting conversations about collaborating. Efforts at networking are bound to bear fruit today. Reach out to a past client, schmooze it up at an industry event, or DM someone whose work you admire.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Monday May 8
Daredevil Scorpio doesn’t peek out of hiding THAT often, but when that part of you emerges, look out world! As the moon syncs with galactic gambler Jupiter today, you might feel as if you could catch lightning in a bottle. With all this enthusiasm it’s easy to barrel ahead before considering the ramifications of your actions. By all means, get (and stay!) excited. But if you don’t want to burn out miles before the finish line, channel that enthusiasm into market research rather than attempting to build the plane while in the air.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Monday May 8
No one has to twist a Sagittarius’ arm (or horse’s hooves) to convince you to cast a wider net, and today is no exception to that rule! Not only is the moon in your sign, but it’s making magic with your ruler, horizon-broadening Jupiter in your fifth house of passion and fame. Lucrative opportunities await and many of them exist well beyond your own familiar turf. There are tons of ways to connect the dots without actually traveling. For instance, you could join a mastermind group with a global membership or take an online seminar that includes breakout rooms. A well-played social post could go viral today, so livestream away!
Read more Sagittarius horoscopes

Capricorn (December 22-January 18) daily horoscope for Monday May 8
Should drama arise today, your first instinct may be to get as far away from it as you possibly can. While it’s smart to pull back, you may not be able to completely distance yourself from the fray. So what CAN you do? Rather than rushing into rescuer mode, try a philosophical approach. At some point in your past, you’ve probably walked miles in those same slip-ons, even if the particulars of your dilemma were different. What did you learn from that? Share supportive words and point people in the direction of helpful resources. The rest is in their hands.
Read more Capricorn horoscopes

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Monday May 8
People find your wily charms irresistible—and rightly so! Today’s moon-Jupiter angle makes it easier for you to win over the crowds, even groups that formerly felt inaccessible. The question is, how involved do YOU want to get? Perks may be part and parcel of becoming a member, Aquarius, so put serious thought into signing on officially. Already huddled up? You may be sitting on a goldmine, Aquarius, so tap your network to find out what clever ideas and helpful resources they may be willing to share.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) daily horoscope for Monday May 8
Nowadays, doing quality work is not enough alone to secure your place on the org chart. The attitude and energy you bring to the space can make or break you. But if you’re willing to play “the game” with a proactive, can-do approach, today’s auspicious angle between the moon and jubilant Jupiter could provide a hefty boost up the ladder of success.. Self-promotion is fully sanctioned in the name of manifesting your supersized goals. You might even want to patent or trademark your one-of-a-kind ideas—before someone else does.