What’s happening in astrology today
May 14 in the stars: It’s Mother’s Day in the U.S. Mercury moves direct in Taurus. Mercury retrograde began April 21! What does this mean for you? Find out below in our daily horoscopes for Sunday May 14.
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Your daily horoscopes for Sunday May 14, 2023

Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Sunday May 14
The best Mother’s Day gift of all may come late tonight as Mercury snaps out of retrograde and powers forward through your second house of moneymaking until June 11. Uncinch that belt: Tension eases up on the financial front, and in the days ahead, you’ll iron out any conflicts that have cropped with coworkers since April 21. Reconfigure your budget so you can enjoy a little bit of that cash you’ve hustled to make. Invest in self-development: A workshop, sessions with a coach or a seminal travel experience can open the floodgates of creativity and entrepreneurial ideas.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Sunday May 14
You might not feel like your most vocal self this Mother’s Day, but that could change late tonight once Mercury pivots into direct motion, blazing an adventurous trail through Taurus until June 11. Enough ruminating! For the past three weeks, Mercury has been retrograde in your sign, making you introspective about what the future holds. Dreaming up scenarios in your head will never help you fully predict real-world results. Beginning immediately, put some action behind those thoughts and you will create a swell of positive momentum in your life. Also, it’s safe to speak your truth again—no filters required.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Sunday May 14
Late tonight on Mother’s Day, your ruling planet, Mercury, pivots out of retrograde—which could necessitate a bedtime call to tell Mom how much you love her. As the messenger planet flows harmoniously through your esoteric, enchanted twelfth house until June 11, the fog clears around uncertain relationships. Have you been allowing people to cast a shadow over your bright ideas? Clean house of haters-in-helpers’-clothing. You know the ones, Gemini: people who are forever planting seeds of doubt by questioning your every move. Keep protecting your brilliant ideas while they’re still in the chrysalis stage.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Sunday May 14
Keep your guest list under control this Mother’s Day. Until 11:17PM EDT tonight, Mercury remains retrograde. But after that, the coast is clear! With the speedy planet buzzing through your eleventh house of technology and teamwork until June 11, you have a few solid weeks to update your social media profiles, price out new computers and enjoy rising popularity. Network away!

Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Sunday May 14
Opt for “simple elegance” when celebrating Mother’s Day, knowing that the happiest news comes right before your head hits the pillow. At 11:17PM EDT tonight, Mercury ends a three-week retrograde through your career house! Get back in the game, Leo. Epic opportunities for success pop up between now and June 11. RSVP yes to any social events that allow you to rub shoulders with influential people in your industry. Your relationship with an important man falls back into an easy groove. Apologize, hug it out and focus on the future.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Sunday May 14
Steer clear of triggering topics this Mother’s Day. Mercury is retrograde until 11:17 PM EDT tonight, so you still have to deal with the mixed messages and crossed wires that have been creating mayhem since April 21. Thankfully, you can be an open book again when you rise from bed on Monday—and better still, your words aren’t as likely to be misconstrued. Also, make sure your passport is up to date and fill travel-sized bottles with your favorite products. Word of a long-distance opportunity could come at a moment’s notice between now and June 11. Just go!

Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Sunday May 14
Mercury lingers in retrograde until late tonight, so reconfirm all those Mother’s Day plans. And know this: At 11:17 PM EDT, the communication planet pivots forward in your eighth house of sex and secrets. Free those skeletons that have been rattling in your closet for the past few weeks—and evict any toxic exes who have camped out on your California King. You like to put your best foot forward, but that could block true intimacy now. Instead of “keeping up appearances,” just keep it real.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Sunday May 14
Do your best to keep things “peace, love and harmony” this Mother’s Day. Mercury will end its disruptive three-week retrograde, but not until 11:17 PM EDT tonight. Important partnerships may have been rife with confusion since Mercury turned retrograde on April 21, leaving you all torn up inside. Maybe an old flame reappeared to stoke the embers of desire only to leave you hanging with an uncertain (but wide open) heart. As Mercury resumes forward motion—and powers through your relationship house until June 11—you can distinguish fantasy from reality. If people can’t walk their talk, show them the door.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Sunday May 14
Today is not only Mother’s Day, but at 11:17 PM EDT, Mercury ends a three-week retrograde that’s been destabilizing your sixth house of healthy routines. Do your best to keep plans on track for celebrations. And if you feel like doing something active instead of falling into a post-brunch food coma, follow that thread! As Mercury snaps out of retrograde, it powers forward through your healthy living house until June 11. Committing to healthy habits and sticking to routines may have been an uphill battle for you since April 21. Focus on making healthier choices, starting now. Mercury’s direct spin helps you sail ahead with work initiatives too. Stalled projects and scheduling snafus begone!
Read more Sagittarius horoscopes

Capricorn (December 22-January 18) daily horoscope for Sunday May 14
Mani-pedis with Mom for Mother’s Day? Lovely! But wait a little longer to book appointments with hairstylists, tattoo artists, photographers and matchmakers. Messenger Mercury pivots out of retrograde at 11:17 PM EDT tonight and powers forward through your glamorous, amorous fifth house until June 11. Slowly but surely, you can trust your aesthetic decision-making powers again. Romantically, everything’s been murky with the messenger planet tossing unnecessary doubts into the mix since April 21. Leave those troubles behind you and be clear about what you will and won’t put up with from a love interest!
Read more Capricorn horoscopes

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Sunday May 14
Mercury hovers in retrograde until late tonight (11:17 PM EDT to be exact)—and “lucky” you, Aquarius, it’s in your maternal fourth house. To avoid family feuds, focus on happy nostalgia to anchor celebrations. Once Mercury powers forward in your intimate fourth house until June 11, get real with yourself: Is your inner circle lifting you higher or dragging you down? Some casting changes may be in order. If you’ve been waiting on pins and needles to get a decorating or remodeling project underway, start drafting plans and collecting wallpaper samples now!

Pisces (February 19-March 20) daily horoscope for Sunday May 14
Keep a firm grasp on Mother’s Day plans because until 11:17 PM EDT tonight, Mercury will be retrograde. But then…peace of mind returns! While Mercury speeds ahead in your innovative third house until June 11, you’ll go from “foot in mouth” to “mic-drop master” in a blink. If you’ve overstepped your bounds in conversations over the past three weeks, it’s time to make amends. A writing, podcasting or teaching project could take off now. Creative blocks begone!