What’s happening in astrology today
June 22 in the stars: The moon is conjunct Mars in Leo. What’s it mean for you? Find out below in our daily horoscopes for Thursday June 22.
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Your daily horoscopes for Thursday June 22, 2023

Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Thursday June 22
Today’s a scene-stealing day, with the moon teaming up with go-getter Mars, and it’s all happening in your fifth house of passion, romance and fame, lucky Aries. Don’t be surprised if there was a lot more behind those flirtatious texts you’ve been exchanging. This is no time to be shy. Exude that infectious Aries confidence. DM an enticing pic, chill a bottle of rose and invite your love interest for a playdate. Or break out the confidence-boosting summer outfit and meet friends on a patio after work!

Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Thursday June 22
There’s no place like home, Taurus, and no one knows that better than you. Today’s powerful mashup of the moon and driven Mars sharpens your keen focus on where you live. Clear the clutter and strengthen your intention to create a harmonious home. Not loving where you live? Start checking real estate listings. Just don’t use up ALL that great energy on shelter—your personal life will thrive with compassionate attention. Renew your commitment to morning yoga and invite a relative or dear friend to join you. Time spent pampering yourself and those you love will yield exponential rewards.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Thursday June 22
Feeling unsettled, Gemini? Today’s moon-Mars connection in your third house could rouse your restless soul. Break out of the same old and explore new territory. Mingle at a networking happy hour or invite the neighbor you talk politics with at the mailboxes to grab a drink or play some tabletop video games. (Not your thing? Doesn’t matter. The point is to go places you’ve never gone before.) You might even decide it’s time to move, seeking a neighborhood that is more your speed. If you play your cards right, you’ll be loving where you live—and who you live with—by the end of summer!

Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Thursday June 22
Okay, Cancer, maybe you shouldn’t have splurged on the limited edition art print AND the high-end sheet set. Has your bank balance taken a hit from your haute indulgences? Today’s conjoining of the moon and Mars in your second house of finances could motivate you to raise your rates or pursue a spectacular career opportunity that can pay for all those treats. While impulse control is not Mars’ specialty, resolve to get a handle on your finances. Maybe it’s time to increase contributions to your retirement account or finally start putting funds into one. It’s always the right time to set yourself up for a serene, secure future. Is anything more comforting to a Cancer soul?

Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Thursday June 22
With today’s mashup of the moon and daredevil Mars in Leo, it’s anyone’s guess what “trouble” you’ll get into. You may be tempted to cut your long locks into a bob or go platinum (or both!), hop on a plane to Lisbon or invest in a solar company. You’ve been clearing away financial obligations and friendships that aren’t serving you, and you can see your future through a clear and focused lens. Dream big! We’re not talking a weekend getaway alone; we’re talking about something bigger, like a run for office, perhaps? Make yourself seen and heard.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Thursday June 22
If you can’t transform it into something amazing or at least workable, how about letting it go? As the moon meets up with courageous Mars in your twelfth house of surrender, you could finally feel brave enough to release the crutch. Whatever it is that’s holding you back—a relationship, job, bad habit or limiting belief—this might be the day when you forgive, forget and move on. It may not be easy: Breakups, whether with a companion, candy or a comfort zone, never are. Don’t be afraid to lean on friends. They may have the insight you need to forge a new path.

Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Thursday June 22
You’re the best friend anyone could have, but are other people in your entourage pulling their weight? That’s the QOTD under today’s mingling of the moon and fierce Mars in your eleventh house of teamwork, technology and activism. You may find yourself craving more can-do collaborators or friends who aren’t afraid to take a stand for humanity. Seek out political organizations or a volunteer gig. It’s a great way to feed your philanthropic soul AND start finding like-minded others. If a stranger strikes up a conversation in the grocery store checkout line, pay attention. This person could be your concierge to a whole new social scene.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Thursday June 22
If you’ve been putting in the hustle, today’s moon-Mars mashup in your tenth house of professional prestige can deliver rewards. Not loving your 9-5? Momentum for a job search picks up. A deal you’ve been working on may finally close, and you’ll have to hit the ground running—plus, the terms may end up even better than expected. (Ask for what you want, and more!) That’s soothing to your success-driven soul, but don’t neglect your love life. You could meet a strong contender to fulfill your power-couple fantasy. If you’re committed, bond with your S.O. by setting a shared goal like saving up for a vacation or renovating the kitchen.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Thursday June 22
Today’s moon-Mars mashup in Leo and your ninth house activates your wanderlust. This is always music to your nomadic ears. You might apply for a job that has you hopping between cities, or finally book the tickets to visit your beloved friend in Barcelona. Need to stay rooted? You may be inspired to stretch in the figurative sense, signing up for a fall course of study or getting an entrepreneurial venture in motion. Take full advantage of today’s “anything’s possible” vibe as you expand your horizons in work AND in pleasure.
Read more Sagittarius horoscopes

Capricorn (December 22-January 18) daily horoscope for Thursday June 22
Ready for it, Capricorn? Today’s moon-Mars conjunction stirs things up—in a good way—in your eighth house of sex and big money. Be on the lookout for an ally who could catapult your business goals to the next level or better investment choices to make with the cash you’ve accumulated. As you bask in the passive income this generates, move your attention to the relationship you’ve been keeping at a simmer. Today’s astral pyrotechnics could be the spark it needs; a pop-up wedding or another major milestone might be in your future!
Read more Capricorn horoscopes

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Thursday June 22
Today, the moon gets frisky with hot-blooded Mars in your seventh house of partnerships, activating your love jones in a big way. If you’re single, your future boo could be a Tinder swipe away, or literally hanging out at the coffee shop right around the corner. Stop texting the one who SHOULD have gotten away to make room for a new and improved option. Thank your old flame for all you learned and delete the contact. If you’re attached, use this energy to give your relationship a rejuvenating reboot. Be proactive: What bonding experience can you put on the calendar for tonight or the weekend?

Pisces (February 19-March 20) daily horoscope for Thursday June 22
You’ve been on your grind, Pisces, and your energy may be taking a hit. Too much sitting and cold-brewed coffee, even if it IS shade-grown organic, takes its toll. As today’s union of the moon and athletic Mars ignites your sixth house of health, you will no longer be able to ignore your sore shoulders or languishing gym membership. Resolve to work smarter, not harder—or maybe it’s time to set some work boundaries—and make healthy eating and fitness a top priority. The sixth house also rules pets. You might just adopt a dog, or borrow one from a friend, if you need company for morning runs.