What’s happening in the stars shows up IRL trends and news events we’re all experiencing. See how it shapes your June 2023 horoscope.
Astrology of June 2023, at a glance
What’s happening in the stars that will shape your June 2023 horoscope?
– June 3: Full moon in Sagittarius (13º18) 11:41 PM EDT
– June 5: Venus in Leo, until October 8 (includes a summer retrograde, July 22-September 3)
– June 11: Pluto Retrograde begins in Capricorn (until October 10)
– June 17: Saturn Retrograde begins in Pisces (until November 4)
– June 18: New Moon in Gemini (26º43) 12:37 AM EDT
– June 21: The Sun moves into Cancer (out of Gemini)
– June 26: Mars-Uranus square
– June 30: Neptune Retrograde in Pisces (until December 4)
Phew, that’s a lot of retrograde coming at us. What can you do about all these retrogrades? Just remember these periods of time, when planets “go backward” in a sign, are opportunities to turn our attention to the past. Think of them as cosmic “grace periods” during which we finish the things we’ve started or strengthen plans to ensure we move forward on a more stable foundation. The prefix re- means to go back. So, review, renew–you get the idea!
Your June 2023 Astrology Trend Report
Welcome to June! The curtain opens with Gemini Season and all its dualities. The striking paradoxes are already making our heads spin this year. Pride Month celebrations are coupled with a fierce fight for trans kids’ rights, LGBTQ+ rights and the legalities of drag shows. A large swath of anti-abortion activists are also anti-gun regulation. So, uh, whose life matters? The dualities can be overwhelming—and our human brains don’t cope well with that. To keep anxiety at bay, avoid doomscrolling and read the news when you’re in a calm and centered space, a couple of times a day.
We earthlings have our work cut out for us! In June, start where your feet are planted. With the Sun in locally grown Gemini and home-loving Cancer, there’s a lot you can do to effect change in your corner of the world.
The Sagittarius full moon on June 3, which rules education, publishing and DEI initiatives, could inflame all sides in the Hollywood writer’s strike and the book-ban battle. A recent report in The Washington Post revealed that a scant 11 people may be behind the majority of efforts to take books dealing with race, gender identity and sexuality off of school shelves in the U.S. How many people will it take to put a stop to these revisionist attacks on historical accuracy and cultural literacy? And will the power of the pen prevail in the face of greedy TV and movie execs? We hope to find out in June!
Venus, the planet of amour, joins dance partner Mars in Leo on June 5, cranking up the heat on summer love and blessing us all with The Bennifer Effect. FWIW, these two reunited the last time Venus and Mars were conjunct in Leo back in 2021. Charter the yacht, pour on the champagne-fueled PDA, write each other tribute albums. But do it fast! ’Cause Venus goes retrograde from July 22 to September 3, which could bring a few hiccups in your Summer of Love plans. (Sorry!)
Earlier this year, metamorphic Pluto moved into sci-fi Aquarius, bringing the disruption of AI and all the pandemonium about a world where robots replace humans. With all due respect to the powers of Midjourney and ChatGPT, their machine-like ways are still highly detectable. But still—Pluto transits shift the course of our evolution and AI is here to stay. Keep up! The Gemini new moon on June 18 (12:37 AM EDT) could bring some developments for our mobile devices. (And maybe more dramz with the Montana vs. TikTok battle.)
Analog lovers get a light reprieve on June 11, as Pluto retrogrades back into Capricorn until October 10 and stays in the sign of the patriarchy, economy and government until January 20, 2024, before moving back into Aquarius again. Although we’re relieved that legislators reached some sort of debt-ceiling agreement in advance of this, there are punitive deal points for the poor, such as work requirements for food stamps. Hunger could foment revolutions, even before Pluto returns to “power to the people” Aquarius early next year.
A ray of hope for the economy: Bountiful Jupiter is cruising through money-minded Taurus since May 16, which invites us to rethink the entire way we do work and money. Simpler values are returning this June, along with trends for circularity, upcycling and repurposing of goods. Vintage hauls now showing on Instagram!
Calling all mermaids—and we do mean all! Cancer Season begins each year with the summer solstice on June 21. Conversations about representation have gone “under the sea” since the May 26 release of The Little Mermaid, with Aries supernova Halle Bailey cast as the first Black Ariel in Disney history.
Speaking of the sea, Saturn and Neptune who are both in aquatic Pisces, plunge into their annual, five-month retrogrades—on June 17 and June 30 respectively. These planets are basically opposites. Saturn rules structures and boundaries while free-flowing Neptune is constantly spilling over where it pleases. With El Niño on its way in June along with fire season, we hope these two planets can work together to help us engineer new solutions to some of the water crises that climate change has stirred up.
And maybe, we can get to the bottom of some of these conspiracy theories flying around. We won’t be holding our breath. (Two oxygen tanks, please!)