What’s happening in astrology today
May 18 in the stars: The Sun is in Taurus, sextile Neptune in Pisces. What does this mean for you? Find out below in our daily horoscopes for Thursday May 18.
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Your daily horoscopes for Thursday May 18, 2023
Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Thursday May 18
What’s your hurry, Aries? Today’s sensual angle between the Sun and Neptune helps you downshift a couple of gears in the name of savoring the day-to-day delights your world is filled with. Feel the sunshine warm your face, savor the flavors of gourmet cuisine, soak up the sweet sounds of a live jazz band. Romance could take center stage tonight. Welcome it with open arms…and an open mind as it could arrive in an unexpected form.
Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Thursday May 18
Drop the mask and let your crew see you uncensored. Today’s amiable Sun-Neptune angle makes it easier for you to expose an important yet hidden aspect of yourself. Reveal that skill you rarely share with the world or that passion you pursue on your own. Sure, you might get a few raised eyebrows, but you’ll pique the interest of the majority of people in your “audience.” You never know, Taurus, you might even spark a trend.
Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Thursday May 18
Are you shooting up the right ladder, Gemini? Even if your current trajectory promises big bucks, if you’re bored with the work, no amount of money will truly fulfill you. See if you can make some adjustments, like launching a new project or collaborating with someone fresh amongst your current pool of co-workers. If not, you might be inspired to wipe the slate clean and start over. Hello, recruiter?
Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Thursday May 18
There’s a time and place for small talk, but you could feel like it’s dominating your conversations. Today’s angle between the Sun and Neptune leaves you longing for relationships with more substance. Connect with like minds and hearts by exploring pursuits that help the greater good, from volunteering with a community organization to becoming more involved in charity work. Alternatively, meetup groups with a self-help or spiritual bent could also fill the need, even if you start off slowly as an observer.
Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Thursday May 18
A new commander in chief could throw you off your game today, Leo, but keep on keeping on. While your loyalties lay with the previous top dog, don’t take it out on the new leader, or you’ll just wind up shooting yourself in the foot. That said, the harmonious angle between the Sun and Neptune brings your charisma out in full force, helping you work your way into the good graces of the VIP’s new team. You’re naturally irresistible, Lion.
Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Thursday May 18
The cosmos nominate you cultural ambassador for the day, Virgo. Move outside your comfort zone and extend a welcoming vibe to peeps who have a different background than yours. Don’t waste time worrying that you won’t uncover shared interests. In fact, the novelty of getting to know each other could spark the beginning of a creative collaboration or romantic relationship down the road.
Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Thursday May 18
Have friends dubbed you fanatical for your extreme attention to details? Today, you can show them exactly why those nuances are so darn important. Your custom-designed approach is worth a pretty penny, so make sure you’re not underselling your skills. Just because this gift comes naturally to you doesn’t mean you should give it away for next to nothing. Honor your value and so will other people.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Thursday May 18
You’re walking on clouds today, thanks to a dreamy Sun-Neptune alignment lighting up your romance sectors. Don’t waste this magical energy brooding over dead-end dalliances. Focus on a future with real possibilities instead. Today could bring a partner with long-term potential, and you’ll find this person in the most unlikely of places. Stay open to sultry strangers, whether you’re walking down the street or waiting in the latte line. If you’re already attached, the communication gods are on your side. Go ahead and broach that taboo topic. Today you’ll be able to clear the air with calm, courage and compassion.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Thursday May 18
“Healthy” doesn’t have to equate with “boring,” Sagittarius. Today’s lively meetup of the Sun and Neptune inspires you to make self-care much more enjoyable than skinless chicken and steamed vegetables. Surf around for recipes that incorporate fresh whole-food ingredients. Don’t forget to inject some variety into your workout. Step off the treadmill and mix it up with a fun cardio dance class.
Read more Sagittarius horoscopes
Capricorn (December 22-January 18) daily horoscope for Thursday May 18
Take a pass on the humble pie today, Capricorn. A supercharged mashup between the Sun and Neptune gives you two thumbs up to be your own publicist. Just make sure it’s not completely self-serving. Share your successes with an eye toward inspiring others. Your love life also gets a cosmic shot in the arm, infusing a conversation with a passion so intense it’s practically combustible. Bring on the fireworks!
Read more Capricorn horoscopes
Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Thursday May 18
Today, you’ve got a knack for spreading the warm-and-fuzzies, Aquarius. The formula? Your magical (and somewhat paradoxical) combination of helping others see the brighter side of life while finding the wry humor in the cloudy days. If your intuition tells you that someone could use a dose of your Rescue Remedy, reach out. Besides making them laugh, you’ll also find that your wise words can be applied to your own life. Help others and you also help yourself.
Pisces (February 19-March 20) daily horoscope for Thursday May 18
The power of two is potent today, Pisces. Your planetary ruler Neptune forms a harmonious angle to the Sun, setting the stage for a dynamic duo to emerge. Requesting feedback from someone in your midst could lead to a major aha moment. It could be the precursor to launching a collaborative venture together. The key? Talk it out and the solutions will materialize.