Daily Horoscopes for Tuesday August 1, 2023 | The AstroTwins
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Daily Horoscopes for Tuesday August 1, 2023

What’s happening in astrology today

August 1 in the stars: The Aquarius full moon arrives at 2:31 PM Eastern. What’s it mean for you? Find out below in our daily horoscopes for Tuesday August 1.

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Your daily horoscopes for Tuesday August 1, 2023

Aries Daily horoscope

Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Tuesday August 1

Stop suffering in silence or convincing yourself that you can DIY an entire (overwhelming) project, Aries! Today’s skies bring the year’s only Aquarius full moon, and this will activate your eleventh house of teamwork and technology for the next two weeks—and its influence may be felt for the rest of 2023! Obviously, there are certain aspects to your work and personal life that you can’t hand off to someone else, but this collaborative moon can help you find the perfect balance between doing and delegating!

Read more Aries horoscopes

Taurus daily horoscope

Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Tuesday August 1

Your dedicated work of the past six months could reach a milestone victory under today’s Aquarius full moon in your professional tenth house. Sometime over the next two weeks, an influencer in your field, perhaps in your company, may get wind of your accomplishments. In anticipation, pull together some of your other “greatest hits” in an appropriate format, and be ready to do a little Taurus horn-tooting! If you’ve had your eye on a leadership position, let your desires be known!

Read more Taurus horoscopes

Gemini Daily Horoscope

Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Tuesday August 1

Shoot your shot for an important cause today, Gemini: namely, yourself! The year’s only full moon in Aquarius lands in your expansive ninth house, making this an auspicious time for stretching FAR outside your comfort zone and testing some new waters. What publishing, entrepreneurial or adventurous initiative have you been dreaming of for the past six months? Start there and see if you can get qualified feedback from someone with experience in this field. Don’t be shy: For all you know, they’ve been waiting for exactly this kind of pitch!

Read more Gemini horoscopes

Cancer Daily Horoscope

Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday August 1

Flex those powers of seduction, Crab! Your inner temptress should be in rare form under today’s Aquarius full moon—the only one of the year! Over the next two weeks (and up to six months), these high-powered  lunar beams will continue to electrify your eighth house of intimacy and eroticism. Regardless of your relationship status, your power to charm and attract people to you will be magnetic. A budding union could reach a tipping point: So what do YOU want?

Leo Daily Horoscope

Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday August 1

Ready for a big relationship reveal? The year’s only Aquarius full moon activates your seventh house of dynamic duos, and if you’ve been inching toward exclusivity, this full moon helps you hammer out an official title. Romantic as it all seems, make sure you’re ready for everything commitment entails. It’s not just being able to call your love interest your twin flame. There will be compromises and sacrifices—and probably over the very things you hate to yield on. Single? These next two weeks are peak manifesting time, so pull out all the stops and take a gamble on a strong maybe!

Read more Leo horoscopes

Virgo Daily Horoscope

Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday August 1

Stop dwelling on those skipped workouts and triple-scoop cones and cut yourself some slack! You can reserve your ticket on the wellness wagon starting today as the year’s only Aquarius full moon galvanizes your sixth house of well-being, fitness and self-care. Leave the past behind and simply resolve to start a new chapter—but don’t go to extremes. That’s how people lose their motivation. Set two or three goals or things you’ll start (or stop) doing, and if you want to up your game later in the month when you’re ready, fine. And if not, also fine!

Read more Virgo horoscopes

Libra Daily Horoscope

Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday August 1

Take these next two weeks seriously, Libra, whether you’re drunk in love or giving Cupid the cold shoulder.  The year’s only Aquarius full moon flips the “on” switch in your flirty and flamboyant fifth house, giving you almost an unfair advantage in the sex appeal department. Attached? Save your best moves for your S.O., and sometime over the next couple weeks, plan a wildly romantic (and erotic) surprise. Baeless? Use today’s romantic power surge to get yourself back in the game in some small—or wildly dramatic—way. 

Read more Libra horoscopes

Scorpio Daily Horoscope

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Tuesday August 1

Shield your field! The year’s only Aquarius full moon in your foundational (and nostalgic) fourth house can turn you into a psychic sponge. If you don’t want to be soaking up everyone’s energy, you’ll have to practice keeping your distance from all those exhausting and toxic energy vampires. This alert will be in effect for the coming two weeks, so don’t feel compelled to answer every call or text immediately. Your number one priority is to keep yourself (and your energy) balanced.

Read more Scorpio horoscopes

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Tuesday August 1

You love your freedom, Archer, but sometimes even the most free-spirited sign of the zodiac is better off teaming up with a kindred spirit for the win. Today’s Aquarius full moon—the only one of the year—blazes in your third house of friends and collaborations, and can help take a budding connection to the next level over the coming two weeks. Hash out all the terms and try to foresee all potential snafus BEFORE you ink any deals. But if you’re feeling good about a potential merger, today’s a great day to forge ahead in the process.

Read more Sagittarius horoscopes

Capricorn Daily Horoscope

Capricorn (December 22-January 18) daily horoscope for Tuesday August 1

Today’s Aquarius full moon in your money house might be your favorite full moon of the whole year. And not because you’re the type who sits around waiting for dollar bills to rain from the skies. On the contrary, Cap! This is more like the culmination of all your hard work and tireless efforts of the past half-year. Even if you don’t hit pay dirt this very day, watch what comes around over the next two weeks. A deal or offer that’s been brewing could reach the boiling point now. Make the most of it!

Read more Capricorn horoscopes

Aquarius Daily Horoscope

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Tuesday August 1

It’s official YOU time! The year’s only full moon in your sign dazzles in your first house of self and image. Shuffle your initiatives to the top of the pile and rearrange your schedule to allow enough time to pursue them. Don’t rush; you want to pour your heart and soul into this. And since you might just land in the public eye over the coming two weeks, think about whether your appearance reflects the you that you want to present. This would be the perfect time to work with a stylist to get that look you’re after!

Read more Aquarius horoscopes

Pisces Daily Horoscope

Pisces (February 19-March 20) daily horoscope for Tuesday August 1

When you feel like you’re about to lose faith or run out of steam, don’t give up—ask for the support you need! There’s no need to struggle—or suffer—alone. And that’s exactly the lesson you can glean from today’s full moon in Aquarius and your twelfth house of surrender and divine intervention. But until you acknowledge that you need a helping hand, no one will think to extend one. This is also a great two-week period for letting go of everything that no longer fits into your life or serves you.

Read more Pisces horoscopes


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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of Astrostyle.com and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.