What’s happening in astrology today
June 28 in the stars: The Sun is in Cancer, trine Saturn in Pisces. What’s it mean for you? Find out below in our daily horoscopes for Wednesday June 28.
You can read the daily horoscopes for your Sun sign or your rising sign (ascendant). Visit our Cosmic Calculator section if you want to calculate your Rising sign or discover more about your personal astrology.
Your daily horoscopes for Wednesday June 28, 2023

Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Wednesday June 28
Emotional eating alert! When you find yourself dreaming about truffle aioli fries or a slice of chocolate ganache cake, take out your journal and write about your feelings. There’s nothing wrong with treating yourself to a heavenly indulgence. But with tough-love Saturn in a free-flowing angle to the Sun today, you may be stuffing down your genuine response to an upsetting situation. Allow yourself to have a less-than-enlightened venting session with a compassionate third party. You can remix this into a productive dialogue later, but come on, Aries—you’re only human!

Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Wednesday June 28
Your rising popularity has made you quite the busy bee, but has an important friendship been shuttled to the backburner? Make time for an inner-circle VIP today. Meet for dinner, have a long phone call—whatever it takes to get your connection back on track. Heads up: Your friend may have some intriguing ideas to run by you, and before you know it, you could be discussing a joint venture. Although you’re inspired to collaborate, be careful not to make promises that will further cram your overstuffed schedule.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Wednesday June 28
With your love of variety and new experiences, FOMO can easily overtake you. But spreading yourself too thin can short-circuit progress. Today’s supportive angle between the Sun and devoted Saturn challenges you to stay put and keep chipping away at the mission at hand. The sense of satisfaction you’ll gain from finishing a project will far outweigh the momentary thrill of chasing the latest shiny thing. Stay focused, and you could add a feather to your cap before the day is through!

Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Wednesday June 28
Beware the sparklepony syndrome today, Cancer. Under a potent Sun-Saturn trine, you need to do more than just show up and be fabulous. Although you’re easily distracted by playful or flirty conversations, when it’s time to roll up your sleeves, act like a boss. Just remember that taking charge doesn’t mean doing everything by yourself. Delegate!

Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Wednesday June 28
Feelings, nothing more than feelings? Don’t brush aside those intuitive hits you get today, Leo. Your psychic sensors are on high alert, and you’re able to read the unspoken energy in a room. If something seems off, don the detective’s chapeau and do a little independent research. You could unearth some unsavory information, but it’s not too late to fix things—or make an exit if you discover a situation that clearly doesn’t align with your values and vision.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Wednesday June 28
It takes a village to keep a relationship cruising on course today. Has the mood grown a bit too heavy with one of your important connections? Rather than glaring at each other over dinner, spend time in a group of mutual friends. You’ll see that nobody’s life is perfect; in fact, you might just walk away appreciating yours a lot more. Doing something active and athletic can bring some much-needed levity. Rent a squash court or take a Spin class together. Single? You’ll have luck at an evening event that allows you to mingle and converse with intellectually tuned-in people.

Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Wednesday June 28
You scratch my back, I’ll scratch yours? Reach out to influential friends today as a Sun-Saturn trine bolsters your status—not to mention your innate charm. There’s nothing wrong with having a well-connected person pull a few strings on your behalf, especially if it can speed up a long, drawn-out process. And if you’re worried that they’ll think you’re being “user-friendly,” pitch in as support for their projects and show that it’s a two-way street.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Wednesday June 28
There’s good reason to feel optimistic about a romantic situation today, Scorpio, but you could short-circuit progress by being too mysterious. While no one’s suggesting you spill every sordid secret, you can share a bit more about your personal history. Coupled Scorps may feel eager to nail down a future plan. Deep breaths! Try approaching discussions with playful curiosity instead of dumping a whole bunch of anxiety into the dialogue. Worry begets worry; wonder begets wonder.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Wednesday June 28
Don’t pursue, Sagittarius. Attract instead. You already know that being overzealous or pushing with a hard sell rarely works. (Though you’ll chase ‘em anyway!) But how about drawing people to you by creating an irresistible pitch? Make yourself so alluring that people would kick themselves for turning away—or turning you down. Today, you can cultivate confidence by spending time with people who see your brilliance and have your back. It’s not that you can’t take criticism, but how about building yourself up a little first?
Read more Sagittarius horoscopes

Capricorn (December 22-January 18) daily horoscope for Wednesday June 28
Partnerships are percolating with promise today as the Sun sparks a synergy with your ruler, stabilizing Saturn. You love being half of an intense and dynamic duo, but don’t spin your wheels with someone who’s only in it for the fun. With Saturn adding gravitas, cast for a mate who can go the distance. Ready to strike a deal with someone you already know? If you’re seeing green lights instead of red flags, spell out your terms. A gentle ultimatum could finally convince your other half to stop waffling.
Read more Capricorn horoscopes

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Wednesday June 28
Ignite your lit-from-within glow by weaving wellness into your plans. Sip green tea or brew a matcha latte if you need a boost. Order the salad instead of the frites and add slices of avocado to the top. Take meditation and deep-breathing breaks throughout the day and go for walks. Oxygen recharges your brain power! Your centered vibe helps you make savvier decisions. Good thing, since you may have to make an important one before the day is through.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) daily horoscope for Wednesday June 28
Superstar status is yours for the taking today, Pisces. But with modest Saturn checking the ego-boosting Sun, celebrate your victory with a slice of humble pie. Yes, you’ve earned your bragging rights. Use them to position yourself as a leader and find ways to include other people in your success. If you have a hard time promoting yourself, this might be the day to look for representation—or even have a friend give you a shout-out on social media. You can return the favor by giving one of their latest missions some love.