Libra Monthly Horoscope

Libra Monthly Horoscope April 2024 - Page 2

With retrogrades, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. It also helps to appreciate their silver lining: They’re “review periods” during which we can press pause, catch up where we’ve fallen behind and correct course if we’ve drifted from our mission. Retrogrades turn our attention to the past, revealing areas of our lives where we have unfinished business to handle. 
Mercury retrograde will be shining the inspector’s light in Aries and your seventh house of committed relationships, contracts and mutuality. It might feel like a double dose of Mercury mayhem at times, with people changing their minds, deals rife with red tape and weird clauses, and your own Libra indecisiveness going into overdrive. 
Since retrogrades can bring back people from the past, a former love or an old flame could resurface. Maybe the second (or third, or fourth…) time around could be the charm. But it could also be a test, an opportunity for you to see how far you’ve come since you used to get hooked by this person’s promises or manipulative heartstring tugs. Take it slow and observe them in various situations to make sure they’ve actually changed.
Maybe there was plenty of compatibility between you but the circumstances and timing didn’t line up. Or one of you needed to go through a little more life experience before you could truly be ready for the long-haul connection. 
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