Libra Monthly Horoscope September 2024 - Page 3
This Virgo new moon on September 2 shines a healing spotlight on your twelfth house of closure, spirituality, and transitions. Start an inner journey of self-discovery or the process of letting go so that you can make way for a fresh life chapter. Open up room for positive and nurturing energy to enter your field by clearing your space of anything that ISN'T that. You could shock yourself by abruptly cutting off a toxic habit or relationship—or going all in with a person who could be soulmate material.
It's a bit of a paradox to have a new moon, which marks beginnings, in your house of endings. But hey, endings are beginnings in that "circle of life" kind of way. If you've wanted to start (or resume) a meditation practice, a creative pursuit or a healthier approach to eating, this supportive new moon gives you the opportunity to follow through.
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