These Are The Major Astrology Events In 2025: Key Dates, Planets and Zodiac Signs | The AstroTwins
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These Are The Major Astrology Events In 2025: Key Dates, Planets and Zodiac Signs

Here are the major astrology events in 2025: Key dates, planet transits through the zodiac, and their meanings for all of us. Guide your life by the stars this year.

The planetary pendulum swings into wildly unscripted terrain in 2025, producing a brand-new story arc for humans to grapple with. We’re not just talking about a garden-variety Mercury retrograde or supermoon here. The slow-moving outer planets, which shape society and larger trends, are the key players in the consciousness-shifting trajectory of 2025.

The Major Astrology Events in 2025

The major astrology events in 2025 that are described below are partially excerpted from The AstroTwins’ 2025 Horoscope book, available now!

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Lunar Nodes Shift to Virgo and Pisces

The fateful lunar nodes switch to Pisces and Virgo on January 11, 2025. Expect the ethereal to meet the material as the destiny-directing lunar nodes launch this new, 18-month journey through dreamy Pisces and practical Virgo.

This spiritual cycle last took place from June 23, 2006 to December 18, 2007. It puts a focus on healing in every way, from our energetic and emotional bodies to our physical ones. Artificial boundaries dissolve under the North Node in Pisces’ spell, inviting us to discover new dimensions of the human experience.

Meanwhile, the South Node in Virgo challenges us to live in greater attunement with Mother Earth. Goodbye micromanagement, hello mindfulness. It’s time to embrace a holistic, heart-centered way of living. 

Saturn and Neptune in Aries


Among the planets having a divine pendulum swing in 2025 is stoic, structured Saturn, which will divide the year between spiritual Pisces and aggressive Aries. The ringed taskmaster first parked in Pisces on March 7, 2023. Ever since, it’s been challenging us to organize the most chaotic, unscripted parts of our lives, like mental health, spiritual beliefs and artistic expression. While Saturn is a boundary hound, Pisces is a boundary dissolver. Talk about a head trip!

This push-pull continues until May 24, 2025, when Saturn darts forward into Aries until September 1. The energy Saturn darts forward into Aries until September 1. The energy shifts dramatically then, as we flip from introspection to daring initiative. Personal responsibility (rather than Piscean victimhood) becomes the new fl ex, as Saturn in Aries pushes us to take ownership for our actions and evolve accordingly. We haven’t experienced this cycle for nearly three decades, as the ringed planet’s last visit to the Ram’s realm was from April 1996 to October 1998.


Here’s one for the history books! On March 30, 2025, numinous Neptune leaves its home sign of dreamy Pisces for the fi rst time since April 2011 and makes a landmark (in our lifetime) trek into action-oriented Aries. For the past 14 years Neptune has been on a mindfulness pilgrimage and a deep dive through the human psyche. We have the yoga studios, trauma-informed programs, plant medicine ceremonies and worldwide embrace of the “woo” to show for it.

As Neptune surfs into Aries from March 30 to October 22, the shift may feel jarring. Neptune is compassionate, dreamy, fluid and soft. Aries is aggressive, daring, entitled and strong. What happens when the twain meet? We need to look all the way back to 1862-75 for clues. Historically, Neptune in Aries has coincided with periods of radical spiritual and ideological change. We saw this in the 1860s when causes like abolitionism drove the American Civil War and visionary advances exploded, like the first printing press and the opening of the New York Stock Exchange.

Autocrat alert! There may be a rise in cult-like lead during Neptune in Aries. Martyr movements motivated by lofty ideals could draw zealots who are willing to fight to the death. 

On a personal level, this cycle provides the courage to build your dream. Watch out for a veiled thirst for power as you ascend along your path. Although Neptune swings back into Pisces on October 22, take notes! This is a preview of a longer, 13-year cycle that begins again when Neptune returns to Aries from January 26, 2026 to March 23, 2039.

Venus Retrograde in Aries and Pisces

Starting March 1, 2025, you’ll need to get real about your love goals or your overall relationship patterns. Ardent Venus flips into a six-week retrograde, which could create a temporary power outage for all things romantic. This cycle happens every 18 months as Venus shifts from being an evening star (visible in the sky at dusk) to a morning star (rising just before dawn).

Metaphorically, we have a chance to put old love stories to bed and rewrite a fresh chapter. During this tense period compassion and compromise may go AWOL. To make matters more complicated, 2025’s Venus retrograde in self-centered Aries (March 1 to 27) and gullible Pisces (March 27 to April 12) could mean that your prince or princess may revert into a wretched frog right before your eyes. Don’t slip into denial. This is a time to take an unblinking look at reality while also reviewing your past patterns.

If you’re planning a wedding between March 1 and April 12, we recommend doing a City Hall ceremony beforehand or waiting to sign the marriage license until after April 12. Another option? Renew your vows on your one-year anniversary.

Jupiter and Uranus in Gemini


Curiosity is piquing AND peaking this year as boundless Jupiter continues its yearlong trek through inquisitive, variety-loving Gemini. This cycle, which began on May 25, 2024 and lasts until June 9, 2025, powers up platonic partnerships and peer relationships with excitable, expansive energy. Mingle and network but take your time with formalizing agreements until Jupiter turns direct this February 4.

New developments in education, transportation and media can surge in the first half of 2025, but since Jupiter is in a tough detriment position here—opposite its home sign of Sagittarius—it might take a while to get these innovations in motion. (Cue the electric vehicle market.) Lead with intellectual curiosity while this cycle lasts through June 9. Consider multiple perspectives rather than rushing to conclusions. With Jupiter’s big-talking tendencies and Gemini’s double-talking ones, fact-checking will be essential, especially in the age of AI and deepfakes.


Also on the celestial swing set in 2025 is innovative, sci-fi Uranus, who does a back and forth between tenacious Taurus and gregarious Gemini. From July 7 to November 7, 2025, the planet of progress will briefly dip into Gemini, cracking the seal on a new set of possibilities.

In the first half of 2025, however, Uranus is busy finishing its seven-year tour through earthy, sensible Taurus, where it’s been revolutionizing finance, agriculture and labor since May 2018. Uranus in Taurus has transformed our material lives, producing a near-cashless society (“Venmo me!”) along with fluctuating interest rates and cryptocurrency’s slow but real adoption.

In Gemini, the techie planet’s focus shifts to the intellectual and interpersonal. Historically, Uranus in Gemini has brought metamorphic shifts in communication technologies, such as the rise of the telegraph and commercial television during its last tour through Gemini from 1941-49. And the telescope, when Uranus was transiting through Gemini in 1781.

Get ready for rapid developments and total disruptions to Gemini-ruled industries: telecommunications, data security, transportation, education and the media. In a flash, Uranus can break us free from outdated systems and incite us to embrace futuristic replacements. Everything from the cars we drive (or fly!) to the way we educate our children is up for grabs.

Jupiter in Cancer

On June 9, 2025, Jupiter heads into cozy Cancer for the first time since 2013-14. Talk about a planetary paradox! Worldly, nomadic Jupiter drops anchor in home-loving Cancer for a year. If that’s not weird enough, Jupiter is actually exalted in Cancer, meaning the Crab’s castle is its most potent place in the zodiac. After spending a year in detriment in Gemini, this transit is quite a code switch for the red-spotted titan.

Until July 30, 2026, the buzzy energy subsides and our capacity for intimacy and emotional intelligence expands. Jupiter-in-Cancer cycles can bring developments in social protection and care for children and families. Housing, food security and domestic stability can also become key issues to resolve, especially as climate change impacts geographically livable zones.

Who are the people in your innermost circle? Whether you’re blood related or chosen family, Jupiter in Cancer can bring a joyful sense of connection. And since this globe-trotting planet rules travel, the second half of 2025 could be an optimal time to visit your ancestral homeland and connect to your roots.

Other important astrology events in 2025

The following articles from The AstroTwins can help guide you through more of 2025’s major astrology events. Follow your daily horoscope to never miss a detail and consider getting a copy of the 2025 Horoscope planner!

Pluto in Aquarius (Pluto spends its first full year in this sign)

Mars Retrograde (Mars begins 2025 Retrograde in Leo then moves to Cancer)

All the 2025 Mercury Retrogrades

All the 2025 Full Moons

All the 2025 New Moons

All the 2025 Eclipses

All the 2025 Supermoons

2025 Is also The Year of the Snake (Wood Snake) in Chinese Astrology

2025 Is a 9 Universal Year in Numerology

The AstroTwins have named 2025 The Year of the Divine Pendulum

See the 2025 Horoscopes for every zodiac sign, and check your daily horoscope to never miss a detail!

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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.