What’s happening in astrology today
August 2 in the stars: Find out what’s in store for you today in our daily horoscopes for Friday August 2. Read the daily horoscopes for your Sun sign or rising sign (ascendant) to plan your day.
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Your daily horoscopes for Friday August 2, 2024

Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Friday August 2
So much for holding your tongue, Ram. Even if you promised yourself you wouldn’t go there, you may not be able to resist today, when diplomatic Venus in your self-expressive fifth house gets into a wrestling match with radical Uranus. You’ve been putting up with something (or someone) for too long, and if you don’t speak up, you might explode. Find a gentler way to say your piece, but don’t let the fear of ruffling feathers stop you. Sometimes you have to rock the boat a little for things to get back on an even keel. Just realize that you’re upset and might wind up saying things that you’ll live to regret.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Friday August 2
Deep cleansing breaths, Bull. Tempers could flare when kindhearted Venus in your domestic center squares off with unpredictable Uranus. If you’re been afraid to express your anger or resentment to a roommate or relative, you could finally reach the breaking point. Or if you have kids, your sweet angel could suddenly turn into a little devil. (Maybe you just need a break from 24/7 parenting.) Whatever the stressor, you need to make some shifts before you blow a fuse. Invite a friend or neighbor to start a casual babysitting co-op or have a straight talk about “respecting each other’s space” with the person who’s been encroaching on yours.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Friday August 2
Where did your chill go, Gemini? As easygoing Venus forms a tense square with explosive Uranus in your unconscious realm, you might not even realize what’s gotten you so upset. While you can usually keep your anger in check, it’s hard to hold things in—or say them nicely—when you’re sitting on a volcano. You might want to “rehearse your monologue” by asking a friend who knows you well to be a sounding board. Or write in your journal until you get some clarity around your emotions. What you DON’T want to do is erupt out of the blue and spew hot lava all over someone you need to keep around.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Friday August 2
Watch your back, Cancer: A disruptive clash between caring Venus in your security center and unpredictable Uranus in your friendship corner could shake up your social circle. You’re not comfortable second-guessing your BFFs, but there could be a wolf in collaborator’s clothing, and you need to uncover them, stat. Has someone been taking too much of your time (or generosity) and not giving back in kind? Perhaps a colleague’s been stealing credit for your ideas… Either way, you need to suss ’em out and put an end to their duplicity. Your sensitive sign deserves to be surrounded by loving supporters—not double-crossers or underminers.

Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Friday August 2
Your mind turns to serious matters today as Venus in your sign swings into a tricky square with transformer Uranus in your career corner. Suddenly the status quo just won’t cut it. Volatile energy may be swirling inside you, making you question your current career path—or overall life trajectory. You have big plans, Leo, and under this uneasy angle, you may find yourself chomping at the bit to move on. Tempers might flare with an important man in your life, but this could be you projecting your own impatience. Don’t do anything rash, but do stay open to the possibility of radical change.
Read Leo daily horoscope

Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Friday August 2
So much for keeping the peace, Virgo. Today, you may finally need to confront someone who’s been making life difficult for you. When typically tactful Venus squares combustible Uranus in your candid ninth house, all the self-restraint in the world may not be enough to hold back your truth bombing. Before you go ballistic, be prepared for the other party’s response. Honesty begets honesty, so if you’re going to dish it out, make sure you can take it. This is an opportunity to check in with yourself to see if some of your anger is coming from a deeper place and was only triggered by the current situation.

Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Friday August 2
Fly free—or enjoy the security of a familiar crew? That’s the big question today as caring Venus in your friendship corner clashes with individualistic Uranus in your intimate eighth house. You can’t eat your cake and have it too, Libra, so it’ll be up to you to decide which is more important. One approach is to create more unconventional relationships with people who don’t “need” others to make them feel happy. This kind of self-sufficiency can be contagious, and the more you practice it, the more liberated you’ll feel. This doesn’t mean you have to ditch your companions. On the contrary: Greater independence makes your choices to be together all the more meaningful.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Friday August 2
Today’s eye-opening square between Venus in your ambitious tenth house and disruptive Uranus in your relationship corner could bring an unexpected piece of intel. You might learn that a colleague has been undermining your efforts at work or that a creative or romantic partner isn’t everything you’d hoped. Own your role in this, Scorpio: Did you overlook some inconvenient truths in a bid to get along? Or perhaps you gave up some of your power and have been relying too much on this person. Reset your expectations or figure out a way to live with lowered ones. Try to see the silver lining: This is a chance to develop greater self-reliance.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Friday August 2
Don’t let the details kill your dream, Sagittarius! Today, creative Venus in your expansive ninth house spins into a tense square with chaotic Uranus, threatening to put your big plans on hold. Don’t give up five minutes before the miracle happens! (Or five weeks or five months.) Step back and look at things from another perspective. Enlist the help of a friend or professional who’s been down this road to coach you through those annoying details. They may be confounding, but they will prove the key to your success. You might have to check your ego at the door; but remember, the goal here is to follow your bliss—not prove your merit to the outside world.
Read Sagittarius daily horoscope

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) daily horoscope for Friday August 2
Have your fun (it’ll be hard to stop you), but know your limits. Seductive Venus is shimmying through your intimacy sector, yet thanks to a challenging angle with bad-boy Uranus in your passion zone, you might be unable to resist temptation. But if you’re hoping to form a lasting bond with a person who can only be counted on to disappoint you, save your affection for someone more deserving. Even if you have to take lessons in saying no, it’ll be worth it. Invest in quality relationships that promise a decent ROI. While you’re holding out for that, seek your thrills in ways that won’t wreck your hard-won security, like taking trapeze lessons or learning to scuba dive. It’s not fair leading people on just to stoke your ego.
Read Capricorn daily horoscope

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Friday August 2
Newsflash: You can’t please everyone, Aquarius, so stop trying! This lesson gets driven home today as Venus in your relationship center squares off with disruptor Uranus in your fourth house of home and family. Not even your diplomatic sign will be able to keep the peace under this fiery transit. A relative or a roommate may be acting inappropriately, possibly stirring up trouble deliberately. Normally you’d try to get to the bottom of this, but you may be so upset that you can’t or won’t spend the time talking to them. Call a timeout and retreat to neutral corners. Even if you feel like “this is it,” give it time to settle down. Should they extend an olive branch, be prepared to accept it.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) daily horoscope for Friday August 2
Reality check! There are only so many hours in the day, Pisces, and even if you could pull an all-nighter, there’s no way you’re going to get to everything on your to-do list. Pleasant Venus may be in your productive sixth house, but today it clashes with transformative Uranus. While your first instinct will be to try to do it all, very quickly you’ll realize that simply ain’t gonna happen. But you can still do a LOT. The trick: Before you launch into your day, sit down and prioritize. Make a list of what’s most important and meaningful—or time-sensitive—and work from the top down. There’s plenty of time to get to the rest of those things…and if you have to skip a friend of a friend’s “meh” art opening, so be it. This kind of discernment could be habit-forming.