What’s happening in astrology today
June 28 in the stars: Find out what’s in store for you today in our daily horoscopes for Friday June 28. Read the daily horoscopes for your Sun sign or rising sign (ascendant) to plan your day.
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Your daily horoscopes for Friday June 28, 2024
Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Friday June 28
You could attract the attention of some VIP ballers today, Ram, but there’s a catch: You might need to do something a little larger-than-life to KEEP them raptly focused on you. But no worries: You were born to dazzle, and the universe has been waiting for you to claim what’s rightfully yours. Today’s quarter moon in your sign encourages you to stop downplaying your abilities and just do it—whatever “it” may be at the moment. You can figure out the details once it’s underway!
Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Friday June 28
That ripping sound you hear, Taurus? That’s just a certain Band-Aid that’s finally coming off! If you’ve been hemming and hawing and doing everything to avoid confronting a difficult situation, today’s empowering quarter moon in your healing twelfth house of transitions (and bold Aries) can help you find the courage. Try shifting your perspective so you focus on what you’re gaining instead of what you’re losing. Once you cross the threshold, Bull, you’ll feel a thousand psychic pounds lighter!
Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Friday June 28
Are you in or are you out? Your mentally nimble sign can analyze any subject until you’ve worked yourself into a pretzel knot! So if you’ve been kind of sort of hanging out with a new crew or waffling about becoming an official member of an organization, today’s quarter moon in decisive Aries and your group-activities sector can move the needle. Try thinking about it like this: Why NOT give it a go? Membership has its privileges, but if you really want to play, you also need to “pay” with an investment of time and energy.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Friday June 28
Take a moment under today’s empowering quarter moon in your professional tenth house to check in with your current career goals and ambitions. Have you set the bar high enough, Cancer? Are you advancing at a pace that makes you feel like you’re actually getting ahead (without getting whiplash)? In trailblazing Aries, la luna can inspire you to make a strategic move or speak up to a well-connected, talented influencer you’re in awe of. Nothing ventured, absolutely nothing gained!
Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Friday June 28
Are you in the game…or are you cheering on the action from a safe little spot on the sidelines? If you’ve got goals, it’s time to pick yourself up, down a cup of courage and get into the ring. After all, there’s only so much you can accomplish by thinking about an idea endlessly. With a galvanizing quarter moon in your risk-taking ninth house of travel and adventure, this is a perfect day to “gamble” on your own expansion by taking action.
Read Leo daily horoscope
Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Friday June 28
You don’t always have to be the chief cook and bottle washer, Virgo! If you can loosen up your perfectionist standards and settle for “damn good,” you can attract an able-bodied and quick-witted collaborator under today’s activating quarter moon in your eighth house of joint ventures. You know the value of strategic alliances, so why are you still DIY’ing it? Reach out and request assistance. And with the bonus time you find, go partner up in a more erotic way (also a directive of this sultry quarter moon)!
Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Friday June 28
Your fair-minded sign can get so caught up in “keeping the peace” that you wind up spinning your own wheels. Today, when an activating quarter moon in Aries sends a jolt through your seventh house of partnerships, you won’t be cool with coasting along and “seeing where things go”—or worse, wondering if a certain relationship is even going anywhere at all. Yes, you may have to initiate an awkward conversation, Libra, but if that leads to a definitive answer, it’ll be worth it.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Friday June 28
On your mark, get set, it’s go time! Today’s quarter moon in self-starting Aries charges up your sixth house of health and well-being. If you’ve been a bit casual (or negligent) about your physical fitness lately, this lunar lift can get you off the couch and back to the gym. But please don’t be your usual “all or nothing” self, Scorpio! Small, sustainable steps will keep you motivated for the long haul. Experiment with one-pot, plant-based dishes, and commit to getting half an hour of movement into each day.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Friday June 28
Unleash yourself! Today’s activating quarter moon in Aries revs up your fifth house of amour and artistry, giving you a direct line to your muse—or your libido (or both!). Single Archers need only aim their bow at an intriguing prospect and shoot those flirtatious arrows to hit their target. Attached? Do something sweet and unexpected for your partner tonight to show you appreciate them and don’t take them for granted, even when your actions might suggest otherwise. No one on the radar? Make art—for art’s sake!
Read Sagittarius daily horoscope
Capricorn (December 22-January 19) daily horoscope for Friday June 28
Today’s equalizing quarter moon in your domestic fourth house gives you permission—if you need it—to downshift, slow your roll and prioritize your personal projects instead of pouring all your energy into the job. And if you still feel a little guilty, think about it like this: To do your best work, you need to (at least occasionally) recharge your batteries and clear your mental cache. This way, when you get back in the ring, you’ll be refreshed and reinvigorated!
Read Capricorn daily horoscope
Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Friday June 28
If you’ve been waffling over an important decision or postponing a time-sensitive conversation that you fear will offend someone, lean in to the emphatic energy of today’s quarter moon. This one lands in take-no-prisoners Aries and your communication sector, helping you speak directly. Ram energy moves fast and doesn’t second-guess itself. If you take a moment to tune in to your heart and FEEL your way to an answer (rather than overthink it), you’ll instantly know how to proceed. Now the only obstacle to doing it is believing in it!
Pisces (February 19-March 20) daily horoscope for Friday June 28
A financial matter needs your attention, and no, Pisces, ignoring it won’t make it go away. (If anything, it’ll probably only get worse the longer you stay in ostrich mode.) Today, an emboldening quarter moon in fearless Aries and your money center can help you take that most important first step. There’s no magical way out of this, but the sooner you face the music, the sooner the song will end—and you can cue up a playlist more to your liking!