What’s happening in astrology today
November 22 in the stars: Find out what’s in store for you today in our daily horoscopes for Friday November 22. Read the daily horoscopes for your Sun sign or rising sign (ascendant) to plan your day.
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Your daily horoscopes for Friday November 22, 2024
Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Friday November 22
With the moon in your playful fifth house for the first half of the day, you’ve got no patience for rote tasks or, really, anything that’s not fun and creative. Can you finish your workweek early or take a “meeting” at a lively cafe instead of on Zoom or at the office? If nobody’s broken the 2024 Christmas music seal yet, Aries, make like your signmate Mariah Carey and turn on those tunes. Mid-afternoon, the wellness warrior returns. Go for a hike or stream a cardio class then see if your favorite athleticwear brand or local studio has a sale going on. Investing in your fitness and longevity is a holiday gift that will keep on giving.
Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Friday November 22
Call your mother! Or your sister, BFF or another important woman in your world. With the moon in your maternal fourth house for the first part of the day, her nurturing vibes will be healing balm on this sensitive morning. You’ll be back to your confident, centered place by the afternoon, when la luna heads into Virgo and your glamorous fifth house. Holiday shopping, here you come! Try on wilder styles, like a colorful faux fur coat or a pair of thigh-high boots. Reserve the evening for romance and celebration. Single Bulls will be feeling spontaneous. Who’s on the apps in your zip code at the moment?
Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Friday November 22
While the moon buzzes through its final hours in Leo early today, spend time catching up with a sibling or close friend. Meet for coffee, trade gifting wish lists and divvy up the holiday food prep. This afternoon, decamp to Chez Gemini for some hardcore nesting. You might even be in the mood to entertain guests. Keep it casual and comfortable, though. With the moon in Virgo and your domestic fourth house, cozy vibes are just what you need on this Friday night in.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Friday November 22
Slow and steady wins the race this morning, so for a change, enjoy lounging about without tackling anything too ambitious. If you do tuck into a project, let it be a leisurely one, like cooking, crafting or organizing an area of your home that could use a decorator’s touch. This could be a good excuse to see what vintage treasures you have stowed in the closet. Do an inventory of your wardrobe too. Mid-afternoon, the moon heads into Virgo and your impulsive third house. Take stock of your possessions before you hit the Black Friday supersales to avoid doubling up on pieces you already own.
Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Friday November 22
With the moon in your sign until mid-afternoon, you are ready for some uninterrupted “me time.” Slipping out of obligations early could take a few stealth moves, but you need to spread your wings, especially before family and holiday time begins next week. When the moon heads into Virgo this afternoon, your patience for other people returns. You’ll enjoy all the traditional nesting activities then, like cooking a hearty dinner and streaming holiday movies. You could also find yourself in a sensual groove. Enjoy some epic cuddling and TLC.
Read Leo daily horoscope
Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Friday November 22
Hit the snooze button, Virgo. Now, do it again. With the moon in your relaxing twelfth house until early afternoon, restoration is a must. Give your body the rest it deserves—and your dreams the space to expand. A rested mind is a fertile landscape for creative genius. Who knows? You could have your “white light moment” while sipping a mug of sweet rose tea and staring out the window. Do a little decluttering while you’re at it. This afternoon, you’re back in the action as the moon heads into Virgo and stays there all weekend. You’ll feel the urge to splurge, but stick to one or two things instead of crowding your closest with sale items.
Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Friday November 22
The more is absolutely the merrier for you this morning as the moon lingers in your eleventh house of community. Sync up with your team before people slip into holiday mode next week. Early this afternoon, when the moon slips into your sleepy twelfth house, your energy could crash. Don’t push yourself, Libra. Rest is essential, and you’ve earned some downtime. At the very least, take a disco nap before you go out tonight!
Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Friday November 22
While others start winding down in anticipation of the holidays, you’ll wake up feeling downright ambitious. If you’re not tucking into a work assignment, you could make headway on a personal project. Close the laptop mid-afternoon, when the moon heads into Virgo and your fun-loving eleventh house. Rally the troops for some group entertainment: karaoke, dancing, a movie date or ice-skating. And if you plan to treat yourself to anything for an early Black Friday, start in the gadgets department. If it makes your workflow easier, even better!
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Friday November 22
Don’t let anyone slow you down while the moon lingers in Leo for the first part of the day. Get out for a morning jog or to do some stealth shopping to grab those early Black Friday sales. With the moon in your travel sector until the afternoon, you might even take a long drive for your treasure hunt. When la luna swings into Virgo and your career sector midday, you’ll get a second wind to power through some pre-holiday deadlines.
Read Sagittarius daily horoscope
Capricorn (December 22-January 19) daily horoscope for Friday November 22
Diamonds might be a Cap’s best friend, but this weekend’s indulgences might lead you to something lacy, racy and rhinestone-studded. With the moon hovering in your erotic eighth house until mid-afternoon, some “top-drawer” additions to your lingerie collection could be the seductive gift that keeps on giving. In the afternoon, wanderlust strikes as the moon heads into Virgo and your worldly ninth house. Do an online search for fare specials; this could be the day you book that thrilling end-of-year getaway. (Just try to work around Mercury retrograde from November 25 to December 15.)
Read Capricorn daily horoscope
Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Friday November 22
We won’t have to twist your Water-Bearing arm to convince you to “make it a double.” Good thing since today’s stars pave the way for partnership—and maybe a twofer Black Friday deal that makes you AND a favorite person happy. As the day goes on, you and a certain someone could feel the urge to slip away together for some private one-on-one time. If you’re tackling a big project over the weekend, don’t go it alone. Enlist support from someone in your circle. If you can’t lure them with takeout or other temptations, work the barter system. You scratch their back, they’ll scratch yours.