What’s happening in astrology today
September 20 in the stars: Find out what’s in store for you today in our daily horoscopes for Friday September 20. Read the daily horoscopes for your Sun sign or rising sign (ascendant) to plan your day.
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Your daily horoscopes for Friday September 20, 2024

Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Friday September 20
The truth is slippery today, thanks to the Sun’s once-a-year face-off with foggy Neptune. You’re keen to uncover what’s really going down, but the facts will be obscured. Instead of insisting on taking the logical route, go with your gut. Your subconscious knows how to radar in on what’s real. Get a grip by meditating, free-writing or journaling about your dreams. Your instincts are sharp, but don’t be in a hurry to take action. This cosmic combo could cast a shadow over the best way forward. If your inner voice is saying two different things, sleep on it. A clearer path will emerge tomorrow.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Friday September 20
Close the opinion polls, Taurus. Today, the self-possessed Sun opposes hazy Neptune in your group sector, muddying the waters when it comes to a pending decision. That well-meaning feedback could stifle your creativity or cause you to second-guess your own opinions. Or you may struggle to all get on the same page. Table the discussion for next week, if possible, when it will be easier to come to consensus. If you’re out partying tonight, stick to your limits instead of letting people talk you into “just one more.”

Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Friday September 20
You’re oozing optimism and energy today, but what’s the best way to channel it? With a foggy face-off between the Sun and Neptune, it’s hard to get a clear read on your long-term goals. You’ve done your homework and understand the options, so now explore the emotional side of things. If certain feelings keep cropping up, pay attention. Talk it out with your go-to sounding board, and then reflect. While you’re eager to take action, don’t forge ahead until you’ve cleared up all your doubts. If you’ve been relying on independent research and Googling, getting a legit professional opinion can also be illuminating.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Friday September 20
Your caretaking nature knows no bounds under today’s opposition of the generous Sun and sacrificial Neptune. While you have the best intentions, you could exhaust yourself by pinch-hitting for a coworker or trying to shore up a down-in-the-dumps friend. Your plate is already full, so don’t let others guilt you into taking on their responsibilities. You might be offered a “short-term” gig only to find out that it’s a never-ending project. If anything, take the weekend to think through any complex requests. The right answer will come when you’re rested and relaxed. That’s a good incentive to wind down with a candlelight yoga class or make it an early night.

Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Friday September 20
You like to project an air of authority, but are you masking your true feelings in the process? Today, as the confident Sun gets in its annual dust-up with super-emo Neptune, you’d be wise to drop the pretenses. You may be feeling overwhelmed and like you have to do it all by yourself. But, Leo, people can’t be there for you if they have no clue that you need their support! Time to call in a few favors. With your generous nature, surely you’re owed more than one. Tonight, let someone else manage the social plans. You need a break from being in charge.
Read Leo daily horoscope

Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Friday September 20
Whoa, Virgo! What are you about to get yourself into now? Your normally keen judgment may be MIA today, due to the muddling influence of the annual Sun-Neptune opposition. With el Sol beaming in your sign, you’re in an impulsive groove, but Neptune’s position in your partnership zone might make you overly trusting of the wrong people. Unless you know who you’re dealing with, keep things casual and noncommittal. Friendly banter can be uplifting—and maybe it IS the beginning of a beautiful kinship—but today, proceed at a slower speed!

Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Friday September 20
If you really want to help people today, point them to resources, offer empowering words—just don’t do the heavy lifting for them. With the self-sufficient Sun making its annual opposition to sacrificial Neptune, you may struggle to uphold healthy boundaries. Here’s a quick test: Are you more concerned about someone else’s problems than they are themselves? If so, pull back. Caring is one thing, but playing caretaker will leave you exhausted—plus they’ll miss out on the important lessons that come from the struggle.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Friday September 20
Should you step onto center stage or scurry behind the scenes? Today, your mysterious side could be at war with the exhibitionistic streak that lives in every Scorpio. With the Sun facing off with enchanting Neptune, you could come out of left field and leave people amazed. Nothing like a sneak attack, right, Scorpio? But don’t be vague about your intentions. People could misread your motives if you’re too esoteric.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Friday September 20
Just as you were about to roll up your sleeves and pull your world into shape, a foggy Sun-Neptune face-off throws you a curveball. You might as well surrender, Sagittarius, because productivity will be slow going today. If possible, allow yourself to be delightfully distracted. Decluttering your closet could turn into a trip down memory lane as you sort through old photos and clothes you haven’t worn in years. If you have a pressing, end-of-week deadline, set a timer and use the reward system to keep yourself motivated. Those fall boots you’re coveting could be yours…AFTER you send off that report!
Read Sagittarius daily horoscope

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) daily horoscope for Friday September 20
Oversharing isn’t usually an issue for composed Capricorns, but today, as the Sun and no-limits Neptune face off across your communication axis, you’re at risk of saying too much. Pay attention to your surroundings before you start unloading about a stressful situation—or spilling tea. With shadowy Neptune stirring the pot, your private conversation could wind up on the grapevine, and you may never have a clue who broke the story. The less you confess, the better.
Read Capricorn daily horoscope

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Friday September 20
Don’t be too quick to trust today, Aquarius—but don’t veer to the opposite extreme and treat everyone you meet like a prime suspect. The Sun makes its annual opposition to hazy Neptune, creating a smokescreen in your psyche. Since your intuitive hits could miss the mark, let questionable relationships idle in neutral instead of shifting into drive—or reverse. People will invariably show you (or straight-up tell you) who they are. Observe quietly without rushing to conclusions. Tomorrow you’ll get a clearer read.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) daily horoscope for Friday September 20
Patience is a virtue, Pisces, but that doesn’t mean you have to let people waste your precious time. All you want is a yes or no answer. Instead, you find yourself listening to some dragged-out explanation and long soliloquy. With the Virgo Sun making its annual opposition to your ruler, Neptune, your fuse will be shorter than usual—and that’s probably a good thing. Cut people off (as politely as possible) and ask them to get to the point. Avoid giving circuitous explanations yourself. Brevity is the soul of wit!