What’s happening in astrology today
January 1 in the stars: Find out what’s in store for you today in our daily horoscopes for Monday January 1. Read the daily horoscopes for your Sun sign or rising sign (ascendant) to plan your day.
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Your daily horoscopes for Monday January 1, 2024
Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Monday January 1
The world feels a lot like your oyster this NYD. Revel in it, Ram, and let your mind start wandering about where you’d like to travel next. At 10:08 PM EST, mental Mercury wraps up a three-week retrograde and blasts ahead through Sagittarius, electrifying your expansive ninth house until January 13. Have you identified your grandest goals for the new year? Maybe you want to sell your screenplay, start your own side business or travel to the jungle to train as a healer. While today is best used for dreaming, your desires could start taking shape—and fast—in the days ahead!
Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Monday January 1
Money’s on your mind this NYD, and you’re eager to create a solid wealth plan for the year ahead. But don’t ruin your champagne buzz by reviewing every line item on your 2024 budget. Mental Mercury is retrograde until 10:08 PM EST, which means today is best used for visualizing what could be rather than committing to a rock-solid action plan. What would also be useful, Taurus, is to make a list of relationships you’d like to invest in this year. Ideally, these symbiotic connections will make you stronger together and maybe even richer! What do they have to offer and what will you give in return?
Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Monday January 1
Power to your partnerships, Gemini! Well, the healthy ones, at least… Your ruler, cooperative Mercury, is in your dynamic-duos zone (Sagittarius) this NYD, but it’s lingering in retrograde until 10:08 PM EST. While you’re sipping mimosas, scroll through your phone and do a crew review. Who were the standout stars from 2023, and who failed to live up to their promise? Your first bold act of 2024 might involve deleting some numbers from your contact list. You’ll feel like a weight’s been lifted off your shoulders! Then pinpoint a few vibrant people who add color to your life and make a point of connecting with them in the coming days.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Monday January 1
It’s up to you to get your needs met, Cancer, so vow to begin 2024 as your own loudest advocate. This NYD, messenger Mercury is wrapping up a three-week retrograde in Sagittarius and your sixth house of self-care, urging you to make numero uno your top priority. The holiday madness, coupled with taking care of basically your entire family, might have depleted your energy reserves. As the calendar turns, you are more than ready to nurture “me, myself, and I.” Now for the challenge! Let other people know that you could use their support around your wellness resolutions. That way you can engage in power naps, regular massages and working out sans interruptions. Amen!
Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Monday January 1
Ready for romance? If one of your New Year’s resolutions is to find your soulmate—or just go out on some stimulating dates—you’re off to a great start. Expressive Mercury wraps up a three-week retrograde and powers forward through your amorous fifth house until January 13, priming you for passion as 2024 begins. You’re not about to settle for a “fine for right now” fling, Leo; you need someone you can connect with on a deep level. Couples: Make sure you’re on the same page about kids—the fifth house has been known to cause baby fever. A creative project could be hatched while you’re sipping mimosas, but don’t start ordering supplies until the retrograde haze passes (10:08 PM EST). You may have second thoughts in a couple days.
Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Monday January 1
Is it possible to get a “crowd hangover”? You may be feeling the aftereffects of New Year’s Eve a little differently this year, especially if you spent time in a large group. The moon lingers in Virgo today, which kicks the year off on an independent note for you. Let your mind drift to what “living MY best life” might look like. Bear in mind that your ruler, messenger Mercury, will be wrapping up its three-week retrograde at 10:08 PM EST tonight. As it powers forward through Sagittarius and your domestic fourth house until January 13, personal happiness may involve redecorating, relocating or setting stronger boundaries with family.
Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Monday January 1
Start passing out the friendship bracelets! With so many kindred spirits to appreciate, it would be easy to spend the entire day sipping mimosas and exchanging warm-fuzzy messages. And that’s just the beginning of this networking spree. At 10:08 PM EST, Mercury pivots out of a three-week retrograde and powers forward in Sagittarius and your cooperative, communicative third house until January 13. Share your vision for 2024. What do you need to make it an amazing year? What do your people need? No one will know you’re looking for a new job, for example, unless you mention it. And you might have a resource to share once a friend opens up to you about her plans. Get the conversation flowing.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Monday January 1
When you’re done noshing on your NYD brunch, put your money where your mouth is, Scorpio. Messenger Mercury is wrapping up a three-week retrograde—and tonight (at 10:08 PM EST), it powers forward in Sagittarius and your fiscally savvy second house. It may be time to create a new budget for the new year, especially if your priorities (or earnings) have shifted. Or if you’ve hit a professional plateau, you may need to invest in education or training that rounds out your skill set and makes you marketable again.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Monday January 1
Lofty visions are dancing through your head this NYD as the Virgo moon spins jams in your tenth house of success. Nothing wrong with dreaming big! You wouldn’t be a Sagittarius if you didn’t. But before you pop down any rabbit holes, bear in mind that mental Mercury is retrograde (in your sign) until 10:08 PM EST tonight. Make a napkin sketch, record an audio memo, but then, let ideas keep drifting through like clouds. Tomorrow you can review them with retrograde-free eyes and see which ones are worth pursuing.
Read more Sagittarius horoscopes
Capricorn (December 22-January 19) daily horoscope for Monday January 1
With the Virgo moon in your expansive ninth house this NYD, you could wake up eager to broaden your horizons. But growth doesn’t have to look like adding more to your plate. Quite the contrary! To open up space for the new, close the door on activities that suck your time and energy. That advice goes double tonight, when Mercury ends its three-week retrograde and pivots forward through Sagittarius and your twelfth house of closure. You may decide it’s finally time to bolt the door on a relationship that’s no longer working. This isn’t necessarily a romantic partnership—it could be a friendship that’s run its course or a business alliance that’s not appropriate anymore. Rip that Band-Aid, Cap, and let 2024 be the year you cut all toxic ties.
Read more Capricorn horoscopes
Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Monday January 1
With the Virgo moon submerged in your private eighth house this NYD, you might not feel as bubbly as last night’s champagne. A quiet day of reflection is well deserved, plus you may as well enjoy the “me time” while you can! Tonight (at 10:08 PM EST), social Mercury wraps up a three-week retrograde and powers forward through Sagittarius and your communal eleventh house until January 13. The more will officially be the merrier. Pack your calendar with coffee dates, yoga and dinner with friends. This is no time to be a hermit—the connections you make now can pay off down the line!
Pisces (February 19-March 20) daily horoscope for Monday January 1
This New Year’s Day, as communication planet Mercury wraps up its retrograde in your tenth house of success, your thoughts may gravitate toward your most ambitious resolutions. And good for you! While the cosmic messenger won’t turn direct until tonight at 10:08 PM EST, start visualizing how you want to share your talents with the world in 2024. In the days ahead, don’t be afraid to ask an accomplished friend for a recommendation or strike up a conversation with a VIP. There’s truth to the expression “It’s not what you know but who you know.” What you know actually DOES matter, so be ready to walk your talk in 2024!