What’s happening in astrology today
June 17 in the stars: Find out what’s in store for you today in our daily horoscopes for Monday June 17. Read the daily horoscopes for your Sun sign or rising sign (ascendant) to plan your day.
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Your daily horoscopes for Monday June 17, 2024
Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Monday June 17
It’s a family affair, Aries! Gather your people and make time for those who matter most to you. Starting today, your sentimental side takes the wheel as Mercury nestles into Cancer and your homey fourth house until July 2. Get back in touch with old friends and commit to seeing family more often—perhaps for a blowout BBQ bash in your backyard. Since Cancer rules your feminine fourth house, connecting with powerful women provides the ultimate inspiration during this Mercury cycle. Have you hit a wall? A brunch date with a favorite wise woman might be all you need to get unstuck.
Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Monday June 17
Dynamic duos will be your jam for the next two weeks as social Mercury zips into your third house of partnerships. Instead of reinventing the wheel, find out if your “competition” would consider joining forces. Don’t overlook the obvious choices: A sibling, coworker or neighbor could step forward as your ideal collaborator. During this buzzy cycle, which lasts until July 2, your social calendar will fill up quickly. Use these meetups as an excuse to check out new restaurants, bars or concert venues in your area. The civic spirit may strike. Could a local park or community garden benefit from your earth-sign magic?
Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Monday June 17
What you focus on expands, Gemini, so fix your sights on fresh income streams. Your ruling planet, thoughtful Mercury, sets up shop in Cancer and your second house of finances until July 2. Network like it was your side hustle—or your full-time job! Your charming conversational prowess could land you an interview or hard-to-get meeting. Reconnect to the like-minded and successful people you already know. You could spark a synergy that spells money in the bank. If you’re on the hunt for a new gig, the communication planet is on your side. Set up those LinkedIn alerts and ask colleagues to make recommendations.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Monday June 17
No holding back. Today, chatty Mercury zips into Cancer, sounding the call for courageous self-expression. You’ll be more “voice-activated” with the communication planet in your sign until July 2. Take advantage of this window to promote a venture or spread an important message you have to share. Experiment with platforms like Facebook Live and Instagram Stories to reach people in a low-pressure (but potentially viral) way. This transit also encourages self-exploration. Sign up for a workshop or sessions with a private coach or trainer. Remember: Creating the life of your dreams starts with getting to know yourself first.
Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Monday June 17
Embrace the muse! Today, mental Mercury glides into your twelfth house of the subconscious until July 2. Close the spreadsheet windows and take a Twitter timeout. For the next few weeks, you’ll have an easier time expressing yourself with song lyrics, watercolors or choreographed dance. By harnessing your creativity, you might have a long-overdue breakthrough. This could be an emotional time for you, so keep that messenger window open with supportive friends. Working with a therapist, shaman or spiritual adviser can also help you get unstuck. Forgiveness is in the air, and it’s time to let go of an old grudge or past hurt. Be gentle with yourself under this transit and engage in regular self-care.
Read Leo daily horoscope
Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Monday June 17
All together now! Today, communication planet Mercury wings into Cancer and your eleventh house of teamwork and technology until July 2. Assembling a killer crew can elevate all your plans to a higher level. Or just gather the hivemind for a weekly mastermind group or a brainstorming session over sushi (your treat). How are you representing online? Polish up your profiles and use social media platforms to generate a buzz. A thought-provoking post could go viral now. Make every tweet count!
Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Monday June 17
Prepare for liftoff, Libra! Mental Mercury ascends into your career-focused tenth house until July 2, giving your ambitious endeavors wings. Use social media to draw attention to a high-profile project, or if a venture is still on the drawing board, assemble a team who can help you propel it forward. Resist the temptation to be totally hands-on here. This Mercury phase is grooming you as a leader, and that means delegating instead of being unnecessarily DIY. Well-connected friends could open doors for you. But if you ask them to recommend you, make sure to bring your A game.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Monday June 17
Unfiltered Scorpio is on the loose! Candid Mercury glides into your outspoken ninth house until July 2, and you’ll be keeping it raw and real. But watch that stinger. A little diplomacy goes a long way in sparing people’s egos and keeping important relationships intact. When scouting for opportunity, go MUCH farther than the county line. With Mercury in this global zone, you might have to flex your foreign-language skills (or use a translator app) to seal a deal. Pair that pursuit with plane tickets so you can practice with native speakers.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Monday June 17
Pillow talk gets incredibly spicy—and intense—starting today as sweet talker Mercury shifts into your sultry eighth house until July 2. Your seductive swagger lures admirers, but screen prospects thoroughly before rolling in the deep since this esoteric Mercury cycle could conceal a shadowy past. Get in touch with your deepest desires and listen to your gut during this transit, and you’re bound to make the right decisions. You could even attract a person with soulmate potential. Coupled Sagittarians can strengthen a bond by opening up and being more vulnerable.
Read Sagittarius daily horoscope
Capricorn (December 22-January 19) daily horoscope for Monday June 17
It takes two to tango, Capricorn—and you’re more than ready to dance a paso doble. Today, communicative Mercury slides into Cancer and your seventh house of partnerships until July 2. Whether in romance or your professional life, conversations around long-term commitments could turn serious, in a truly inspiring way. Conflicted? Coupled Caps can smooth things over under this transit, resuming talks of creating a future together. Single? You could hit the jackpot with the dating apps, so swipe right or ask close friends to play Cupid.
Read Capricorn daily horoscope
Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Monday June 17
Have you tumbled off the wellness wagon, Aquarius? Today brings another opportunity for a fresh start as meticulous Mercury moves into Cancer and your healthy sixth house until July 2. Mobile devices fall under Mercury’s reign, so let your phone be your virtual personal trainer. Tracking meals and fresh water intake, doing quick at-home workouts, meditating to refresh your brain: Why yes, Aquarius, there IS an app for that. Professionally, this Mercury cycle demands efficiency. If you’re not great at creating systems, bring in a professional organizer who can set the template for you. Once it’s in place, you’ll easily fall into step with the new structure and routine.
Pisces (February 19-March 20) daily horoscope for Monday June 17
xLust or bust! Flirty Mercury flits into Cancer and your flamboyant, passion-fueled fifth house until July 2, putting you on high flirt alert. Forget about dodging the spotlight! You can expect to attract more fame and recognition than usual for the coming few weeks. Don’t blow the opportunity to promote a cause with any “aw shucks” modesty. You’ve earned the praise, so why not amplify the attention and shine a light on all the important things you have to offer the world?