Daily Horoscope for Thursday August 31, 2023 | Astrostyle: Astrology and Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscopes by The AstroTwins
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Daily Horoscope for Thursday August 31, 2023

What’s happening in astrology today

August 31 in the stars: Find out what’s in store for you today in our daily horoscopes for Thursday August 31. Read the daily horoscopes for your Sun sign or rising sign (ascendant) to plan your day.

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Your daily horoscopes for Thursday August 31, 2023

Aries Daily horoscope

Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Thursday August 31

Emotions and rational thinking CAN run side-by-side on parallel tracks, Aries. Today, give your feelings a proper allotment of airtime, but don’t confuse them with facts. Get into dialogue with a centered and supportive friend who will listen without dumping fuel on the fire. You need to vent, but once you do, get proactive. Read blogs, seek counsel from people who have “been there, done that” and go for a walk with a savvy friend who is always ready with a practical solution.

Read more Aries horoscopes

Taurus Daily horoscope

Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Thursday August 31

When you’re in the throes of lust (or admiration), it’s easy to hoist people up on a pedestal. Unfortunately, that fangirl energy can throw a perfectly good connection out of balance—and even cause you to devalue your own worth. Although you might be feeling anxious about the future, resist discussing heavy topics right now. A shared sense of humor or obsession with the same artists is a good place to land in conversation as you warm up to each other. The synergy you share now is a building block for something more solid tomorrow.

Read more Taurus horoscopes

Gemini Daily horoscope

Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Thursday August 31

Bring a more personal touch to your professional dealings today, Gemini. No, that doesn’t mean extending your 4PM client meeting into drinks and a potential hookup. (Though you might be tempted.) But do get to know more about your colleagues’ out-of-office interests. The friendlier vibes will make going into work much more enjoyable—or help you customize pitches to suit a client’s needs. If you do hit an evening mixer, go easy on the social lubricants and keep your wits about you.

Read more Gemini horoscopes

Cancer Daily horoscope

Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Thursday August 31

You’re not keeping anything hidden inside that shell today, Cancer. With the moon opposing mouthy Mercury retrograde, the truth could come tumbling out before you have a chance to censor yourself. But whenever possible, deploy a touch of diplomacy—yes, even with people who have pushed every last one of your buttons. Rewind and be kind.

Read more Cancer horoscopes

Leo Daily horoscope

Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Thursday August 31

Retrograde Mercury faces off with the moon today, encouraging you to balance your feelings against solid facts. Maybe there’s a reason you’ve been anxious about an upcoming event or situation. Instead of moving forward on a wing and a prayer, confirm all the details and read the safety requirements. You’ll breathe easier knowing what you’re getting yourself into. And if this actually IS the wrong thing for you, at least you’ll have solid data to justify bowing out.

Read more Leo horoscopes

Virgo Daily horoscope

Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Thursday August 31

Cooler heads prevail today, making it safe to revisit a touchy topic. With your ruler, sensible Mercury (who’s retrograde until September 15), opposing the moon, you could strike a compromise on a matter that was previously deadlocked. Instead of delivering a compelling monologue, ask questions to get all objections out into the open. Under today’s dispassionate skies, a practical solution could emerge that ticks enough of everyone’s boxes. No, it probably won’t be “perfect,” but at least there will be progress.

Read more Virgo horoscopes

Libra Daily horoscope

Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Thursday August 31

Pause the action today to do a little creative brainstorming. If time and money were no object, what WOULD you do differently? Dream without limits before you shift back to practical planning mode. Sure, your fantasy scenario might require an oligarch’s bankrolling—oh those expensive Libra tastes. But a scaled-down version is certainly possible if you deploy some DIY hacks, barter services and plunge deep in the Etsy archives. Never say never!

Read more Libra horoscopes

Scorpio Daily horoscope

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Thursday August 31

The pressure is on, and you want to bring your best to the table today. Totally understandable, Scorpio. Trouble is, your nervous energy could become contagious, throwing everyone into an anxious state. Putting people at ease is just as important as wowing them with a polished presentation. Turn on the charm and establish rapport. If you have to look up a statistic or email a PDF after the meeting, it’s not a big deal, especially if people are reveling in your warm, convivial energy.

Read more Scorpio horoscopes

Sagittarius Daily horoscope

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Thursday August 31

Casual won’t cut it today, Sagittarius, so skip the denim and slip on something boardroom appropriate. Although your friendly charm will put people at ease, you need to scale up professionally to win their allegiance. The goal is to walk in like you own the room—with a confidence that says, “I’m a capable and trustworthy leader.” But bring nobility, not hubris, by attentively tuning in to people’s ideas and steering discussions toward your shared goals. 

Read more Sagittarius horoscopes

Capricorn Daily horoscope

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) daily horoscope for Thursday August 31

No more stalling, Capricorn. It’s time to address that neon pink elephant in the room. You don’t have much of a choice, really, but your sense of humor is your sharpest tool for cutting through resistance. There’s some divine comedy to this whole situation, and laughter can help repair the rifts. Are you the one who screwed up? The ability to own your mistakes and even laugh at them is what makes you bulletproof. If you made a bad call, don’t ruminate! Own up to it, forgive yourself, and then come up with a creative way to make amends. Few can resist a genuine mea culpa.

Read more Capricorn horoscopes

Aquarius Daily horoscope

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Thursday August 31

Temptation is everywhere you turn today, Aquarius—and staying grounded in the face of it will NOT be easy. Whether the lure is a salted caramel sundae, a third Michelada or the dashing charm of a Tinder hookup, you won’t have much willpower in reserve. (And who can blame you, really?) Trouble is, you’ve already said, “just this once” more times than you can count, and you’re getting tired of the hangovers. Rather than deny yourself pleasure, find healthier options for getting your “fix.” That coconut almond smoothie and bae with the yoga glow are nothing to scoff at!

Read more Aquarius horoscopes

Pisces Daily horoscope

Pisces (February 19-March 20) daily horoscope for Thursday August 31

With your generous spirit (and propensity for people-pleasing), it can be hard for you to stand your ground in relationships. Other people’s needs loom large for you, but that doesn’t mean they are waiting for you to fulfill their every desire! Today, as retrograde Mercury in your partnership house opposes the Pisces moon, have a discussion about expectations. Clarify roles and vocalize your own wishes. Relationships can be rebalanced once you kill the assumptions and start taking better care of yourself. The people who love you don’t want you to drain yourself giving to them!

Read more Pisces horoscopes

Check out everything that’s happening in your August monthly horoscope too!

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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of Astrostyle.com and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.