What’s happening in astrology today
December 28 in the stars: Find out what’s in store for you today in our daily horoscopes for Thursday December 28. Read the daily horoscopes for your Sun sign or rising sign (ascendant) to plan your day.
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Your daily horoscopes for Thursday December 28, 2023

Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Thursday December 28
Warning: Today’s tense square between agitator Mars and crisis-junkie Neptune could set off alarms when there actually isn’t an emergency. But that’s a good enough reason to slow down and center yourself. Read through instructions (thoroughly) before diving into any projects. The process may be more complicated than you realize. Gloss over the details, and you’ll curse this not-so-easy-after-all mission later. If you can hold off engaging in structured tasks, all the better. Instead, devote the day to more free-flowing activities, like researching competitors online or even taking a one-day road trip to source for inspiration.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Thursday December 28
Steer clear of making unilateral decisions for the collective today, Bull. With feisty Mars squaring guilt-tripping Neptune, group activities could go sideways, fast. You might think that a cozy movie night and family dinner is the way to get everyone to bond, but if others are overheating from cabin fever, best to just let them have their space. Be strategic about it: Present your idea as a possibility rather than an etched-in-stone plan. But even that won’t guarantee that they’ll jump onboard. Do your best to NOT take it personally!

Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Thursday December 28
Today’s stressful square between make-it-happen Mars and checked-out Neptune could leave you feeling like a juggler with too many pins in the air. Professional demands will occupy your brain space, particularly if you’ve got an impending presentation to prep for. While you would prefer to not deal with work issues, take a few hours to get yourself organized. Moving that “boulder” will be a huge relief. Friends and family could also pile on the pressure. While you don’t want to blow them off, you won’t be good company if your thoughts are elsewhere. Handle YOUR business first.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Thursday December 28
How confusing! Agitator Mars clashes with conciliator Neptune, which could leave you running ragged on the social front. While certain people are demanding one-on-one time with you, there may not be enough of you to go around. To avoid burnout, rally your friends for a group hang. But don’t pressure yourself to host the gathering, Cancer, even if your culinary skills are topnotch. You desperately need a breather after yesterday’s full moon in your sign. Hook up with your crew at your favorite happy hour spot or check out a must-see film everyone’s been raving about.

Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Thursday December 28
Brace yourself, Leo. Today, a tricky square could stir up drama fast. As agitator Mars locks horns with gullible Neptune, you could totally fall for someone’s manipulative antics. When the family narcissist throws a fit or someone pokes at your “pain point” to try to sell you something, don’t cave! Instead of battling it out, step away from the situation. This isn’t a matter of admitting defeat—it’s about self-preservation. Stop engaging with them, or they’ll suck you dry.

Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Thursday December 28
Intense demands are flying in from every direction, thanks to a draining square between aggro Mars and guilt-tripping Neptune. Even more frustrating? They could come straight from your significant other or a friend in your inner circle. You might have to put every device in airplane mode just to get a moment to write in your journal. If you’ve ignored the last three texts someone sent, however, don’t put them off for too long. It’s not your job to “rescue” them, but a brief conversation with you, their levelheaded cheerleader, might be enough to settle them down. (AND get them off your back.) Pro tip: Point people toward a solution that doesn’t involve you rushing in for the save yet again.

Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Thursday December 28
A dominating person could try to guilt-trip you into squeezing “one more thing” into your schedule under today’s challenging Mars-Neptune square. But if that will push you over the edge, set a boundary and don’t cave. Working hard to please them won’t actually appease them. Maybe they keep raising the bar—or are simply ignoring your requests for cooperation. Enough’s enough! This is the day to lay down crystal-clear limits that feel fair to you. In other words, only give what you can without compromising yourself or your other obligations.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Thursday December 28
Close the opinion polls, Scorpio! With your co-ruler, anxious Mars, clashing with befuddling Neptune, outside feedback will only send you further into a tailspin. This is especially true for ideas that are still in the germination stage. At this point, anything that sounds like criticism will discourage you—just as you’re getting warmed up! Got evening plans? Do something more engaging than just dinner and drinks. Catch an indie film or stream a documentary then discuss. If it’s edgy and thought-provoking, it’s likely to help you break through a creative block.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Thursday December 28
Your ambitious nature is out in full force today, Sagittarius, thanks to assertive Mars in your sign. But are you reading the room properly? As elusive Neptune throws the red planet a curveball, you might mistake your nemesis for a future collaborator…or vice versa. Since you don’t want to dive into shark-infested waters, take your time before forming any alliances. Also, watch how much authority you grab for yourself. While you’re eagerly capturing the lead, you could inadvertently threaten an important figure in your industry. When in doubt, wait it out—or at least count backward from ten before reacting and responding.
Read more Sagittarius horoscopes

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) daily horoscope for Thursday December 28
Relationships may feel like a moving target today as restless Mars locks horns with drifter Neptune. A person you couldn’t get enough of yesterday is suddenly draining you, or maybe you fear you’ve been ghosted after what felt like a cosmically orchestrated encounter. Even reading something disturbing on a social media feed could send you spiraling into paranoia. (No, your S.O. probably isn’t a narcissist, no matter what quiz you just took.) You may want to respond with a 500-word text or make a decisive declaration, but don’t! Not with hazy Neptune muddling your thoughts. Like a wave, this unsettled energy will wash over you. Just stand still, Cap, and avoid getting sucked into the undertow.
Read more Capricorn horoscopes

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Thursday December 28
What’s good for the goose could ruffle feathers with the Aquarius gander today as Neptune in your second house of values gets a shakedown from aggressive Mars in your teamwork zone. Good luck trying to get everyone aligned around a unified vision! Don’t waste your time or breath on this exercise in frustration. Instead, step back and assess: Is working with this group right for YOU anymore, Water Bearer? Even if the answer is yes, you may realize that it’s time to step into a new role, especially if you’ve been carrying the weight of responsibility for others for too long.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) daily horoscope for Thursday December 28
If you’ve been bending over backward to make others happy, give your attitude a “chiropractic adjustment.” With your ruler, gullible Neptune, getting checked by fierce Mars in your authority zone, you need to show a straight and confident backbone. Others might not agree with (or like) your current stance on matters. Don’t change your tune just to keep the peace. You don’t have to be totally inflexible, of course. Engage in a dialogue and let things get a little heated if that’s what it takes to be heard. Pushing back against ideas you disagree with can pave the way for compromise.