What’s happening in astrology today
November 2 in the stars: Find out what’s in store for you today in our daily horoscopes for Thursday November 2. Read the daily horoscopes for your Sun sign or rising sign (ascendant) to plan your day.
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Your daily horoscopes for Thursday November 2, 2023
Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Thursday November 2
Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Thursday November 2
Steady yourself, Taurus, because today’s stars will do their best to swing you between extremes. Don’t be surprised if you go from being a sealed vault one minute to a gushing oversharer the next! The intense privacy comes courtesy of the Scorpio Sun, but a face-off with candid Jupiter in Taurus loosens your lips. And with those planets aligned across your axis of self and partnership, you might forget where you end and they begin. That’s one border that’s worth staying cognizant of!
Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Thursday November 2
Remember, Gemini: “No.” is a complete sentence. You may feel a little helpless in the face of someone’s cogent persuasion, but it’s your sacred duty to resist. That might be a tad challenging as agreeable Jupiter clashes with the hard-to-resist Sun in your service sector. Ask yourself: Who stands to benefit if you go along—and what do YOU stand to lose? Ultimately, you need to find the willpower to fight this person’s “emotional gravity” and walk away if necessary. In doing so, you’ll gain incalculable confidence.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Thursday November 2
Today, as two heavy hitters, Jupiter and the Sun, oppose in your sectors of group activity, playfulness and theatrics, stack the deck with more grounded people than drama queens. You don’t “have” to invite someone—or go along with their crew—if you’re going to suffer silently as they dominate every conversation and pontificate. That said, check yourself to make sure you’re not the one hogging the mic. The point here is to have fun, not wage a battle of the wits.
Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Thursday November 2
You hate to follow the rules just for the sake of protocol, but sometimes, Leo, there’s a method to the “madness.” For one thing, there could be factors you’re not aware of, and rushing ahead could backfire. And today, with the swaggering Sun opposing overconfident Jupiter in your public sector, you might not only miss the mark, but it won’t be behind closed doors. To protect your reputation and your colleagues, stay humble and make a point of listening more than you speak.
Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Thursday November 2
You may feel untethered and overly influenced by an opinionated person, Virgo, but everyone’s entitled to their own point of view. And just like them, you’ve got a few hot takes of your own! With the Sun and Jupiter clashing in your expressive and philosophical zones, there may be some lively debates today. The more you connect to your own truth, the stronger and more grounded you’ll feel. Should a discussion turn harsh or mean-spirited, remember that you don’t have to stick around.
Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Thursday November 2
Pump the brakes if only to make sure they’re in proper working order. Today’s starmap may spur you to put the pedal to the metal and not let up! With the Sun in sensual Scorpio, you’re all about how something FEELS. But el Sol is locked in an opposition with spontaneous Jupiter in your intense eighth house, so you might not have the best self-control. (Limits? What are those?) In romance and business, take the long view. If a potential union has merit, trust that it will stand the test of time.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Thursday November 2
Interpersonal dynamics might be a little dodgy today, thanks to an opposition of the Sun in your sign and magnifier Jupiter in your relationship zone. Some people may not know where to draw the line in terms of demands and expectations, and the minute you give them an inch, they want 26.2 miles. Before you point the finger, check in with yourself and your willingness to go along. Tap into your Scorpionic iron will and hold your ground. Ultimately, we teach others how to treat us.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Thursday November 2
Can you resist anything but temptation? If you’re trying to break a bad habit or start a salubrious new one, you need to be extra tough on yourself, especially in the beginning before the positive-feedback loop kicks in. Today, an opposition between your ruler, bottomless Jupiter, and the ego-driven Sun in your house of secret enemies threatens to chip away at your willpower. The trick: Focus on the REASONS you want to make this change rather than the behavior itself, and then build in mini-milestone rewards.
Read more Sagittarius horoscopes
Capricorn (December 22-January 19) daily horoscope for Thursday November 2
Don’t get sidetracked by other people’s antics today, Capricorn—fascinating as they may be. You’ve got work that requires your full attention, and tuning in to the Diva channel will only be a time-sucking disruption. Avoiding drama might be easier said than not done, though, with a socially engaged Sun opposing blowhard Jupiter in your theatrical fifth house. Your own romantic life could be a source of intensity. Separate true highlights from high drama, and stay on guard for narcissistic types: never a winning situation!
Read more Capricorn horoscopes
Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Thursday November 2
You’re an open book, Aquarius, but perhaps you should dog-ear a page and close it? You might be dancing on the edge of oversharing today as the Sun in your public sector faces off with candid Jupiter. Some things are better kept to yourself—and certain topics are best reserved for your most intimate circle. So before you show all your cards, think twice about holding them closer to your chest. If there’s something you NEED to vent about, call a friend or someone who can listen objectively.
Pisces (February 19-March 20) daily horoscope for Thursday November 2
In the age of conspiracy theories and questionable “facts,” dependable data can be hard to come by. Today, as the revealing Sun in your truthful ninth house faces off with candid Jupiter, you could find yourself scampering down a rabbit hole in pursuit of it. But beware from the get-go that this could be a frustrating mission—if not a downright impossible one. If you can, allow people’s claims to stand, knowing that it’s up to you to decide how many grains of salt to take ‘em with.