November is a month of integration, a time to anchor ourselves amidst the intensity, to find space to process all that’s happened since the planet plunged into turmoil last month. Your November 2023 horoscope has all the cosmic details to navigate.
This won’t be the easiest mission to tackle, and it will require some stealthy self-discipline. The year has been filled with non-stop change, from Saturn’s move into Pisces, Pluto’s pivot between Capricorn and Aquarius, the summer retrogrades of Venus and Mercury AND October’s eclipse season. (Had enough yet?)
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2025 Horoscope
The extremes combining for your November 2023 horoscope
It will be all too easy to go to extremes in November 2023, especially during the first three weeks. The Sun and Mars are both traveling through Scorpio until November 22 and 24, respectively. This combustible combination is great for focus but can exacerbate the tunnel vision that’s fragmented so much of the world this year.
Uranus in stubborn Taurus (still retrograde) will make a few attempts to decrease the peace, so watch your own words and actions on key dates. Uranus will oppose communicator Mercury on November 4. When Mars faces off in an opposition with volatile Uranus on November 11, we’ll need to send up some extra 11-11 wishes, as tensions could reach a boiling point. The Scorpio new moon on November 13 continues this as the Sun and moon both form a charged polarity to Uranus.
On the plus side, structured Saturn—AKA the cosmic “adult in the room”—rouses from a nearly five-month retrograde on November 4. As the ringed taskmaster powers forward in Pisces, our compassion and desire for healing awakens again too. Information that’s been obscured or hidden can come into plain sight. Order may start to replace chaos, at least some of it. Will the empathic leaders please stand up? We need all of you.
Take your energy to the polls
Here’s an idea for your November 2023 horoscope: Take all that charged-up energy to the polling booths and go vote in your local election on November 7 (or opt in for early voting that’s already started, October 28 to November 5).
Sagittarius season arrives on November 22, helping us all see the bigger picture. Mars joins the Archer’s domain on November 24, staying for the rest of the year (until January 24). With the bold Sun and activating Mars in this global, multicultural sign, we’ll lean into Sagittarian optimism and hope.
Thanksgiving 2023 astrology
But (no surprise) there is much work to be done. Your November 2023 horoscope includes Thanksgiving weekend (in the U.S.); Saturn in Pisces will be in a challenging 90-degree square to the Sun and Mars. Politics could easily infiltrate the dinner table, fragmenting family gatherings like it was 2016. You may need to put up some firm Saturn-approved boundaries to direct the conversation toward whatever semblance of mutual respect and tolerance can be forged. And if it can’t…don’t feel obligated to turn up at a table if the tables are going to be turned against you.
The November 27 Gemini full moon will intensify the duel, forming a T-square (a 3-way tug o’ war) with the Sun and Mars in Sagittarius and Saturn in Pisces. While this lunar lift can open the floodgates for communication, we must remember that NOT talking is still a form of communication. Are your listening skills as good as your oratory powers? You’ll want them to be.
In the case of a T-square, we look for the fourth sign of the “modality” for answers. In this case, the missing sign is sensible, analytical Virgo, indicating a need to do more than just talk at each other. A plan, with points spelled out one by one, will be needed in order to achieve a lofty or hopeful vision of any magnitude.
Your November 2023 horoscope leaves you entering December with more questions than answers—but hopefully with better questions that we can ask of ourselves during philosophical Sagittarius season. Sifting through so much information and emotion this month will take energy, but we have the chance to emerge with some wisdom and hopefully, the remembrance of our common humanity.
Your November 2023 horoscope by zodiac sign
You can read your November 2023 horoscope today for your Sun sign or your rising sign (ascendant). Visit our Cosmic Calculator section if you want to calculate your Rising sign or discover more about your personal astrology.
Aries (March 21-April 19) monthly horoscope for November 2023
It’s okay to exhale now, Aries. The summer and fall kept everyone on their toes, and last month’s two eclipses were a big part of the hubbub. Your relationships and finances got rocked by these supercharged lunar events—potentially in some fruitful ways!—and you may spend November integrating the changes. It was a lot to take in. Good news for your November 2023 horoscope: With the Sun and your ruler, driven Mars, both in Scorpio for the first three weeks of November, you’re in… Keep reading your Monthly Aries Horoscope
Taurus (April 20-May 20) monthly horoscope for November 2023
November is relationship high season for you, Taurus. The Sun is moving through Scorpio and Sagittarius, which rule the two most committed zones of your chart. Pairing up for romance, success or both could be on your mind. With motivator Mars also traveling in sync with the Sun, you’re extra revved up to make dynamic duos official. But first: Who ARE you really? Your whole identity—and thus your approach to compatibility and partnership—could be… Keep reading your Monthly Taurus Horoscope
Gemini (May 21-June 20) monthly horoscope for November 2023
You’ve got things to take care of, Gemini, and a few things to cross off your list. (Hint: They don’t include gifts for 50 of your closest friends.) With the Sun and motivator Mars both in Scorpio for the first three weeks of November, your sixth house of tasks and to-do’s is energized by the cosmos. It’s a great time to get your… Keep reading your Monthly Gemini Horoscope
Cancer (June 21-July 22) monthly horoscope for November 2023
The holidays always begin in an inside-out way for you, at least according to the astrological calendar. While the Sun is in Scorpio until November 22, it’s heating up your festive, flirtatious fifth house and putting you in the mood for celebration… Keep reading your Monthly Cancer Horoscope
The Astrology Advantage
Leo (July 23-August 22) monthly horoscope for November 2023
November might be the calmest month—or at least the most “normal”—that the stars have served you in a while. All the way back in July, as Leo season started, harmonizer Venus turned retrograde in YOUR sign for six weeks. Like an itchy sweater or a damp swimsuit that wouldn’t dry, life may have just felt plain uncomfortable. And it didn’t fade with fall. Mercury was retrograde halfway into September, then October brought eclipse season with even more curveballs. Your November 2023 horoscope calls for you to start settling… Keep reading your Monthly Leo Horoscope
Virgo (August 23-September 22) monthly horoscope for November 2023
Making up for lost time! November could find you FINALLY feeling like yourself again, Virgo—for the first time in months. From the retrogrades of summer and fall to the eclipses of October, you’ve had your share of curveballs and delays. Just when you thought you were gaining traction somewhere, plans may have suddenly pivoted. Not the best feeling for a sign like yours that craves certainty—but you’ve weathered the plot twists like a champion. Now, your November 2023 horoscope calls for you get to enjoy a month of… Keep reading your Monthly Virgo Horoscope
Libra (September 23-October 22) monthly horoscope for November 2023
Sweet stability is on its way, Libra. It’s been hard to get the anchoring your sign craves for the last several months. From the July and August retrograde of your ruling planet, Venus, to several other retrogrades AND a solar eclipse in your sign mid-October, you’ve been rocked to and fro every time you thought things were starting to settle. Your November 2023 horoscope, thankfully, gives you the chance to… Keep reading your Monthly Libra Horoscope
Scorpio (October 23-November 21) monthly horoscope for November 2023
Happy birthday season, Scorpio! Not only is the Sun in your sign until November 22, but your co-ruler, energizer Mars, is also here until November 24, gifting you an extra shot of confidence and charisma. With the mid-November new moon in your sign, you get a “bonus” New Year’s Eve as this lunar lift kicks off a fresh six-month cycle for your personal goals… Keep reading your Monthly Scorpio Horoscope
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) monthly horoscope for November 2023
Rest up as best as you can, Archer. Sagittarius season is almost here, along with the holidays. But before you kick off a fresh trip ‘round the Sun, clear away some of that unfinished business. You’ll get some help from the Sun and motivator Mars, which are both in Scorpio and your twelfth house of endings and closure for the first three weeks of the month. You’re revved up to cross those last items off your list so you can move into celebration mode!… Keep reading your Monthly Sagittarius Horoscope
Capricorn (December 22-January 18) monthly horoscope for November 2023
Get the festivities started early! With the Sun and energizer Mars in Scorpio heating up your social, group-centric eleventh house for the first three weeks of November, you’re in the mood to mingle. A collaboration or team effort could gain some exciting buzz, giving you and your crew something to celebrate. Your ruling planet, Saturn, ends a nearly five-month retrograde this November 4, powering forward in Pisces and your communication house. If you’ve been waiting for an answer, your November 2023 horoscope… Keep reading your Monthly Capricorn Horoscope
Aquarius (January 20-February 18) monthly horoscope for November 2023
Make your (to-do) list and check it twice! You’ve got a busy push to the finish line for the first three weeks of the month. The Sun and Mars are in Scorpio and your tenth house of career, making you extra ambitious. You may have no choice in the matter as deadlines pile up as fast as you can clear them. But if you play your cards right, you could set yourself up for a sweet year-end bonus or even a promotion in 2024, especially near the November 13 Scorpio new moon… Keep reading your Monthly Aquarius Horoscope
Pisces (February 19-March 20) monthly horoscope for November 2023
This year has been a big one for you, Pisces. Ready or not, you’ve been tasked with “adulting” ever since Saturn entered your sign on March 7 for the first time since the mid-1990s. It hasn’t been easy to start taking yourself and your goals more seriously. You’ve probably become painfully aware of places where your life needs more structure or where you could use mentorship, polish and an upgraded set of skills. Good news in your November 2023 horoscope… Keep reading your Monthly Pisces Horoscope