Daily Horoscope for Thursday November 21, 2024 | Astrostyle: Astrology and Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscopes by The AstroTwins
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Daily Horoscope for Thursday November 21, 2024

What’s happening in astrology today

November 21 in the stars: Find out what’s in store for you today in our daily horoscopes for Thursday November 21. Read the daily horoscopes for your Sun sign or rising sign (ascendant) to plan your day.

Visit our Cosmic Calculator section if you want to calculate your Rising sign or discover more about your personal astrology.

Your daily horoscopes for Thursday November 21, 2024

Aries Daily horoscope

Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Thursday November 21

Today kicks off the radiant Sun’s annual monthlong sojourn through fellow fire sign Sagittarius and your ninth house of travel, adventure and expansion. If—make that WHEN—wanderlust cranks up, you’re encouraged to give in to it. Even opportunities that seem insignificant or familiar could lead to mind-blowing experiences. If your work or passion involves foreign countries, this is an excellent time to test the waters. Set up fare alerts for desired destinations or just be packed and prepared to carpe the diem!

Read Aries daily horoscope

Taurus Daily horoscope

Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Thursday November 21

You might find that passion is contagious over the coming four weeks as the luminous Sun grooves through Sagittarius and your eighth house of eroticism and intimacy. It’s not that you won’t be drawn like a moth to the flame of a smoldering Tinder match, but one- (or three-)night stands won’t satisfy your appetite. Through December 21, you’ll be more switched on by powerfully raw bonding and soulful exchanges. Couples might surprise themselves with how deep they can go if they overlook the petty stuff and reconnect on THAT level.

Read Taurus daily horoscope

Gemini Daily horoscope

Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Thursday November 21

Successful relationships don’t just “happen,” Gemini. They require love, attention—and compromise. Today, the Sun blazes into Sagittarius and your seventh house of committed partnerships, where it’ll open a pop-up shop for romance until December 21. Attached? You’ll be amazed at the ROI a month of undivided compassionate attention to your partner can bring. Single Gems should try new strategies, like joining “enthusiast” meetups or downloading a new dating app and widening your search parameters. Keep an open mind—and heart—and you could twin with someone who has lasting potential.

Read Gemini daily horoscope

Cancer Daily horoscope

Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Thursday November 21

With the Sun blazing through Sagittarius and your sixth house of well-being until December 21, you’ll be motivated to walk—or jog or cycle—a healthy path. Yet an inevitable holiday food orgy awaits you at every turn. What’s a Cancer to do? Make your motto “extreme moderation.” Load up on lean protein and fresh veggies before parties and gatherings—and squeeze in mini-workouts every chance you get. Workwise, this time of year is always busy season for Crabs. Set up systems and track with apps so you don’t get overloaded!

Read Cancer daily horoscope

Leo Daily horoscope

Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Thursday November 21

Ready, set, launch that charm offensive! Your ruler, the regal Sun, struts into Sagittarius, powering up your fifth house of glamour, amour, fame and creativity. Not for nothing, it’s the house associated with your peacock of a sign! For the next four weeks, all eyes are on you, begging the question, What do you want to do with all that attention? Throw yourself into a passion project, pursue a heart connection, polish the Leo brand? Wherever you turn your dazzling attention, make sure you give it 200 percent!

Read Leo daily horoscope

Virgo Daily horoscope

Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Thursday November 21

Time to downshift! Today, the life-giving Sun slow-jams into Sagittarius, ramping up your nesting instincts and desire for domestic bliss. “Homey, cozy and comfy” will be your guiding principles for the next four weeks as you enjoy your annual cycle of slowing down, recharging your batteries and focusing on kith and kin. Some Virgos will be motivated to showcase their lair and do some epic entertaining. From now till almost Christmas, this solar surge will make Chez Virgo THE place to be!

Read Virgo daily horoscope

Libra Daily horoscope

Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Thursday November 21

If you had any thoughts of going into hiding or hanging out in the wings, you’ve got another think coming. Today, the demonstrative Sun blazes into Sagittarius and your outgoing third house. From now until December 21, you’ll be even more of a people person than you already are—which is saying something. Don ye now your gayest apparel as you flap those social-butterfly wings. As if we have to remind a Libra: Parties and events are perfect networking opportunities, so be ready with that elevator pitch!

Read Libra daily horoscope

Scorpio Daily horoscope

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Thursday November 21

Today, the Sun says sayonara to your sign as it spins into Sagittarius and your second house of pragmatism and money until December 21. For the past four weeks, your mind’s been on fire, yielding one brilliant idea after another. Hopefully you captured them in one form or another because for the next month, you’ll be able to review and evaluate them through a practical lens. Some could prove to be fool’s gold, but others will be solid nuggets! So keep mining those ideas until you hit pay dirt.

Read Scorpio daily horoscope

Sagittarius Daily horoscope

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Thursday November 21

Been hoping for a whole-system reboot? Get ready to hit the psychic reset button, Archer. Today, the Sun leaves your introspection zone and blasts into your sign for the next month. You can reinvent yourself from the ground up if you like—or hit delete on the things that are dragging you down or holding you back. Once you get rid of the old, you’ll have the space to bring in the new and exciting. Clear your home of the stale, dense energy, then dive into action! Let yourself chase after those shiny people and things you adore, at least during your birthday season, which lasts until December 21.

Read Sagittarius daily horoscope

Capricorn Daily horoscope

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) daily horoscope for Thursday November 21

Slow your roll, Cap! Okay, you’re not typically the first one out of the starting gate; Goats are methodical, efficient climbers. But starting today, as the Sun slinks into Sagittarius and your twelfth house of rest, reflection and healing, honor your body and take even more time for yourself. Clear non-essential obligations from your calendar and bail on plans with people who sap your energy. For the next four weeks, climb into bed earlier than usual (or take regular disco naps before those holiday parties) and unplug all electronic devices an hour before that!

Read Capricorn daily horoscope

Aquarius Daily horoscope

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Thursday November 21

‘Tis the season to prioritize friends and loved ones! Today, the luminous Sun bolts into Sagittarius, charging up your eleventh house of teamwork and technology for the next four weeks. Collaborations will be especially rewarding and, if you connect with the right people, productive AND profitable. Bonus points if you’re working on a digital venture. Be careful not to fall into the workaholic trap, though. This is your annual time to devote to your inner circle. But since there’s so many of THEM and only one you, think in terms of group hangs.

Read Aquarius daily horoscope

Pisces Daily horoscope

Pisces (February 19-March 20) daily horoscope for Thursday November 21

Success is practically written in the stars—IF you’re willing to put in the effort, Pisces. Today, the Sun beams into Sagittarius, electrifying your tenth house of career success until December 21. You may have to show up at parties or industry events a little late to finish some deadlines or talk to people in Asia, but it’ll be well worth it when the bonus checks get signed. Remember, those holiday gatherings can and should double as networking events. Don ye now that pro apparel!

Read Pisces daily horoscope

Check out everything that’s happening in your November monthly horoscope too!

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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of Astrostyle.com and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.