Daily Horoscope for Tuesday April 11, 2023 | Astrostyle
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Daily Horoscope for Tuesday April 11, 2023

What’s happening in astrology today

April 11 in the stars: Love planet Venus moves into talkative Gemini until May 7. It’s also the annual Day of Miracles! What do these things mean for you? Find out below in your daily horoscope for Tuesday April 11.

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Your daily horoscope for Tuesday April 11, 2023

Aries Daily horoscope

Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 11

Social, romantic Venus heads into Gemini until May 7, turning you into a veritable maestro of flattery and conversation. Charming people? That’s the easy part. But it might take some playful experimentation to get clear on your current preferences. (Fortunately, your adventurous sign is always game for that!) Whether you’re checking different boxes on a dating app search or reserving tickets for never-tried-that-before cultural events, make variety the hero spice of your love life for the coming few weeks! Today is also The Day of Miracles, as the Sun and lucky Jupiter mash up. For the first time in over a decade they meet in YOUR sign! The iron is hot, Aries, so strike!

Read more Aries horoscopes

Taurus daily horoscope

Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 11

Slow loving is right up your alley starting today as amorous Venus drifts out of your sign and settles into your tender and tactile second house until May 7. But make no mistakes—there’s nothing boring about that! With the love planet in savvy Gemini, you have planetary permission to obsess over the details, from the thread count of your sheets to the base notes of the scented candle burning by your bedside. Coupled Bulls will be reminded of the power of an enduring bond. Single Taureans, give the “nice” type a second chance to make a first impression. Today is also The Day of Miracles, as the Sun and lucky Jupiter host their annual union. The Law of Attraction is on your side. Visualize what you want and act “as if” you’ve already got it!

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Gemini Daily Horoscope

Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 11

Get ready for a galactic glow-up—one that’s been a year in the making. Radiant, romantic Venus checks into Hotel Gemini, turning you into the zodiac’s hottest commodity until May 7. During this celestial “spring awakening,” your powers of attraction are off the charts. And since you’re also tapped into YOUR preferences, use this time to clarify your own vision of love. Settling down won’t be a priority for every Twin out there, so if you’re single and loving it, try not to break too many hearts! Today is also The Day of Miracles, as the Sun and lucky Jupiter host their annual union, this year in your teamwork zone. Say yes to any invites with potential. You could break into a whole new crowd! 

Read more Gemini horoscopes

Cancer Daily Horoscope

Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 11

You COULD spend your time trying to discern a fantasy from reality. But that may be a fool’s errand for the next few weeks as love planet Venus drifts into Gemini and your quixotic twelfth house until May 7. Fairytale romances seldom turn into a “happily ever after.” But that doesn’t mean you can’t revel in the temporary thrill. (The trick is to remember it’s temporary.) Coupled Crabs, look at where your boundaries have become too porous. If you want to reignite some sparks, curb the caretaking and check those people-pleasing impulses. Today is also The Day of Miracles, as the Sun and lucky Jupiter make their annual connection. Their focus is on your career this year, so challenge yourself to take a risk in the name of personal success!

Read more Cancer horoscopes

Leo Daily Horoscope

Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 11

Love is not about possession, Leo, which your affectionate sign forgets from time to time. For the coming few weeks, however, you may be the one who is itching for a longer leash. Thank (or blame) love planet Venus, who’s cruising through Gemini and your libertine eleventh house from today until May 7. Single and prowling? You might try dating multiple people for a spell. Already spoken for? It takes a village to keep your relationship in its happy place, so bring on the triple dates—and take breaks from each other regularly to keep a little mystery alive! Today is also The Day of Miracles, as the Sun and lucky Jupiter host their annual union, this year in your expansive ninth house. The world isn’t simply your oyster, it’s serving up pearls. To catch one, you’ll need to cast a wider (and more global) net! 

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Virgo Daily Horoscope

Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 11

You move through life deliberately, Virgo, so what would happen if you brought some of that purpose-driven energy to your relationships? Make it your business to find out starting today as ardent Venus rises into Gemini and your goal-getting tenth house until May 7. Single? Aim higher in your choices. Someone a little older or established could capture your heart. Coupled? While you don’t need to follow your S.O. around with a clipboard and whistle, agree on a mission you want to achieve together over the coming four weeks—and don’t skip the celebration once you do! Today is also The Day of Miracles, as the Sun and lucky Jupiter make their annual connection. With this cosmic duo sizzling in your intimate eighth house, you could make a bold proclamation about the future of a partnership.

Read more Virgo horoscopes

Libra Daily Horoscope

Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 11

Special delivery? Love may arrive in an unexpected package starting today as Venus sweeps through Gemini and your broad-minded ninth house. Between now and May 7, you may be surprised to find yourself considering things that were formerly “off the menu,” including a long-distance relationship. For coupled Libras, a change of scenery can be a refresher course in falling for each other all over again. Two first-class tickets to paradise, please! Today is also The Day of Miracles, as the Sun and lucky Jupiter unite for their annual summit, this year, in your relationship zone, bringing yet another burst of boldness for Libras. Permission to shoot your shot, granted!

Read more Libra horoscopes

Scorpio Daily Horoscope

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 11

It’s not that sexy ever went away for you, Scorpio, but starting today, you’re bringing it back with a vengeance. Thank (or blame) vixen Venus, who sweeps through Gemini and your seductive eighth house until May 7. Magnetic though YOU may be, most people won’t make the cut, and that’s fine. Unless the connection goes WAY beyond skin deep, you’re wasting everyone’s time. Tap in: Your intuition can lead you to a quiet, mysterious lover who can meet you on all levels—mind, body, soul…and then some! Today is also The Day of Miracles, as the Sun and lucky Jupiter host their annual union, this year in your zone of healthy habits. What makes you feel vital and alive and what drains you? Time to make some cuts!

Read more Scorpio horoscopes

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 11

A raging case of spring fever strikes today, but you’re looking for more than another string of hookups. With love goddess Venus winging into Gemini and your seventh house of relationships, your urge to merge will be equally strong between now and May 7. A creative collaboration could deliver a fresh wave of prosperity for some Archers…and who knows what else? Whoever said business and pleasure can’t mix never met someone with YOUR range. Today is also The Day of Miracles, as the Sun hosts its annual summit with your ruler, bountiful Jupiter. For the first time in over a decade, they’re uniting in Aries, upping your odds of red-hot romance and fame. Put yourself out there!

Read more Sagittarius horoscopes

Capricorn Daily Horoscope

Capricorn (December 22-January 18) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 11

Quick, Capricorn! Grab the front-row seat in the Spin studio—the one right by the mirror. (And maybe by the OTHER hottest person in class.) You won’t be the only one mesmerized by your reflection starting today as radiant Venus pedals into Gemini and your wellness zone. Between now and May 7, your best accessory will be the lit-from-within glow that comes from eating clean, sleeping long hours and moving your body in as many ways as you can possibly imagine. Meow! Today is also The Day of Miracles, as the Sun and lucky Jupiter host their annual union. This year, they’re syncing up in your domestic fourth house, which could bring big news around home and family matters.

Read more Capricorn horoscopes

Aquarius Daily Horoscope

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 11

If your love tanks could use a refill, you’re in luck, Aquarius. Celestial siren Venus struts into Gemini today, pouring red hot lava into your passionate fifth house until May 7. Let any heavy, moody vibes evaporate into the ether. If you want to stay together, see what happens if you play together. Or stop chasing that elusive target and trot alongside someone who is ready to share your joy, like NOW. A wave of baby fever may strike during this fecund cycle, which is an optimal time for pregnancies or for spending time with the kids in your life. Today is also The Day of Miracles, as the Sun and lucky Jupiter join forces in your communication zone. Your witty wordplay melts hearts and opens doors. Don’t hold back!

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Pisces Daily Horoscope

Pisces (February 19-March 20) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 11

They say that a good house is never done, which is certainly true for the eternally fluid Fish. And with aesthetically driven Venus relocating to your domestic zone today, you may be struck by an urge to pick up paint chips and start calling contractors. No apologies if feathering your nest becomes an outright obsession between now and May 7. Are you ready to make room in said nest for another person? Cohabitation could be the hot topic for coupled Pisces starting now! Single? In the coming weeks, you could melt for the sweet, family-oriented type. Today is also The Day of Miracles, as the Sun and lucky Jupiter host their annual summit, this year in your cash-money zone. While we’re not suggesting you bet the farm, a calculated risk (like asking for a raise) could pay off!

Read more Pisces horoscopes



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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of Astrostyle.com and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.