What’s happening in astrology today
April 4 in the stars: The moon is in Virgo, and then Libra. What does that mean for you? Find out below in your daily horoscope for Tuesday April 4.
You can read this horoscope for your Sun sign or your rising sign (ascendant). Visit our Cosmic Calculator section if you want to calculate your Rising sign or discover more about your personal astrology.
Your daily horoscope for Tuesday April 4, 2023

Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 4
How can you shift from complaining to being a catalyst for change, Aries? If you’re at a turning point, focus on finding actionable solutions instead of getting stuck in negativity or spinning your wheels. Want to address the problem without causing friction? Start with constructive criticism instead of a teardown. As 101 as it sounds, a positive attitude boosts morale and encourages others to work toward a resolution. Later this afternoon, the moon moves into Libra and your partnership sector for the next two and a half days. Time to get your business and romantic ties back in sync.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 4
Feeling a little moody today, Taurus? The cosmic energies might stir up some intense emotions that have been swirling in your psyche. If you need to vent, confide in someone you trust, but make sure not to waste hours stewing in anger or, even worse, dragging others into unnecessary drama. Later this afternoon, the moon enters Libra and your wellness zone for the next two and a half days, signaling the need for some self-care. Get your heart pumping with a HIIT workout or unwind with a spa pedicure. When you hit a creative wall, try a short meditation to reopen those channels!

Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 4
Can’t bear the thought of leaving the comfort of your home, Gemini? With the moon lingering in your domestic zone, see if you can swing a remote work day. By evening, you’ll receive a surge of social energy as the moon enters your fifth house of passion and play. Spruce up your spring wardrobe with some vibrant new pieces to shake off the last of winter’s gloom. Thanks to these sultry skies, your love life will receive a serious boost over the next two and a half days. Your creative side is also itching to come out, so unleash your inner “maker” for some fun DIY projects.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 4
Spice up your social circle today, making a point to invite some new blood to join your go-to crew. Initiate conversations rather than idly swiping through your phone, and invite a colleague for lunch. A supportive connection might develop! Later this evening, when the moon enters Libra and your domestic fourth house, keep it snug. Cuddle up at home sweet home with a nourishing meal or that book that’s been languishing on your tablet. In the mood for companionship? Host a few close friends for a relaxed evening of takeout and chitchat.

Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 4
The moon lingers in your ambition sector during the workday, putting you in a productive groove. Before you “get down to business,” make sure you’re focused on goals that will bring the biggest ROI. Make a plan of what you’ll accomplish (stick to three tasks at the most). With a little luck, you could make significant progress toward a major goal by the end of the day. Later, the moon drifts into Libra and your third house of recreation and community. Summon the squad for a local hang and make a rule: NO shoptalk!

Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 4
Are you feeling excessively swayed by others’ opinions, Virgo? It’s time to exit the feedback loop. Sometimes it’s crucial to distance yourself from outside viewpoints and rely on your own intuition. With the moon in your sign today, ask yourself: What do I need at this moment? If people are still inundating you with unwanted advice, thank them for their concern but let them know you need some time and space to figure things out on your own. This evening, when the moon enters Libra and your stabilizing second house, it can assist you in feeling more centered and grounded.

Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 4
Even if you can’t find common ground with certain people, you CAN bury the hatchet. While the moon hovers in your healing twelfth house until evening, you may be ready to at least START settling some differences. You may still have lingering feelings that need to be worked through, but remember: Forgiveness is not a line to cross but a path to take. Later today, the moon moves into Libra for two and a half days. Embrace the independent energy of this starmap and be spontaneous. Some solo adventures can ignite your joie de vivre.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 4
Before you say yes to any after-work plans, know this: Your social butterfly mood will dissipate by evening, when the moon moves into your peaceful twelfth house. Take time for serious self-care over the next two and a half days. Don’t feel guilty about cuddling up at home with some comfort food and a new streaming series. Which activities will rejuvenate your spirit? Queue up a guided meditation, book a session with an energy healer or look for a “sound healing” experience online or in real life. Your dreams might be prophetic, so keep a journal by your bedside to jot down any insights.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 4
You’re so close, Sagittarius, so don’t quit five minutes before the miracle! A significant career milestone is within reach, and with the moon in your professional sector for most of the day, you can cross the finish line. What final details do you need to address? Double-check your work, polish up that crucial pitch—then hit “send”! Later this afternoon, the moon shifts into your fun-loving eleventh house. Celebrate all your hard work by gathering your crew for a night out. The more the merrier: A casual acquaintance could turn into a good friend or even a playful spring fling.
Read more Sagittarius horoscopes

Capricorn (December 22-January 18) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 4
Just say it already, Capricorn. Sometimes you HAVE to rock the boat a little in order to drive home your authentic perspective. Your direct style may make waves, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing. You could receive attention and praise for your inventive ideas. Struggling to summon confidence? The cosmos come to the rescue later this evening, when the moon soars into your career and leadership sector for two and a half days. Ask a mentor for support or take an influential colleague out for drinks. A little hobnobbing goes a long way!
Read more Capricorn horoscopes

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 4
If you have loose ends to tie up, make that a priority—if only for the sake of reducing stress. Put on your headphones and listen to music as you tick things off your list. Your spirits lighten when the moon shifts into Libra and your ninth house of adventure later this afternoon. Over the next two and a half days, find ways to explore new horizons. Start researching flights for a restorative getaway or looking for new avenues of personal growth. A vacation or an inspiring workshop could turn your whole perspective around. If you see an amazing deal, don’t overthink: Book it!

Pisces (February 19-March 20) daily horoscope for Tuesday April 4
Though you may feel fine about keeping a relationship in limbo this morning, you’ll be singing a different tune by the end of the day. Late this afternoon, the moon hunkers down in Libra, spurring you to seek clarity about a certain dynamic. Are you looking for a clear commitment from a partner in business or love? Or perhaps you simply want to get on the same page about your long-term goals. Whatever the case, have a candid convo and ask the hard questions. With a little healthy communication, you’ll be back on track in no time!