What’s happening in astrology today
August 6 in the stars: Find out what’s in store for you today in our daily horoscopes for Tuesday August 6. Read the daily horoscopes for your Sun sign or rising sign (ascendant) to plan your day.
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Your daily horoscopes for Tuesday August 6, 2024

Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Tuesday August 6
Been holding your tongue on a heated topic? It may all come out as a critical blaze. You’ll feel the squeeze of a stressful square between your ruler, hot-headed Mars, and the moon in your communication zone. But Aries, do you really want to burn that bridge or shred someone’s dignity in your takedown? Try to find a diplomatic way to air your grievances. Even better: Write it out or vent to an objective third party, then wait a day. You’ll be poised to make your point effectively once you’ve had a chance to cool down.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Tuesday August 6
Senseless conflict? A tense square between the dramatic moon and hot-under-the-collar Mars will decrease the peace today. If someone pushes your buttons, stand your ground but avoid being smug. Otherwise your confidence could be misread as arrogance. Do your best to dodge inflated egos, which will run rampant today. Focus on creating equitable solutions, whether you’re resolving a work-related argument or splitting the dinner bill. But don’t bother trying to reason with tyrants today. You’re better off keeping your head down and focusing on the tasks at hand until this combative storm passes.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Tuesday August 6
Assert your boundaries, Gemini, but choose your battles with care. It could spell the difference between a good night’s sleep and a meltdown! Today’s skies feature a stressful square between the hypersensitive moon and assertive Mars in your sign. Voicing your truth may provoke more confrontation than you can handle. Analyze the situation objectively: Maybe there’s a reason you’ve been keeping mum. Do you feel, for example, that a job or relationship could be on the line if you speak up? Write out your thoughts or recruit a wise friend to act as a sounding board and help you find the perfect words.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday August 6
Don’t hate, investigate! Today, the people around you could behave oddly, thanks to a confounding moon-Mars square. Trying to figure out what’s behind their passive-aggressive or shady actions might be a waste of time, though. Don’t get lured in by the drama, and tread lightly to keep conflict from escalating. The cosmic conundrum may reveal unsettling news that’s been kept out of your view until now. Be sure to get all the facts before you launch into any accusations. It will take more digging to get to a place of clarity.

Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday August 6
Should you fly free or make a soft landing? Today’s tug of war between the nurturing moon and reckless Mars will make it hard to decide. La luna in your earthbound second house votes for stability, but impetuous Mars fuels your Leonine spirit with a shot of wanderlust. While shaking things up may sound exciting, take a small step first. Steady jobs and relationships don’t come around every day, and you don’t want to take yours for granted. See if you can infuse a little more passion or flexibility into your current lifestyle. Balance is the key.
Read Leo daily horoscope

Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday August 6
You want to go with the flow, yet looming demands and deadlines stress you out today. Careful, Virgo: A tough battle between the moon in your sign and pressure-cooker Mars can push you to the breaking point. Are you afraid you’ll hurt someone’s feelings if you’re honest with them? It’s time to cut free. Be (graciously) direct instead of conflict-avoidant. Sure, you might be a little TOO blunt, but you can always apologize and soften the blow. Better to let ‘em know where you stand than to simmer with silent resentment.

Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday August 6
Don’t let today’s mixed signals scatter your focus, Libra. A confusing square between the deceptive moon and impatient Mars may spark some odd behavior in people around you. Don’t ditch your Libra powers of diplomacy. Putting it all out on the table may backfire. You could unintentionally bruise someone’s ego with your direct approach. If you can’t bring yourself to soften a blow with sweetness, save confrontational convos for another day.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Tuesday August 6
Rein it in, Scorpio. Today’s intense square between lusty Mars and the emo moon may get you in over your head with your feelings. A casual rendezvous could derail into an obsession, even though you’ve just met. (It’s a wee bit too soon to pick out baby names and china patterns.) Coupled Scorpios: Don’t let jealousy get the best of you. While your suspicions may be warranted, snooping and hovering will only crank up the tension. Be direct but remain calm. Rivalries may also flare between friends and colleagues. Channel the fiery energy into a healthy outlet like a competitive sport, a game night or a good workout.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Tuesday August 6
What’s the point here anyway? Today’s tricky moon-Mars square could fuel friction in a relationship. Do you both want the same things for the long term? Under this intense aspect, you could be pushed to examine the big picture and start discussing details. It may be uncomfortable in the short term, especially if the discussion gets heated. The upside? You can determine the future of a business or romantic partnership once you (finally) know where everyone stands. If you don’t like what you hear, at least you can stop wasting your time. Everyone wins!
Read Sagittarius daily horoscope

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) daily horoscope for Tuesday August 6
Off with those rose-tinted glasses, Capricorn. Someone you’ve hoisted onto a pedestal could be dethroned by today’s intense moon-Mars square. A “perfect” romantic prospect or newish BFF may exhibit some unsettling traits. But hey, Capricorn: These are mere mortals, just like you! Can you handle them being human, messy and awkward? Bring your impossible standards down just a notch.
Read Capricorn daily horoscope

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Tuesday August 6
A healthy dose of drama is exciting, but today’s intense moon-Mars square serves up too much of a good thing! A partnership may be plagued by jealousy and power struggles. Do your part to quell the conflict and don’t fan the flames. Your own attempts to court attention can backfire. Pause before you publish a controversial post or blurt something you KNOW will be triggering. If you’re trying too hard to turn heads, ask yourself: Why do you want this validation so badly anyway? Deal with any insecurity or anxiety and you won’t care what anyone thinks.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) daily horoscope for Tuesday August 6
The line between nice and needy is thinner than a gauzy cotton T-shirt today, thanks to a tricky moon-Mars battle. If a relationship leaves you clamoring for more breathing space, stop and think about how you may have contributed to this imbalance. Perhaps you co-created this monster by lavishing an insecure person with praise and validation. Are you the one who’s grown dependent on a powerful person’s approval? Today’s skies issue a needed reality check. True self-worth comes from within. Stop trying to find it anywhere else!