What’s happening in astrology today
December 10 in the stars: Find out what’s in store for you today in our daily horoscopes for Tuesday December 10. Read the daily horoscopes for your Sun sign or rising sign (ascendant) to plan your day.
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Your daily horoscopes for Tuesday December 10, 2024
Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Tuesday December 10
Rise and shine, Ram! Today’s starmap occurs just once a year, but when it does, it stokes your fiery essence. The Sagittarius Sun in your adventurous ninth house syncs up with the moon in your sign, encouraging you to focus on some of your grandest dreams—and come up with concrete steps you can take to make one of them a reality instead of keeping it tucked away “for future reference.” On a more mundane (yet exciting) level, if you’re craving a style makeover, this is the day to go for it!
Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Tuesday December 10
Whatever you get up to today, one thing’s for certain: It won’t be superficial under today’s emotionally charged cosmic confab. The Sun in your eighth house of mergers (financial and physical) is aligned with a trailblazing Aries moon in your mystical twelfth house. This is a perfect moment to delve into soul-stirring sex, sign up for a meditation workshop or launch a potentially hugely profitable joint venture. Or just turn your prodigious energy to any area of life that could benefit from a little Taurean TLC and watch the glow grow.
Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Tuesday December 10
Let’s hear it for the Gemini squad! Today’s exuberant mashup of a fiery Sun and the moon in your collaborative zone revs up your team spirit. Any group activity or shared project will be extra rewarding, and all those problems you were worrying about will be nowhere to be found. Answer calls and emails from unknown sources: You could receive a surprise invite to join an elite crew. And should you hit any minor speed bumps, try to find the humor in the situation.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday December 10
Got a to-do list as long as your arm? Today’s rare and powerful fire trine between an ambitious Aries moon in your career corner and the self-assured Sun in your organized sixth house lets you tackle projects large and small without breaking a sweat. The key is to not get overwhelmed by the enormity of it. Break everything down into manageable chunks. Start by revising that list: What things MUST get done in 2024 and which can hold till next year? Prioritize projects, figure out what’s needed, map out a timeline, then go.
Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday December 10
Don’t be coy about your desires today, Leo. An invigorating angle between a fiery Aries moon in your adventurous ninth house and the frisky Sun in your amorous fifth injects some toe-curling excitement back into your love life. It’s easy to take your key relationships for granted, but lasting unions require effort to keep their sheen. Luckily, with these chart sectors lit up, that “effort” is less about, say, couples therapy than glamming up for a date night—or peeling off layers behind closed doors.
Read Leo daily horoscope
Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday December 10
Need a relationship reboot? Today, a rare and invigorating alignment of the Sun in your fourth house of family and the moon in your intimate eighth house can help you get a close connection back on track. If you haven’t been seeing eye-to-eye with your S.O., a female relative or a close friend, this one-day transit can hit a cosmic reset button. All you need to bury the hatchet is a willingness to be honest and to make yourselves a little vulnerable.
Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday December 10
Today’s supportive sync-up of a passionate Aries moon and the big-hearted Sun in your people houses fills your day with feel-good vibes. It’ll be hard to stay in a pouty mood or let the petty stuff get to you. Share this overwhelming sense of connectedness with your loved ones. If you’re in a relationship, shower your other half with extreme amounts of attention and affection. If your scales are tipping toward “single,” make a concerted effort to open yourself to different types—you never know!
Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Tuesday December 10
What’s still on your “must do in 2024” list? Today’s industrious alignment of a motivated Aries moon in your organized sixth house and the focused Sun in your practical second house helps you get to the heart of things. If you’ve stalled on certain household or work projects because you can’t find an easy entry point, this starry sync-up will illuminate the perfect way in. But be prepared to let go of some expectations—and maybe some material stuff. It could be that holding on too tight is what’s holding you back.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Tuesday December 10
Today’s stars bring a welcome message: It’s all about you, Sag! With the Sun in your sign for two more weeks, there’s no better mission than treating yourself to things you normally deny yourself—or limit your consumption of. And now, with el Sol sending a supportive beam to a me-first Aries moon in your passionate fifth house, the message is all about self-love. Of course you adore your inner circle, but every now then, you deserve to step back from their dramas and focus on your own dreams.
Read Sagittarius daily horoscope
Capricorn (December 22-January 19) daily horoscope for Tuesday December 10
Pause for a cause! Today’s starmap supports introspection—and being extra gentle with yourself. As the Sun in your internally focused twelfth house shoots a supportive beam to the sensitive moon in your home and family zone, work might take a backseat to your relationships, especially with the women in your life. The intimacy you desire may require some forgiveness, though either of another person, or possibly of yourself. Make an extra effort to connect with your emotions. And if tears well up, don’t hold back!
Read Capricorn daily horoscope
Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Tuesday December 10
The best way to your heart today isn’t through your stomach, Water Bearer, but through your mind! As the moon in your thoughtful third house aligns with the Sun in your friendship corner, nothing will turn you on more than stimulating conversation. Don’t second-guess it if you find yourself attracted to a wildly different type. (Variety IS the spice of life.) Couples will feel especially in sync, so if there’s something to sort out, initiate a dialogue now!
Pisces (February 19-March 20) daily horoscope for Tuesday December 10
It’s a five-star day for your professional life, Pisces, so don’t go resting on any laurels. In a rare and golden trine, the Sun in your tenth house of career ambition syncs with a trailblazing Aries moon in your financial zone. Reaching your grandest goals has never been easier. This is the time all those seeds you planted, watered and nurtured will start to bear fruit. Go ahead and treat yourself to something fabulous—or least open a special savings account for the splurge.