What’s happening in astrology today
October 10 in the stars: Find out what’s in store for you today in our daily horoscopes for Tuesday October 10. Read the daily horoscopes for your Sun sign or rising sign (ascendant) to plan your day.
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Your daily horoscopes for Tuesday October 10, 2023
Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Tuesday October 10
Your professional star is rising again as motivational Pluto snaps out of its annual five-month retrograde and powers ahead in Capricorn and your tenth house of career ambition and success. If you’ve felt like you couldn’t progress since May 1 or lost your inspiration, you’ll get your groove back in the coming weeks as Pluto reaches cruising altitude. Don’t be afraid to dream big, Aries. Your passionate sign does best when you feel a little competitive push from behind.
Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Tuesday October 10
Have you felt closed in by the surrounding four walls, Bull? For the past five months, motivational Pluto has been retrograde—and since June 11, it’s been backing up through your ninth house of expansion and global adventure. You may have felt like you were on the inside looking out at an exciting, wider world you couldn’t quite connect with. Today, Pluto resumes forward motion, and as it blasts ahead, your dreams and desires will be galvanized. Think fast about what you want because there won’t be time for false starts.
Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Tuesday October 10
While Pluto’s been retrograde in your intense eighth house since last June 11, you might have felt like you were playing emotional Limbo: How low can you go? When it comes to deep bonding, you may have felt like your wings had been clipped. But today, the potent dwarf planet resumes forward motion, clearing you for takeoff. Transform those painful lessons into a roadmap to show you where you want to go—and where you need never return to again. You’ve got this, Gem!
Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday October 10
No more deferring those partnership dreams, Cancer! For the past five months, penetrating Pluto has been retrograde—and since June 11, it’s been back-spinning through your seventh house of dynamic duos, throwing curveballs at every turn. You may have bitten your tongue so many times it’s left scar tissue! But today, Pluto rouses from its five-month slumber and relights the flame of desire. Single? Set the bar high and don’t waver in upholding your standards! In a relationship? Over the coming weeks, reset the balance of give-and-take, checking in constantly to make sure you’re actually happy.
Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday October 10
Here comes the wellness wagon, Leo—and this time, it won’t leave the station without you. For the past five months, transformational Pluto has been retrograde. And since June 11, it’s been reverse-commuting through your sixth house of healthy living, dropping your well-being and self-care to the bottom of your priority list. But your sign has the job of modeling self-love for the other eleven, so starting today, as the dwarf planet resumes forward motion, you can get back to nurturing numero uno with nutritious food, stimulating movement and plenty of pampering.
Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday October 10
Romance reboot! After an energy-sapping retrograde in your passionate fifth house, intensifying Pluto rouses from its annual five-month snoozefest and resumes forward motion today. After nearly half a year on an emotional roller coaster, you’re more than ready to disembark and pick up where you left off. Single Virgos should redouble dating efforts (they’ll be way more promising!), and couples can focus on taking a significant next step. Since this realm rules fertility, a babymaking project might just be the thing. If not, blend your talents for another creative purpose.
Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday October 10
The past five months may have felt like one long therapy session as penetrating Pluto spun backward—primarily through your foundational fourth house. You might have gotten some clarity around unresolved old wounds or family dynamics. Today, when the alchemical dwarf planet corrects course, you can put all those downloads and epiphanies to good use. Find a healthy new way to interact in your relationship and resolve not to dump your stuff on them anymore—and for you to be true partners in holding each other responsible for catching yourselves when you do.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Tuesday October 10
Break open the vault, Scorpio! Today, your inscrutable co-ruler Pluto ends a lip-zipping retrograde that began on May 1, but slipped back into your expressive third house as of June 11. After keeping everything buttoned up, you’ll be eager to share from the heart once again. And while your private sign probably isn’t ready to broadcast your every thought and feeling, you’ll be an even savvier communicator as a result of that time on the sidelines. Use your Spidey senses to discern folks you can trust from those who might not have your back.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Tuesday October 10
After five months of delays and detours, you’re back in your element as game-changing Pluto ends a lengthy retrograde. While the backspin began on May 1, you may have felt a particular strain on your wallet after June 11, when Pluto backed into Capricorn and your second house of finances and security. If it felt like no matter what you did you couldn’t get ahead, you’ll have a new confidence about your rainmaking abilities now. Where can you cut back (yes, further), and what talents can you monetize? Perhaps being a “social media fairy godmother” could become a legit side hustle!
Read more Sagittarius horoscopes
Capricorn (December 22-January 19) daily horoscope for Tuesday October 10
Celebrations are in order today as alchemical Pluto wraps up a five-month retrograde that began on May 1. But you really felt the pinch as of June 11, when the dwarf planet slipped back from Aquarius into YOUR sign. That maneuver may have caused you to second-guess yourself about, well, pretty much everything! Today, the intensifying planet resumes forward motion and gives you the energy and vision to take your work to the next level. After nearly a half-year of idling in low-power mode, you are ready to hit the accelerator. Make sure you know exactly where you want to go before you give it gas because you WILL get there!
Read more Capricorn horoscopes
Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Tuesday October 10
After a five-month slumber, primarily in your internally focused twelfth house, alchemical Pluto snaps back to attention, inspiring you to turn those divine downloads into something viable. Now you can release anything (or anyone) that’s been holding you back from fully expressing your truest nature. Don’t be afraid to surrender a little control: Clutching too tightly is the very thing that’s been keeping you in a state of lack instead of abundance!
Pisces (February 19-March 20) daily horoscope for Tuesday October 10
If friendships or work collaborations have been a little shaky since the spring, they should start to stabilize and strengthen today. After a frustrating five-month retrograde that primarily took place in your group-activities zone, transformational Pluto sorts itself out and resumes forward motion. Reach out to that pal who fell off your radar; start a book club or pull a trivia group together. It almost doesn’t matter what you do as long as you’re in the company of convivial kindred spirits!