What’s happening in astrology today
December 27 in the stars: Find out what’s in store for you today in our daily horoscopes for Wednesday December 27. Read the daily horoscopes for your Sun sign or rising sign (ascendant) to plan your day.
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Your daily horoscopes for Wednesday December 27, 2023
Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Wednesday December 27
You’ve got places to go and people to see! Whoever you’re meeting up with, lock in a destination now (and make reservations!) instead of setting your internal navigation system to “spontaneous.” With your ruler, daring Mars, aligned with inquisitive Mercury in your ninth house of travel, you’re primed for an adventure, but since Mercury’s still retrograde for a few more days, this is not the time to wing it. That said, look for last-minute reservations to a new restaurant you’ve never tried or a creative event like a live-show or an art gallery. Got upcoming travel plans? Triple check everything from your hotel to flight today.
Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Wednesday December 27
Who’s your best advocate and PR agent? You are, of course! Under today’s empowering merger of fierce Mars and articulate Mercury, don’t sell yourself short, Taurus. If anything, allow yourself to toot your own horn a little. Caveat: Stick to bragging about things that you can actually back up since Mercury is retrograde. If you’re hashing out an agreement with someone, don’t cave to their demands if that means compromising your vision. This goes double in your love life. If you need to set an etched-in-stone boundary, do so—firmly but lovingly.
Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Wednesday December 27
Partnerships are spotlighted today, Gemini, which happens to be a favorite focus area for your sign. Thanks to a merger of courageous Mars and eloquent Mercury in that realm, you’ll be a masterful negotiator. One catch? Mercury is still retrograde until late January 1. Even with your most trusted collaborators or S.O., you don’t always see eye-to-eye, and that’s okay! People have different opinions; it’s what makes life exciting. But you don’t have to kowtow to ALL of their wishes. Under this enlightening starmap, stay mindful of the difference between a request and a demand—whether yours or theirs—and remember it’s your prerogative to make your own decision.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Wednesday December 27
People think of you as an emotionally driven nurturer, but today, you treat them to the coolly competent side of Cancer. As make-it-happen Mars syncs up with analytical Mercury retrograde in your systematic sixth house, you’re an excellent troubleshooter. Your ability to catch problems before they flare up reveals just how valuable you are to the operation. (Very!) But be forewarned: Flaunting your competence could lead to increased responsibilities, so maybe don’t reveal your whole hand. Or make sure your plan of action involves working as a team instead of being an army of one.
Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Wednesday December 27
Playful, even dramatic, behavior can be your secret weapon, Leo, when delivered in the right dose. Under a mashup of energizer Mars and animated Mercury in Sagittarius, your expressive fifth house, you may feel like adding some intensity to any “scene” you’re a part of. That’s infinitely preferable to disappearing into the background, but since Mercury is retrograde, use a light touch and avoid doing anything that could disrupt productivity. The urge to text an ex could be hard to resist, but if you know this could undo all your hard internal work, distract yourself with something (anything!) that will prevent you from hitting send.
Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Wednesday December 27
A flood of sentimentality could wash over you today as passionate Mars syncs up with your ruler, communicator Mercury, in your nurturing fourth house. As your heart opens, you can draw people into your sphere unbidden. They might come eager to share their concerns. Make time to listen and validate their experience by acting as a mirror for their feelings. But with your cosmic ruler retrograde until January 1, take extra care to NOT rush in as the rescuer. Sometimes simply letting others unburden themselves is a better tonic than quick-fix advice.
Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Wednesday December 27
Brilliant solutions are flowing thanks to an innovative alignment of cutting-edge Mars and ingenious Mercury. With these planets parked in your communication sector, it’s almost impossible NOT to delve in and explore your keen insights. While normally this would be a “nothing ventured, nothing gained” kind of day, Mercury is retrograde, cautioning against hasty moves. Focus on research and don’t lay all your cards on the table. Keep a few close to your vest, then use them later to pump up the element of surprise when you share your findings in early 2024.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Wednesday December 27
Money can make for awkwardness in relationships, but today’s stars support fiscal discussions—up to a point. Your co-ruler, forthright Mars, is mashed up with communicator Mercury in your finance zone. The only catch? Mercury is retrograde, which can increase the likelihood of misunderstandings. Although this conjunction gives you the courage to raise the issue with people, go out of your way to take any suspicious or accusatory vibes out of your tone. Of course, if you’ve been regularly paying more than your share or not charging enough for your services, a shift is in order. Focus on your desire for fair play, and others are likely to be receptive.
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Wednesday December 27
Much as you prefer to be an open book, today’s merger of feisty Mars and retrograde Mercury in your sign cautions against it. Trumpeting your true feelings without thinking through your delivery could seriously offend someone. While you don’t want to be a people pleaser who tells people what they want to hear and caters to their expectations, there IS a middle ground. Write down what’s angering you, then see if you can reframe your concerns as curiosities. What’s going on “over there” with another person could be a far cry from the story your fearful side has spun up. Ask open-ended questions like, “Could you tell me more about that?”
Read more Sagittarius horoscopes
Capricorn (December 22-January 19) daily horoscope for Wednesday December 27
Compassion is a noble pursuit, Capricorn, but not always the most comfortable place to stand. Today, as feisty Mars and retrograde Mercury unite in your open-hearted twelfth house, you may have to turn off the logical, problem-solving part of your brain in order to tap into that emotion. But don’t make excuses for people’s bad behavior! People can’t walk all over you without your permission. If necessary, defend your boundaries! Whether with a smooth talker or a needy friend trying to take more than you’re comfortable giving, it’s up to you to stand up for yourself and say no.
Read more Capricorn horoscopes
Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Wednesday December 27
More might be the merrier today as lively Mars and outgoing Mercury meet in your community-minded eleventh house. But there’s a plot twist: Mercury is retrograde, which means one bad actor could spoil the entire cast. If you have even the slightest intuitive hit to leave someone off the chat thread, follow it! You can always apologize later if they find out about the gathering and feel excluded. If you’re looking for a co-conspirator on a new project, this mashup can shine a light on a potential partner. Look through your existing contact lists since a past collaborator could be the perfect fit.
Pisces (February 19-March 20) daily horoscope for Wednesday December 27
Career goals are top of mind today as go-getter Mars aligns with innovative Mercury in your ambitious tenth house. Since Mercury is retrograde, you’ll want to go the extra mile with dotting every i. Carve out a little time to finesse this week’s pitch or do some competitive market research—it’s part of staying at the top of your game. Even when it comes to personal negotiations, you can still be more forthright than normal. Rather than leave the table with a “call me when you decide,” tell people you’ll call THEM in two days for their answer.