What’s happening in astrology today
October 23 in the stars: Find out what’s in store for you today in our daily horoscopes for Wednesday October 23. Read the daily horoscopes for your Sun sign or rising sign (ascendant) to plan your day.
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Your daily horoscopes for Wednesday October 23, 2024

Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Wednesday October 23
Even your adventurous sign needs to pull in your wings and take some quiet me-time, Aries. Today, the moon syncs up with energizer Mars in your home zone. You’ll have zero patience for stupid human tricks, so don’t allow yourself to get into a situation that tests your limits. Head home after work and indulge in your favorite cozy activities. Make a healthy dinner, tackle one messy area or just binge-watch your favorite show du jour.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Wednesday October 23
Lighten up, Bull! Today’s stars encourage collaboration. Even if you’re happier toiling on your own, offer to buddy up with a coworker on a complicated project. With trailblazing Mars synced up with the moon in your communication sector, you could make huge inroads in the team-building department. It doesn’t have to be all about work, either. Organize a happy hour with your colleagues and crack a few jokes. People may be surprised by your irreverence, but that’ll just make it twice as much fun!

Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Wednesday October 23
Watch out for the urge to splurge today, Gemini! You won’t have the greatest impulse control, thanks to a merger of rash Mars and the emo moon in your financial sector. Money could be burning a hole in your pocket, so be forewarned if you’re about to head out for some retail therapy. There’s nothing wrong with a well-considered indulgence, but once you get started, you may not be able to stop yourself.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Wednesday October 23
Pay attention to situations that usually slide past the edges of your consciousness, Crab. The universe has a message for you, but it won’t be waving in front of your eyes. A merger of the moon and radical Mars in your sign forces you to face something you’d prefer to avoid. It could be an emotionally charged situation or just the final straw from someone who’s been trying your patience for a while. Summon your strength and slay the dragon. The simple act of standing up for yourself will empower you in unexpected ways.

Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Wednesday October 23
Have you been an ostrich about someone’s less-than-ideal personality traits? You haven’t been doing them any favors, and starting today, you won’t be able to bury your head in the sand anymore. The moon meets up with bold Mars in Cancer, pulling back the curtain on delusion. You’ve been patient long enough; now it’s time to set some clear boundaries. Let them know firmly but compassionately just what you are and aren’t willing to accept.
Read Leo daily horoscope

Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Wednesday October 23
If you’ve been in denial about someone’s mean or pushy ways, you may be forced to confront them today. A mashup of the moon and straightforward Mars in your collaborative eleventh house demands that everyone play nice. If you could just uninvite this person from group activities, your life would be a lot simpler, but that might not be possible at such a late hour. Huddle with your inner circle and discuss whether it’s time to have a very candid, if awkward, convo with the offending party.

Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Wednesday October 23
Even If you keep bumping up against a colleague who seems intent on blocking your every move, don’t get caught up in the power struggle. Throw them off their game by killing them with kindness! You’ll have a cosmic advantage today as unstoppable Mars teams up with the moon in your tenth house of career ambition. At the end of the day, you want what you want. And if you’re open to creative ways of achieving those goals, you’re halfway there! Don’t get sidelined by a useless battle that takes your focus off the big picture.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Wednesday October 23
You may get a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach whenever you have to have an unpleasant confrontation, but there IS a way to quell those butterflies. Today’s mashup of the moon and confident Mars in your honest ninth house can help you navigate the situation like a true diplomat. Remember, people’s reactions have more to do with them than with you. The sooner you address this issue, the sooner it can be resolved. Tip: Tamp down any aggression, and approach this person as if they were a close friend. In other words, let them be innocent until proven guilty.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Wednesday October 23
Harmless hookup—or a long slide down a slippery slope? Today’s lusty mashup of the moon and firecracker Mars in your seduction house could spark a stronger-than-usual attraction to danger. You might think you’ve got it under control, but the irresistible allure might be too hot for even you to handle, Sagittarius. While it’s fine to flirt and play, be careful not to get in too deep too fast. Under today’s explosive skies, even a casual connection could escalate into an unhealthy obsession.
Read Sagittarius daily horoscope

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) daily horoscope for Wednesday October 23
You can be hard on yourself, Capricorn, and today’s stars can help you stop beating yourself up for every tiny offense or seeming breach of etiquette. This comes from your hard-wired perfectionism, but seriously: You don’t have to turn on yourself every time you make a human error. With the moon taking notes from me-first Mars, you’ll stay focused on your priorities and be way less concerned with whose feathers you ruffle in the process.
Read Capricorn daily horoscope

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Wednesday October 23
Struggling with those spring-fitness resolutions, Aquarius? Shift your perspective! Today’s merger of the moon and physical Mars in your wellness zone can provide the inspiration you need to tweak your thinking. Instead of regarding exercise as punishment, view it as a gift you give your body. Stop focusing on your “flaws” and approach things from a place of self-love and acceptance. Show gratitude to your body for everything it allows you to do. Now honor it with some stretching, toning and strengthening!

Pisces (February 19-March 20) daily horoscope for Wednesday October 23
Love can be a double-edged sword, and today’s stars could be a sharpening stone. You might feel like you have to fight to get your needs met when the moon teams up with passionate Mars in your fifth house of love. Old upsets can get reactivated—for seemingly no reason—leaving you feeling left out in the cold. Don’t try to manipulate the situation; remove yourself from it! Put your phone in airplane mode and go to the movies—alone, if necessary. A night on your own may be the best cure for this passing blue mood.