What’s happening in astrology today
October 30 in the stars: Find out what’s in store for you today in our daily horoscopes for Wednesday October 30. Read the daily horoscopes for your Sun sign or rising sign (ascendant) to plan your day.
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Your daily horoscopes for Wednesday October 30, 2024

Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Wednesday October 30
Slow down, there, Ram—your bank account will thank you. Speedy Mercury in Scorpio is opposite side-spinning Uranus in your money zone today, sending your investment savvy into a tailspin. Go ahead and keep a close eye on the cryptocoin everyone’s talking about, but do your own independent research before you buy in. You need time to consider all angles and look for hidden loopholes before you commit.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Wednesday October 30
Seriously, why are they still talking? Could they drive any slower? With mental Mercury drowning in Scorpio and opposing chilly Uranus today, you have zero tolerance for gossip or patience for checked-out space cadets. So first, breathe: four counts in, four counts out. Then put things in perspective. Chances are, the situation isn’t life-threatening—just ncomfortable or annoying. Will it even matter tomorrow?

Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Wednesday October 30
You have to start somewhere, Gemini. Are you ignoring your physical and mental well-being because you think you need to make a drastic change, like a 21-day boot camp or quitting TikTok? Today, your ruler, Mercury, is treading water in Scorpio while getting clocked by unruly Uranus in stubborn Taurus—a lot for one planet (and person!) to handle. You don’t need to be buying memberships or going dark, but you could commit to eating regular meals, exercising 30 minutes a day or downloading a meditation app (and using it).

Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Wednesday October 30
People can be maddening, Crab, we get it. But you don’t have to be a clown in their three-ring circus. Today, with curious Mercury poking around in secretive Scorpio while opposing untethered Uranus, all hell could break loose. Friends and colleagues will try to entice you into taking sides, but that can only do harm. You don’t have to fix everything—and if you stop trying, they might learn how to manage the chaos all by themselves.

Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Wednesday October 30
Leo’s in for the save—but how did you wind up playing superhero in the first place? You’ll wonder that today as deep-diving Mercury in Scorpio and takes a stand against wrench-throwing Uranus. You thought you had this thing bagged up, but someone’s sitting on an extremely important bit of information that could waylay the whole plan. Stay sharp so you can pounce as soon as the smoke clears. This doesn’t have to spiral into a crisis, so do your best to stay cool.
Read Leo daily horoscope

Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Wednesday October 30
Curveballs are often just tests, Virgo, thrown to see if you’ll chase something out of your zone. You could get a big one today as your ruler, mental Mercury, struggles to stay afloat in Scorpio as it stands off against anything-goes Uranus. Deep breaths and a perspective check will keep you from spiraling too far out to find a solution. If it’s not life-threatening to you or anyone you love, consider whether it will matter in the long run and do what you need to do to make things right.

Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Wednesday October 30
It’s the way they chew their food or leave their cart in the middle of the aisle or scroll through Insta with the sound on…grrr. Let’s just say your normally easygoing vibe could be AWOL today. High-strung Mercury is out of its element in transformational Scorpio and taking a tough stand against utopian Uranus, making the world an annoying place to be. Try to find the positive, even when everyone else has gone negative, and do not offer unsolicited advice, no matter how badly people need it.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Wednesday October 30
The warning signs are all there, Scorpio. An important mission is in danger of going off the rails today as quicksilver Mercury struggles to stay afloat in the depths of Scorpio and takes an opposing stand to unpredictable Uranus. Information-gathering could easily devolve into finger-pointing, which only creates more drama. Lead by example and make it clear that everybody needs to focus on mutually solving the problem rather than scolding one another. If this one’s beyond even you, remember: There’s no shame in calling in help.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Wednesday October 30
Sometimes when you give so much to something, you stop being able to see it clearly. Could it be time to admit that’s where you are, Sag? Mental Mercury is submerged in the deep waters of Scorpio and clashing with chaotic Uranus today—no doubt, the struggle is real. Thing is, the struggle doesn’t have to be yours alone. Calling in Team Archer to help get this to the finish line will make for better results and yield a lot more fun.
Read Sagittarius daily horoscope

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) daily horoscope for Wednesday October 30
You’ve never been one to rush into childish or stupid risks, but it would be silly not to consider calculated moves that could make lots of money. With busy Mercury learning how to surf the turbulent waters of Scorpio as it opposes boundary-defying Uranus today, you may find yourself looking twice and even a third time at a potentially lucrative opportunity. Let this one go until the stars are less chaotic. If it’s still knocking next week, you can revisit it.
Read Capricorn daily horoscope

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Wednesday October 30
“I wish I had spent more time at the office,” said no Aquarius ever. Today, it’s time to ponder: Who have you been ignoring in your own quest for success? Chances are, they’re giving you some clues—maybe some really annoying ones—that they want more quality time. As communicative Mercury freestyles through Scorpio’s depths and dukes it out with limitless Uranus, you’ll have to read between the lines. Show them they’re your priority by planning some memorable “just us” time.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) daily horoscope for Wednesday October 30
Jumping to conclusions is not only a relationship killer, but it can cause social anxiety and paranoia. Mental Mercury, fighting the tide in Scorpio’s depths as it opposes open-minded Uranus, is setting up the high jump for you today, Fish. You can ignore this challenge by taking time out to gather all the information you need to see the big picture. Think back to other times when snap judgments have tripped you up. Life is intrinsically easier when you can give people the benefit of the doubt.