Daily Horoscopes for Saturday August 17 - Sunday August 18, 2024 | Astrostyle: Astrology and Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscopes by The AstroTwins
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Daily Horoscopes for Saturday August 17 – Sunday August 18, 2024

What’s happening in astrology today

August 17 in the stars: Find out what’s in store for you today in our daily horoscopes for Saturday August 17. Read the daily horoscopes for your Sun sign or rising sign (ascendant) to plan your day.

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Your daily horoscopes for Saturday August 17, 2024

Aries Daily horoscope

Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Saturday August 17

Saturday sounds the call for structure, especially if you plan to knock off everything on that growing to-do list of yours. Log out of social media, screen your calls and avoid the time-sucking distractions. Get tasks completed in uninterrupted spurts, and you just might surprise yourself at everything you’re able to accomplish. Then go celebrate with some evening entertainment! Tact and diplomacy might fly out the window under Sunday’s button-pushing clash between diplomatic Venus and uncensored Jupiter in your communication center. No one seems terribly interested in teasing out facts from opinion, and once you open up a controversial discussion, it could turn into a free-for-all, with tempers rising and accusations being flung about with abandon. Given that Mercury is retrograde and we’re on the cusp of a wildly complicated full moon, you might NOT want to bring up a touchy topic this weekend, Aries.

Read Aries daily horoscope

Taurus Daily horoscope

Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Saturday August 17

Saturday’s optimistic starmap reminds you that your cup runneth over with possibilities. Expand your network beyond your go-to resources. If your creativity has fallen flat lately, head to a festival, indie film festival or museum to reconnect to the muse. With the moon in your worldly ninth house of expansion, now’s a great time to peruse travel blogs, set fare alerts or check for online hotel deals. On Sunday, your ruler, Venus, rocks your fifth house of passion and romance, putting you in the mood to do whatever is suggested—as long as it dangles the prospect of fun. But not so fast: Venus is getting zapped by impulsive Jupiter, which can cloud your judgment and spur you to rash action. Get more info before you make any decisions. Under this blurry mashup, things probably aren’t exactly what they seem. With Jupiter in your security house, you don’t want to trade your hard-won stability for a moment of excitement.

Read Taurus daily horoscope

Gemini Daily horoscope

Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Saturday August 17

Loosen your grip this Saturday, Gemini. Instead of forcing your agenda, slow your roll and let a situation develop naturally. Taking the necessary steps on your ascent will make it feel that much sweeter once you arrive. You want it all and you want it NOW, but try to enjoy the process. Don’t put all your eggs in one basket, either. If things are not moving forward with someone, there’s probably a reason for it. Take a step back and realize there are plenty of other resources you can explore. Open yourself up to meeting and connecting to perfect strangers, especially tonight. On Sunday, expansive Jupiter forms a challenging 90-degree square with peaceful Venus in your home zone, spurring you to do something radical to your living space. But before you make any sweeping changes, stop and reflect. What feels claustrophobic or constricting is probably happening inside you rather than outside. Avoid doing something regrettable by taking time for soul-searching first. If there’s an interpersonal issue that needs attention, focus on that—not remodeling your bathroom and hoping the problem fixes itself.

Read Gemini daily horoscope

Cancer Daily horoscope

Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Saturday August 17

Prioritize partnerships this weekend, Crab. On Saturday, the moon starts off in Capricorn and your relationship house, then makes a sexy plunge into Aquarius and your erotic, intimate eighth house. On Monday, the moon will be full in Aquarius, so get ready for some really strong feelings to surface. Watch your words on Sunday—but even more importantly, mind your manners! Under an edgy square between tactful Venus in your communication zone and candid Jupiter in your unconscious realm, your message could come out snarkier or less compassionate than you intend. Even some helpful, supportive suggestions might sound like criticism if you’re not careful. Under these thin-skinned stars, you could feel especially sensitive. Don’t get sucked into a discussion or debate that you know will leave your feelings bruised.

Read Cancer daily horoscope

Leo Daily horoscope

Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Saturday August 17

Your stress levels could skyrocket on Saturday, especially if you’re fretting over a deadline or looming obligation. Relax and give yourself a little credit. You know a lot more than you realize, and you’re fully capable of figuring out the rest. When you feel your anxieties peaking, take a few slow, cleansing breaths or listen to a guided meditation. All you can really control is the very moment you’re in. Remembering that will make your troubles feel a lot less daunting. Although you’re a leader by nature, people-pleasing could take a toll on your celebrations on Sunday—and you could drive yourself mad trying to intuit everyone’s needs. Stay out of the middle if the people around you are squabbling. Let them work it out on their own. Getting involved could jeopardize YOUR relationships with them—not worth it! Instead, enjoy some one-on-one exchanges. Slip off with the other sane people at the party for a stroll on the beach or private conversation.

Read Leo daily horoscope

Virgo Daily horoscope

Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Saturday August 17

Wear your heart on your sleeve this Saturday and let yourself have a good cry if you need one. Hiding behind a cool facade can come across as a lack of compassion to others. To show people you care, voice your feelings aloud or send someone a handwritten note—or flowers. If you’re out on the town tonight, buy a drink for someone you think is “out of your league”: Your charm (and moxie) could win them over quickly. In a relationship? Dress to impress and flaunt your power-couple status. You could have the best and highest intentions on Sunday, but someone might still think you’re coming across as too self-important or self-absorbed. Try not to take it personally: It’s probably a reflection of THEIR insecurities or jealousy. You may be picking up some strange vibes through a squirrely square between compassionate Venus and expansive Jupiter, in the more serious zones of your chart. Rather than fight fire with fire, try to “kill” them with kindness!

Read Virgo daily horoscope

Libra Daily horoscope

Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Saturday August 17

Saturday’s moon in your nurturing fourth house draws out your nostalgic side. Though you’ll feel tempted to spend a night in with takeout and Netflix, don’t give into the moody blues. Later, when the moon moves into Aquarius and your fun-loving fifth house, you’ll be ready to celebrate! Meanwhile, airing your sentiments will help you feel lighter and brighter and less likely to cancel your plans and hibernate. You may have to keep tabs on yourself on Sunday or you could get lost in your daydreams. With creative Venus in your imaginative twelfth house squaring off with supersizer Jupiter in your visionary corner, you might not realize just how distracted you are. If possible, reshuffle your assignments to make the most of this inspirational energy. Brainstorm, return emails and phone calls, make a vision board, delve into a research project—just don’t try to do any quantitative analysis!

Read Libra daily horoscope

Scorpio Daily horoscope

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Saturday August 17

You’re on the hunt for fresh ideas this Saturday, but before you commit to anything new, do your homework. Rather than reach for the first shiny new opportunity that catches your eye, make sure this project or partnership has lasting potential. Tonight, hit the local scene and foster a friendship with a new acquaintance. On Sunday, as peacekeeping Venus squares off with magnifying Jupiter in your intense eighth house, you’re prone to overreacting. It takes a lot to set you off, but when someone pushes you to that point, it’s hard to rein in your strong emotions. An innocent comment could hit you exactly the wrong way, or you might misconstrue people’s actions. Before you read them the riot act, find out what’s really going on and what they meant. This Everest could turn out to be a molehill.

Read Scorpio daily horoscope

Sagittarius Daily horoscope

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Saturday August 17

Stick to your values this Saturday, Sag, but try not to be too stubborn about it. It’s admirable to live by your principles, but stop short of imposing your beliefs onto others. Rather than telling people (unsolicited) what you think they “should” do, practice active listening, offering your ear instead of your agenda. If you find you’re preaching to the choir in a one-sided conversation, ask questions…or change the subject to something less emotionally charged. On Sunday, protect yourself from toxic, needy people. Your friendly sign is quick to give people the benefit of the doubt, but under today’s clash between amiable Venus and amplifying Jupiter (your ruler) in your relationship zone, someone else’s problems could suck all the air out of the room—and the time out of your schedule. You don’t have to slam a door on their face; just let them know you’re on a deadline and that you have confidence in their ability to work this out for themselves!

Read Sagittarius daily horoscope

Capricorn Daily horoscope

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) daily horoscope for Saturday August 17

Stuck in your old ways? Saturday’s Capricorn moon pushes you out of that rut. Traipsing down a new path can be fun if you embrace the spirit of adventure. Consciously shift the way you speak and interact with others. You may find that you get a whole different response. Let your curiosity and charisma lead you out the door and about town tonight…opportunity awaits! Sunday’s stars come with a “don’t bite off more than you can possibly chew” warning. With expansive Jupiter trekking through your organized sixth house since late May, your productivity has been through the roof. And while you can handle a LOT, there is actually a limit before you reach the burnout stage. As Jupiter squares off with Venus in your house of lofty goals today, give yourself a reality check. You may have to scale back—or delegate—but in the process, you’ll preserve your sanity!

Read Capricorn daily horoscope

Aquarius Daily horoscope

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Saturday August 17

Guilt weighing you down again, Aquarius? Just because you said no to someone doesn’t mean you have to carry an emotional burden. This Saturday, setting boundaries is healthy, especially for an open-hearted soul like yourself. Tonight, try rolling with a different crowd for some refreshing new energy. With the Aquarius full moon approaching this Monday, you’re ready for change! On Sunday, strong emotions may overtake you, and you need to remember you’re actually in control here. With amorous Venus in your seductive eighth house at odds with magnifying Jupiter in your lovey-dovey fifth, the desire for a partnership or to take a big next step might obscure some bright red flags. Enjoy the ride, but keep an eye on the speedometer—and steer clear of any blatantly bad actors!

Read Aquarius daily horoscope

Pisces Daily horoscope

Pisces (February 19-March 20) daily horoscope for Saturday August 17

Saturday’s moon in your future-minded eleventh house sends your deepest desires out to the universe. Don’t let fear stand in the way of your biggest dreams, no matter how “impossible” they may seem. Since the eleventh house rules technology, connect with some inspiring influencers on social media. Your efforts alone will open doors, so you have nothing to lose by trying. Broaden your scope by connecting with a new group of like-minded people in your field. Don’t overload your social plate on Sunday, Pisces. It’ll be tempting to say yes to everything, but under this starmap, you won’t be at your limit-setting best. With amiable Venus in your partnership house clashing with supersizer Jupiter in your home and family zone, accepting too many invites and offers could cause you to fall short on some obligations that are less fun than vital. Stop and think before you RSVP “yes.” If you’re really torn, see if you can get a raincheck!

Read Pisces daily horoscope

Check out everything that’s happening in your August monthly horoscope too!

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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of Astrostyle.com and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.