What’s happening in astrology today
January 18 in the stars: Find out what’s in store for you today in our daily horoscopes for Saturday January 18. Read the daily horoscopes for your Sun sign or rising sign (ascendant) to plan your day.
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Your daily horoscopes for Saturday January 18, 2025

Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Saturday January 18
What are you clutching onto, Aries? On Saturday, love planet Venus syncs up with sacrificial Pisces, which can stir up guilty feelings about closing that chapter. While you know that a clean break heals the fastest, you’re not exactly eager to experience loss, grief or any sort of pain. Sure, there might be gains to staying in this situation. But on the other hand, what are you missing out on by staying stuck? That’s the REAL loss you should be evaluating today—and don’t be surprised if this reflection catalyzes your departure. We hope you’ve recovered from the holidays by Sunday, Ram, because effective mid-afternoon, the luminous Sun powers up Aquarius and your eleventh house of group gatherings until February 18. Treat yourself to a fabulous new scarf or pair of boots since they’re going to get a lot of use over the coming month. Some of that socializing may be happening at Chateau Aries, so if your lair needs a little sprucing up to be dinner-party-ready, cancel your evening plans and get domestic!

Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Saturday January 18
Are the people you spend time with elevating your perspective or keeping you stuck in “the old way” of doing things? On Saturday, convivial Venus bangs into no-nonsense Saturn in Pisces and your eleventh house of progress and community. Out of the blue, you may be struck by the realization that you need to move away from a certain myopic group. There’s not much room for growth in an echo chamber. Even if you ARE surrounded by free thinkers, nudge yourself to explore a new group or scene today. A fresh perspective would do you good! Hibernation time may come to an abrupt halt on Sunday as the life-affirming Sun blasts into Aquarius, amping up your tenth house of career ambitions until February 18. For Bulls plotting their ascent up the company ladder, this is a time to network strategically, including with power players from your past. Looking to branch out on your own? See how much work you can line up before giving notice. You might be mentally ready for a big change, but you’re still a security-loving Taurus.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Saturday January 18
Your mind is set on your big goals this Saturday, thanks to the annual mashup of creative Venus and ambitious Saturn, who are connecting in Pisces and your future-focused tenth house in 2025. Are you satisfied with the current status, or do you KNOW that there is something else out there for you to pursue? You may get an intuitive hit that it’s time to step up your game or pivot in a different direction. While you may weather some tough lessons, take a pass on “safe and familiar” in order to advance an important objective. When you apply serious elbow grease, you’ll impress the right people—including one who might propel your aspirations forward. Starting Sunday, as the luminous Sun orbits through Aquarius and your expansive ninth house, your focus will be on far-flung destinations and not the bottom line. Widen your viewfinder and take in a world that’s bigger and full of more adventure than you dreamed was possible. If you can’t get away before February 18, you can still do your soul a world of good by reading, researching and doing some frontline planning.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Saturday January 18
Open mouth, insert combat boot? Normally you’re the poster child for empathy, but under Saturday’s Venus-Saturn sync-up, your honesty packs a punch that could send people running for cover. Rather than pointing out people’s “shortcomings” or suggesting improvements to matters that don’t involve you, soften your delivery. Yes, you know exactly how to remedy their dilemmas, Cancer, but save your breath. People are much more responsive to change when they’re the ones initiating it. Give them that option before rushing in for the “save.” Get ready to break some new depth levels starting Sunday as the Sun plunges into Aquarius and your intense—and intensely seductive—eighth house for the next four weeks. While you sometimes hesitate to move straight ahead, when it comes to unfathomable (emotional) diving, you’re the zodiac’s champ! Skip the small talk and gossip. What your soul needs right now are intimate interactions with people you genuinely care about—and who sincerely care about you!

Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Saturday January 18
You’ve got your heart set on something so passionately it hurts, but your fixation with the outcome could be verging on obsessive. As desirous Venus and no-nonsense Saturn unite in Pisces and your intimate, brooding eighth house this Saturday, the intensity will only rise as you focus your attention here. Worse, your zeal could come off as pushy or coercive. (And even dropping hints could land as manipulative.) As hard as it is to pull back, it’s the only way to regain the upper hand. Bide your time and you’ll pique people’s curiosity, which will eventually bring them around to your side. You won’t be on your own any more than you care to be starting Sunday as the confident Sun parachutes into your relationship house for its annual monthlong visit. Get your lair—and your hair— in order to celebrate this lift in your love life. For some Lions, this pairing-up might be of a creative or entrepreneurial nature. Whatever you’re getting up to (and into), bear in mind that anything started under this starmap is likely to deliver titanic returns.
Read Leo daily horoscope

Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Saturday January 18
This Saturday, as harmonizing Venus unites with sensible Saturn in your partnership house, you can restore balance to a relationship that’s been growing distant lately. But why are you drifting? Maybe you’ve been a little too accommodating, saying yes to plans and ideas that weren’t really your jam. You pay a price for people-pleasing, Virgo, and that’s becoming evident. While it may spare you discomfort in the present moment, you wind up losing a sense of true connection. Drop your defenses and get honest today. ‘Fess up to the things you’ve been hiding and see how the other person reacts. A true friend will respect you for telling the truth. Just make sure you don’t blame THEM for your secrecy. On Sunday, when Sun blazes into Aquarius for its annual tour, you may be infused with get-up-and-go! That’s because Aquarius rules your sixth house of wellness, your sign’s natural home. You’ll be in your element until February 18, with all sorts of ideas for getting the new year off to a Virgo-worthy start! Start by tackling the clutter: paperwork, laundry and even digital stuff. (Hello, Inbox!) How can you organize your systems—and your life—to give you more free time to pursue your highest passions?

Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Saturday January 18
As your cosmic custodian, Venus, meets project manager Saturn this Saturday, you can bring more flow to your life, but not necessarily in the way you’d expect. If you want to feel that sense of spaciousness again, FIRST clean up your space. “Streamline” and “structure” are your keywords today, so take an unruly project and break it down into actionable steps. Get it back on track by establishing goals and a realistic timeline. Setting limits will be no easy feat, and you could be tempted to take a shortcut—or abandon ship. Delay immediate gratification and you’ll be set up for long-term gains. Let the games begin this Sunday! After a fairly solemn month of hosting the Capricorn Sun in your domestic fourth house, you’re ready for the festivities that are sure to accompany el Sol’s arrival into Aquarius and your playful, party-loving fifth house. This is also a good month (through February 18) to “clean house” of any activities, commitments or relationships that don’t bring you pleasure. Single? This whole-life decluttering project can also make you an easier target for Cupid’s arrows!

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Saturday January 18
Good luck concentrating on any “lather, rinse, repeat” tasks this Saturday, Scorpio! With ardent Venus and stern Saturn uniting in Pisces and your pleasure-driven fifth house, you WANT to be productive, but distractions tempt you from every browser tab and DM. While friends may try to lure you away from your previously scheduled agenda, don’t be an indiscriminate “yes” person. Otherwise, you’ll quickly bite off more than you can chew. Tame your people-pleasing reflex, especially in romantic affairs. Before you commit to anything, do your homework. On Sunday, the Sun bids adieu to Capricorn and your social third house and glides into Aquarius and your cozy fourth house of nesting until February 18. If you’ve been go-go-going for the past four weeks, your energy might be almost gone by now. Plan to slow down, unwind and recharge those batteries. It’s a perfect time to catch up with family and friends who feel like kin. Got some redecorating ideas kicking around? Beyond pretty objects, focus on things that create more tranquility, and a sense of spaciousness.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Saturday January 18
If you’re trying to be productive—or present with people—this Saturday, stop the scroll. Venus and Saturn unite in nostalgic Pisces, which could pull you into an undertow of emotion. Just “checking something on Instagram” could mean losing a solid hour of time you had earmarked for IRL connections or errands. When you’re with people today, try a little more tenderness instead of offering your trademark frank and unfiltered advice. What people really need is a “you’ve got this!” If you can’t authentically give that, try asking what they need instead of assuming that you know. On Sunday, the galvanizing Sun shifts into Aquarius and your third house of friends and hometown happenings. Baby, it’s cold outside, but that’s not going to keep adventurous Archers from making their appointed rounds! Bundle up and come on out: Good times await if you can bust out of your home’s gravitational pull. Slip on the snow boots and go explore the local haunts. You could make some fast friends over the coming four-week cycle, but you may have to make the first overture.
Read Sagittarius daily horoscope

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) daily horoscope for Saturday January 18
You’re in vivacious spirits this Saturday as seductive Venus syncs up with your ruler, Saturn. Better still? Both planets are percolating in Pisces and your expressive third house. While you’d talk the ear off anyone willing to listen, why not channel that ingenuity productively? Start crafting a sales pitch or writing out the script for a podcast. One thing to avoid? Dropping controversial comments into a social media thread or wasting time fighting with trolls. Balance your contrarian energy with some heart-pumping activity. Instead of getting lost in a TikTok wormhole, turn on the music and dance in your living room. Say goodbye to birthday month on Sunday, Cap. The Sun waves buh-bye to your sign and swings into Aquarius and your second house of finances and security until February 18. When you hosted le luminous Soleil, you may have dreamed up some thrilling new ideas for making money. Now with your practical second house lit up, you can use your logic and pragmatism to determine which of these notions are viable. Crunch the numbers, then talk to potential associates to see if you can drum up some support—and maybe even funding.
Read Capricorn daily horoscope

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Saturday January 18
Turn your attention to budget and practical matters this Saturday as money-minded Venus unites with business-savvy Saturn. Think twice before adding anything to a cart—even if it IS on sale. Instead of caving to an enticing pitch, give yourself at least 24 hours to mull it over. Impulsively spend more than you could actually afford and you’ll no sooner have it out of the box than you’ll be hit with buyer’s remorse. Good things come to those who wait—including discount codes! Sunday comes with a very special announcement: The start of Aquarius season! After four weeks of deep introspection as the Capricorn Sun toured your inwardly focused twelfth house, you’re ready to blast out of your cocoon and reconnect with the wider world. You’re back in your element, and you won’t have to TRY to get people to hang on your every word. Got something to promote? Solidify your message—maybe hiring a consultant to add a high-pro glow—then start stumping. If you truly believe in this, you’re halfway home!

Pisces (February 19-March 20) daily horoscope for Saturday January 18
Devote Saturday to your passions and don’t let anything distract you! Creatrix Venus makes her annual connection to ambitious Saturn, and this year, they are connecting in YOUR sign. If you’re still in the ideation phase, play around with supplies or pre-source materials you might use for your future buildout. Although your “me time” could be interrupted by commitments that you can’t easily wriggle out of, set some clear boundaries and don’t let others pull you away from your inspired groove. Just be careful not to overshadow others if you’re in a group conversation. Put your mic on mute if you can’t hold it in. Prepare to unwind starting Sunday as the Sun downshifts into Aquarius and your twelfth house of rest and healing until Pisces season begins on February 18. You’ve been burning the candle at both ends, and now it’s time to relax and reboot your system. You could bring closure to a volatile situation during this cycle—but until you calm your energy levels, you won’t know what your heart truly desires. This is also an opportunity to get your body—and mind—back in balance with gentle daily yoga or stretching.