Daily Horoscopes for Saturday January 25 - Sunday January 26, 2025 | Astrostyle: Astrology and Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscopes by The AstroTwins
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Daily Horoscopes for Saturday January 25 – Sunday January 26, 2025

What’s happening in astrology today

January 25 in the stars: Find out what’s in store for you today in our daily horoscopes for Saturday January 25. Read the daily horoscopes for your Sun sign or rising sign (ascendant) to plan your day.

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Your daily horoscopes for Saturday January 25, 2025

Aries Daily horoscope

Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Saturday January 25

Saturday’s beautifying and bolstering Mars-Venus trine has one commandment for you: Bless your nest! Since this sweet sync-up touches the most sentimental and homey parts of your chart, you’ll happily comply. If your decor could use an upgrade, get the mood boards going. Gather wallpaper samples or paint chips so you can feel your way into the right vibe of every room. Do you need to heal your connection to someone in your inner circle? Forgiveness is indeed divine. If fences need to be mended, seize the moment. Having friends in high places can give you high hopes, and Sunday’s powerful mashup of Mercury in your career corner and magical Neptune can bring recognition and support from prestigious people. By showing initiative and being willing to work harder, faster or longer than anyone else, you will win their support big-time. Scope out some upcoming industry events and RSVP yes! Don’t shy away from shoptalk while you’re meeting friends for brunch. Synergies could pop up over mimosas that you didn’t even realize existed. 

Read Aries daily horoscope

Taurus Daily horoscope

Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Saturday January 25

Just friends…or is a more illustrious title brewing? Saturday’s rare and harmonious trine between your ruling planet, pleasure-seeking Venus, and lusty Mars intensifies synergies. You shouldn’t rush to define a relationship, but if you’re sensing SOMETHING special, this would be the day to mention it out loud. No one enticing showing up on your radar? See what happens if you ask your acquaintances a few more questions about their interests. Your curiosity could reveal common ground. The best way to widen your range this Sunday, Taurus? Expand your social network. People are your best introduction to fascinating and useful new information, systems and approaches to problem-solving. It’s easy to get stuck in the same way of operating (especially for your fixed sign). But today’s enriching alignment of savvy Mercury in your global ninth house and tuned-in Neptune in your collaboration corner helps you break down those walls and deepen your intellectual and cultural perspective.

Read Taurus daily horoscope

Gemini Daily horoscope

Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Saturday January 25

Newsflash for Geminis: Stability can be sexy. And Saturday’s tender trine between Venus and her dance partner Mars could connect you to someone who considers security an aphrodisiac. If you’re planning to mingle, head to an aspirational event, like an industry meet and greet or a film screening. Being around other movers and shakers increases your odds of finding a click. Attached? Dress up for a dynamic-duo date night. On Sunday, your clever ruler, Mercury, aligns with Neptune to strategically bolster your public image. Relax, Gemini: This isn’t about social climbing. It’s about acknowledging—and reaching out to—certain people who can be beneficial to your professional life, whether a mentor or a client. Give them your full attention and listen to what they have to say. You might have to endure some long stories, but there’s sure to be at least one pearl of wisdom in there.

Read Gemini daily horoscope

Cancer Daily horoscope

Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Saturday January 25

Love, luck, charisma: You’ll have no trouble tapping any of those traits this Saturday as romantic Venus sambas with sultry Mars, who is retrograde in your sign. Make a point of filling every room you enter with warmth and kindness. (Easy for you!) Even if you’re addressing a tough topic, speak in a way that gets people pumped about making a change. Get ready: Your conviction could cause the entire room to swoon! Your deep-feeling sign doesn’t skim the surface when it comes to your emotions, but Sunday’s profound pairing of messenger Mercury and sensitive Neptune might reveal how shockingly deep your feelings can be. There’s no reason to struggle to maintain a calm, cool fac ade—at least not with one special relationship. In fact, if you’ve been holding back, that might be limiting where this could go. Take a risk, Cancer, and let this person see the full depth of your sentimental nature.

Read Cancer daily horoscope

Leo Daily horoscope

Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Saturday January 25

Drink it in, Leo. Love planets Venus and Mars hold a special summit in the most emotional and spiritual zones of your chart this Saturday. Under this tender trine, your heart opens and you can safely be vulnerable. Allow yourself to receive—it’s your turn now. Your intuition about other people is spot-on, so don’t brush it off. Stay present as you go through your day and see who turns your head. And if it feels right to initiate a conversation, bravely break that ice. No one will be able to accuse you of being melodramatic on Sunday. Things truly are intense for you as you try to surf tsunami-size waves on your own private emotion ocean. Mindful Mercury may be in grounded Capricorn, but it’s connected to bottomless Neptune in your stormy, seductive eighth house. The overpowering force of your own sensitivity may surprise you. But all the “talking yourself down” in the world won’t make this go away. If you’re in a committed relationship, let your partner know what you’re going through.

Read Leo daily horoscope

Virgo Daily horoscope

Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Saturday January 25

Sweet affection? Yes, please! Saturday’s touchy-feely alignment of love planets Venus and Mars sends sparks flying. What begins as a hug could go a whole lot further if you and a certain someone are thirsting for each other. (Get a room!) Couples can get back in sync, remembering how much you LIKE each other in addition to the romantic attraction. This Mars-Venus trine also boosts your popularity with friends and perfect strangers. Unleash your charm offensive! Single Virgos will have a field day on Sunday as flirty Mercury in Capricorn and your passion house teams up with fantasy-fueled Neptune in your relationship corner. The opportunities will be epic—and the cast of potential characters limitless—but if you’re looking for someone with keeper potential, quickly rule out anyone with the slightest whiff of f-boy or girl vibes. Trust your gut, and remember that a Google background check never hurts.

Read Virgo daily horoscope

Libra Daily horoscope

Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Saturday January 25

You could strike a cooperative chord with basically anyone you come into contact with, thanks to today’s feel-good trine between Venus and Mars. If you’ve been trying to get noticed on social media or win some client leads, pump up your efforts. But keep your communications short and sweet. Captivate people with your conversational prowess—THEN you can send them your 40-slide pitch deck. Are you in charge of any weekend missions? Make sure your collaborators know that you see them, and vocally give gratitude for their efforts. Appreciated people are productive people! You may not start your Sunday expecting to play therapist to half your friend group, but that might be the case under the day’s sympathetic starmap. Sharp Mercury in your sensitive fourth house is cavorting with empathic Neptune in your healing zone. Like it or not, yours are the deltoids everyone wants to cry on. If you have errands to run, you may have to do your “sessions” by phone—or invite the friend-in-need to accompany you while you lend them your ears.

Read Libra daily horoscope

Scorpio Daily horoscope

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Saturday January 25

Love globally! Saturday’s expansive alliance of romantic Venus and sexy Mars ignites the most passionate and adventurous zones of your chart. Coupled Scorpios could start discussing 2025 vacation plans. (A food tour of Portugal or maybe castle-hopping in Croatia?) Cross-cultural connections catch on like wildfire under this mashup. Target your Tinder search toward a city you want to visit (or live in) one day. It all begins with a conversation. On Sunday, however, you may need to guard your heart. Normally, we wouldn’t have to warn you to do that, but you might be slightly off your game. A susceptible-to-sweet-talk sextile of flirty Mercury and gullible Neptune occurs in your houses of communication and passion. You’ll be prone to believing what people say, and a manipulative charmer could win you over with flattery. Enjoy the temptation, but keep your wits about you. After all, that is the hallmark of being a Scorpio.

Read Scorpio daily horoscope

Sagittarius Daily horoscope

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Saturday January 25

Bring it in, Archer! Love planets Venus and Mars get intimate today, arousing your desire to do the same. What does “getting closer” look like to you? For coupled Sagittarians, fantasies of moving in together, buying a home or starting a family could be on deck. Or maybe you’d just like more quality bonding time. Single? Fill your tanks with unconditional love from your family and closest friends. Having your confidence in check makes it easier to venture into the dating world. Your generous sign tends to give without thinking about the bottom line, which is (one of) your many great qualities. But Sunday’s planetary lineup flashes a warning sign when it comes to being a little too free with your hard-earned cash. With Mercury in cautious Capricorn synced up with boundary-challenged Neptune, you might confuse caring with sharing. You don’t have to pay someone’s way to show your affection. And if they try to guilt you into it, pause to consider if they’re as good a friend as you think they are.

Read Sagittarius daily horoscope

Capricorn Daily horoscope

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) daily horoscope for Saturday January 25

Saturday’s flowing alignment of Venus and Mars gives you the gift of gab AND major magnetism. But don’t just use your charm to disarm. Under this sweet sync-up, you’re well positioned to create a genuine connection. There’s no need to traffic-direct any interactions. Instead, be open to discovering what an igniting spark is meant to light up for you. Certain attractions could best be kept in the friend zone, especially if a business collaboration is brewing. We’re not saying you can’t have it all, but easy does it, tiger! On Sunday, don’t resort to “truth embroidery” to impress a new friend or seal a deal. It’s never a good idea to “enhance” the facts, but under today’s hazy Mercury-Neptune merger, you might not even realize what you’re doing. If you find yourself getting a little carried away with a sales pitch, interrupt yourself and stop! Whether you’re trying to sell a friend on your POV or persuade someone to try a product you love, you want to be sure you can stand behind it 100 percent. 

Read Capricorn daily horoscope

Aquarius Daily horoscope

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Saturday January 25

Practical magic is in abundant supply as Venus and Mars sweetly sync up in your productivity zones. Invite pleasure into your routines, especially the ones that are veering into “punishing” terrain. Mindfully plate your meals and “eat the rainbow” (think: purple kale, orange cauliflower). Stream a Spin class with your favorite genre of music—or just turn up your speakers and dance your heart rate up. Couples might get a rush out of signing up for a wellness program together. Support is sexy! No matter how busy your schedule is on Sunday, Aquarius, it’ll be worth your while to carve out a little time to take care of a financial issue. If one of your insurance payments went MIA or there’s a mystery charge on your Visa statement, don’t put it off. Shrewd Mercury aligns with Neptune in your money zone, which can help you get to the bottom of this. But it could require some patience, so if you get stuck, take a short break or reach out to a friend who has more expertise with managing whatever’s frustrating you.

Read Aquarius daily horoscope

Pisces Daily horoscope

Pisces (February 19-March 20) daily horoscope for Saturday January 25

Romantic Venus is buzzing in Pisces, which is enough to make you a total love magnet. But on Sunday, the love planet sends major heat to her dance partner Mars, who’s parked (and retrograde) in your lusty fifth house. This could be one of the hottest days of 2025, especially in connection to someone from your past or a nostalgic activity. Not totally feeling it? If you’ve been with your partner for a while, getting started might be the hardest part. (That’s why they call them warm-ups.) Single? Under these bold skies, you might be the one making the first move—apps not required. Just be careful that your full-court press isn’t TOO much since Mars in reverse can whip up a strong brew. If you’ve been hoping to break into a new social group or become an official member of a club, Sunday’s the day to take action. Empathic Neptune in your sign is aligned with lively Mercury in your eleventh house of group activities. Your sensitive nature will be apparent to everyone, as will your quiet charm and wit. Even if you’re not exactly like everyone else, you’ll still blend in seamlessly. Any “outsider” feelings you may have are totally in your head!

Read Pisces daily horoscope

Check out everything that’s happening in your January monthly horoscope too!

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The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of Astrostyle.com and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.