What’s happening in astrology today
September 7 in the stars: Find out what’s in store for you today in our daily horoscopes for Saturday September 7. Read the daily horoscopes for your Sun sign or rising sign (ascendant) to plan your day.
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Your daily horoscopes for Saturday September 7, 2024

Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Saturday September 7
You hate having to follow protocol simply because “that’s how it’s done around here.” Your indie-spirited sign knows how to think for yourself, and in doing so, you often come up with an approach that’s smarter/faster/easier. This weekend, when conservative Saturn forms an edgy opposition to the creative Sun in your systematic sixth house, think twice before you take matters into your own hands. True, you might save some time or money, but if you alienate potential supporters, it may not be worth it. Following rules (and reading the damn directions) becomes easier starting Sunday when methodical Mercury makes its second pass of the summer through Virgo and your synergistic sixth house. Sometimes you struggle with the details, Ram, but the stars are on your side between now and September 26. Set up a whole new workflow in your home office, do a deep clean or check out minimal organizers and storage bins. Then, ride that productive wave and feel the glorious satisfaction as you check things off your to-do list! The sixth house also rules health and exercise, so use this Mercurial motivation to get back into the fitness groove.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Saturday September 7
If you find yourself on the verge of crying—or screaming—try a different tack: laughing! Even if you fail to see the humor in the situation, call a friend who has a way of always making you laugh till you’re in tears. This will not only distract you from the troubling situation but will reset your nervous system and help you detach. With serious Saturn in your collaborative zone, your standards may need some downward adjustment. And thanks to its weekend opposition with the upbeat Sun in your playful fifth house, hilarity really is the best medicine. On Sunday, messenger Mercury brings more fun as it wings back into Virgo and your playful, glamorous fifth house until September 26. When it comes to love, this is your cue to be forward. If you’ve been crushing on someone in your cardio class, suggest a post-workout smoothie run and see where things go from there. If you’re already in a relationship, fill up your shared calendar with live music, fancy dinners and anything that brings a rush of adrenaline.

Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Saturday September 7
What’s the secret of every smart manager? They know how to delegate! This weekend, as the analytical Virgo Sun swings into its annual opposition with structured Saturn, you might decide you’re sick and tired of trying to do it all yourself. But you don’t want to randomly assign key aspects of a project to potentially unqualified people. True, it might take a little more time to figure out who’s right for what, but in the long run, it can save much effort—and aggravation. And if you need some inner-circle support, reach out to the all-important ladies in your life. It’s time to strengthen those bonds as your ruler, messenger Mercury, sails back into Virgo and your feminine fourth house until September 26. A fall reunion gathering at Chateau Twin might be just the thing to organize over the next few weeks—potluck comfort food, tarot readings and some soul-baring status reports. Supporting a powerful woman at the office could evolve into a serious career boost.

Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Saturday September 7

Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Saturday September 7
If money has been slipping between your bejeweled fingers, it’s not only important to pay attention to where it’s going, Leo, but also to get a handle on the emotions that are connected to your mindless—or less-than-totally-responsible—spending. Under the weekend’s opposition between the hedonistic Sun in your income sector and structured, disciplined Saturn in your house of long-term wealth, you might be able to reprioritize your cash flow AND determine whether an unconscious sense of lack that may be driving your habits. Your money won’t manage itself, Leo, so it’s a good thing that on Sunday, Mercury settles back into Virgo and your financially savvy second house until September 26. If you play your cards right, you could experience a lucrative surge in your cash flow. Be proactive about getting the green! Ask for that raise, go after a big-bucks client or apply for a dreamier job. If you’ve got the resources, hire a financial planner to help grow your assets or start an investment portfolio.
Read Leo daily horoscope

Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Saturday September 7
Nobody likes a know-it-all, Virgo, and that’s the LAST thing you want to be called! This weekend, as el Sol locks into a tricky opposition with rigid Saturn in your partnership house, your closest relationships can act as mirrors for you. Up for a challenge? Think about the behaviors you most resent in others, and then take a good look at whether just maybe it’s because you dislike that trait in yourself. Need to get something off your chest? You’ll have no trouble offering your unfiltered opinions between Sunday and September 26 as your ruler, mouthy Mercury, joins a pack of planets in your sign. Be candid, but also kind. A spoonful of diplomacy helps the harsh critique go down. If you find yourself playing life coach, flip to the “selfie cam” and focus on yourself instead. This is a fine time to tweak (or totally overhaul) your image, from your online presence to your fall wardrobe game.

Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Saturday September 7
Have you been giving so much you’re starting to feel depleted? That’s always your first clue—or maybe the FINAL one—that something is out of balance with a key connection. Your sign is famously generous, and occasionally you don’t realize when someone in your inner circle is taking advantage of it. This weekend, as the bold Sun forms its annual opposition with structure hound Saturn, you’ll be reminded of the essential value of firm and fair boundaries. Starting Sunday, you’ll be craving solitude as messenger Mercury hunkers down in your twelfth house of healing and completions until September 26. Tie up those loose ends now, whether you’re trying to resolve an issue in your personal life or crushing a major project at work. But you don’t have to wait until you’re done to make room on your calendar for self-care. Try doing a daily meditation (apps like Insight Timer are great for this) and, if the budget allows, book at least one healing treatment, like a massage or a float tank session, before your birthday.

Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Saturday September 7
Under this weekend’s opposition between the “hit-the-gas” Sun in your teamwork zone and cautious Saturn in your fifth house of creativity and fame, you’re torn between getting a collaborative project done on time or done to “perfection.” This cosmos’ flashing yellow light is a warning that someone on your crew may not be taking their work as seriously as you’re taking yours. Pull them aside and have a word: kind, knowing yet firm. If you’ve already been through this a few times, you may have to spell out the consequences of not shaping up. Starting Sunday, you can tap into the electrifying buzz of the crowd as gregarious Mercury zips into your popularity zone, making you the life of every party until September 26. But keep an eye on your calendar so you don’t overbook yourself. Having trouble scheduling a one-on-one hang? Bring your friend along to a group event instead. Mercury’s media-savvy influence helps you evaluate your online presence with a critical eye. Where could you benefit from a digital makeover? Update your profile pics, launch that YouTube channel or write the blog post that’s been brewing in your brain.

Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Saturday September 7
Your ambitions are dialed up to 10 while the confident and creative Sun soars through your house of professional prominence until September 22. You’re eager to take a bold next step and allow yourself to be publicly acknowledged—not always easy with your humble “it takes a village” mentality. But when el Sol spins into its annual opposition with structured Saturn this weekend, you’re reminded not to get ahead of yourself. Ensure you have a safety net—and support network—in place before taking any leaps of faith. Sunday’s reminder: First rule of being a mogul, Sagittarius, is acting like a mogul. As Mercury glides back into Virgo, it supercharges your career zone until September 26. Over the next few weeks, you’ll impress everyone in your path with your business savvy and initiative. Don’t be surprised if people start using the word “leader” to describe you. Use your power to inspire and lift up others. With all this momentum, you may find yourself unable to escape the spotlight. Don’t panic! You don’t have to be “perfect” or have all the answers. Aim to be authentic and engaged, and ask all the right questions to get the intel you need to succeed.
Read Sagittarius daily horoscope

Capricorn (December 22-January 19) daily horoscope for Saturday September 7
Hold your fire—even if your ire is up this weekend! Someone might get under your skin, and you are dying to let them have an unfiltered piece of your mind. But given a cosmic restraining order—i.e., an opposition between the Sun and your ruler, cautious Saturn, in your communication sectors—you are urged to take the high road. Impulsive rants or mean-spirited posts are likely to boomerang and only make YOU look bad. Not worth it! How about diffusing tension with a little self-deprecating humor? On Sunday, expressive Mercury sails back into Virgo and your authentic ninth house. Between now and September 26, honesty should be your ONLY policy, Capricorn. Just remember that you can vocalize candid opinions AND be sensitive to the people on the receiving end of your assessments. Locked in a battle? Forget about trying to figure out who’s right and who’s wrong. Instead, focus on the common ground you DO share and build from there. This transit also encourages mind-expanding activities like travel and higher education. Sign up for a course, be it French cooking or social media marketing. If it’s in a far-flung locale like Provence, even better!
Read Capricorn daily horoscope

Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Saturday September 7
Sorry to inform you, Aquarius, but splurging is NOT the new black. In fact, too much will put you in the RED, an inconvenient truth. But good—if restraining—news arrives with the weekend’s belt-tightening opposition between the indulgent Sun and conservative Saturn across your financial axis. It’s never too late to rein in your spending and get serious about sticking to a budget. Just make sure you aren’t depriving yourself of all pleasure in the process. What you might need more than (or as much as) new fall boots is time with your people. And if you’re in the mood for love, you’ll have no trouble charming potential mates starting Sunday as Mercury glides into your seductive eighth house. But this isn’t about racking up the conquests. Reserve your roses for candidates who have true long-term potential. By the time September 26 rolls around, you may have met someone who brings out your best qualities and is excited by your interests. Already attached? If you and your partner are hesitating to take that “next big step,” the amorous momentum of this transit can help you make that commitment. When in doubt, listen to your gut. This starmap also gives your intuition a mystical boost. Keep the tarot deck handy.

Pisces (February 19-March 20) daily horoscope for Saturday September 7
Looking for a partner in crime? Then think in terms of “complement” rather than “clone,” Pisces. This weekend’s startling opposition between far-seeing Saturn in your sign and the ego-driven Sun in your relationship house prompts you to consider people who wouldn’t normally catch your attention. Remember, you don’t have to see eye-to-eye on every decision for this to be a fruitful alliance. But you should be on the same page when it comes to values, work ethics and expectations. Another boost in the twosome department comes Sunday, when expressive Mercury paddles back into Virgo and your seventh house of partnerships until September 26. Where do your dreams overlap with those of the people you adore? Discuss! Exciting ways to co-create will emerge. Explore new connections with genuine curiosity and interest. A beautiful friendship—or something more romantic—could bloom. Professional partnerships also get a cosmic boost under this bond strengthening cycle. Coupled up? If you’ve been clashing with your S.O., Mercury will come to your rescue. The messenger planet gives you the communication skills you need to articulate your feelings AND find win-wins.