What’s happening in astrology today
May 16 in the stars: Jupiter enters Taurus for the first time since 2011! What does this mean for you? Find out below in our daily horoscopes for Tuesday May 16.
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Your daily horoscopes for Tuesday May 16, 2023
Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Tuesday May 16
Good thing this isn’t a weather forecast because Aries are making it rain for the next full year! After spending six uninterrupted months in your sign, expansive Jupiter moves on to Taurus until May 25, 2024. You may miss the red planet’s bonus jolt of confidence, but no need to sulk. Count your dollars instead. Taurus rules your second house of finances and security, and Jupiter hasn’t visited here since June 2011 to June 2012. Today kicks off a prosperous year that could be filled with financial abundance and opportunities to increase your nest egg. You could leap into a new earnings bracket, and with that comes a heightened sense of self-worth. Now that’s something to take to the bank!
Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Tuesday May 16
Exciting news, Bull! For the first time in more than a decade, lucky Jupiter pays a visit to Taurus and your first house of self-worth and identity. Until May 25, 2024, the red-spotted planet bestows its gift of optimism and boosts your confidence in your ability to reinvent yourself. Just as exciting? After an emotionally raw six months of hosting Jupiter in your hazy twelfth house, you’ll finally be able to close the door on something you needed to walk away from, and life won’t feel like an uphill battle anymore. Get ready to make a fresh start!
Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Tuesday May 16
Time to unplug and power down—and maybe recite the serenity prayer as a nightly practice. After six frenetic months in your social-butterfly eleventh house, visionary Jupiter gives its gossamer wings a rest and cocoons into Taurus and your twelfth house of closure, intuition and healing. This is the culmination of a 12-year cycle, and you need to take a little break before the next one, which kicks off when Jupiter enters Gemini on May 24, 2024. Use the coming 12 months to tie up loose ends and weather a life transition. Spirituality, art and creativity are highlighted.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday May 16
Whiplash! Your ambivalence toward group activities could transmute into a veritable passion for people starting today. Attribute this turnabout to the arrival of expansive Jupiter in Taurus and your eleventh house of teamwork and technology. While your middle name has never been “Joiner,” your public life could hit a new high between now and May 25, 2024, as the jovial planet inspires new friendships and collaborations. Your social media influence could skyrocket, too. If you’ve got a plan for a digital venture, this is the year to go for it!
Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday May 16
Don’t look down, Leo! Starting today, the only direction is UP—as in to the top of your game or maybe the top of the company ladder. Lucky Jupiter makes its annual sign change, blasting into Taurus and your tenth house of career success until May 24, 2024. Now’s the time to scale your vision and expand your reach in a public way. After six months in your freewheeling ninth house, Jupiter brings the vision and drive it takes to make your dream a reality. Shift into boss mode and let the results roll in.
Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday May 16
What a difference a day can make! You may have lost your perspective while boundless Jupiter was in Aries for the past six months, stirring the pot in your eighth house of mystery, seduction and intense feelings. But today the jovial planet moseys on—into can-do Taurus and your buoyant ninth house of travel, adventure and higher education. Broader horizons call to you between now and May 24, 2024. Widen your mental angle and trust that the active ninth house will lend sufficient energy to pursue your dreams.
Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Tuesday May 16
Do the words “emotional intensity” send your balanced soul running for cover? If so, you might want to slip into your most comforting ‘jammies NOW. Today, limitless Jupiter kicks off a 12-month tour of Taurus and your eighth house of deep connection, spirituality and shared resources. Through May 24, 2024, the stars will push you to get in touch with your most vulnerable feelings. On the plus side, since the eighth house rules sexuality, you can look forward to some carnal escapades of the sultriest order!
Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Tuesday May 16
Stay open to possibilities, Scorpio! Today, expansive Jupiter launches a 12-month pleasure cruise through Taurus and your seventh house of committed partnerships. Is there a certain relationship you’re ready to formalize? Over the next year, you’ll feel increasingly ready to take the plunge and hitch your wagon to one special person. Whether romantic or professional, you may find yourself bonding with someone radically different from your usual type. Embrace the new—opposites really do attract!
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Tuesday May 16
The past six months have been exhilarating, thanks to boundless Jupiter’s tour of Aries and your fifth house of fame, romance and creative expression. Starting today, your red-spotted ruling planet sprawls into Taurus, activating your sixth house of wellness and organization until May 25, 2024. You’ve been getting clear signs that it’s time to pump up the self-care (and dial back the hedonism). Being led by your passions was a blast, but now you’re ready to streamline, simplify and get your body, mind, spirit, house—and finances—in order. For clues where to start, look back to June 2011 through June 2012, when Jupiter last visited Taurus.
Read more Sagittarius horoscopes
Capricorn (December 22-January 18) daily horoscope for Tuesday May 16
Expansive Jupiter swings into Taurus today, sounding a wake-up call in your fifth house of passion and creativity for the next 12 months. This is the abundance planet’s first visit since June 2012—a welcome change from its temperamental tour of your fourth house and home and family obligations, the final chapter of which began in December 2022. You’ve gone through a lot of emotional ups and downs since then, and you’ve grown internally. But enough with the brooding, Cap—a lively, lusty new cycle awaits! A new romance, a pregnancy or new artistic inspiration could be on the horizon between now and May 24, 2024.
Read more Capricorn horoscopes
Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Tuesday May 16
Time to follow your homing instincts. Today, expansive Jupiter sets up an astrological Airbnb in Taurus, your grounded fourth house. Between now and May 24, 2024, your desires around shelter may surprise you. Some Water Bearers could pull up stakes or give the digital nomad life a go. Wherever you find yourself, you may prefer quiet alone time over rollicking parties, slowing down and intensively focusing on one project at a time instead of multitasking. It’s even possible that you’ve outgrown a few friends. No worries, Aquarius. Now you can focus on people who desire your full attention.
Pisces (February 19-March 20) daily horoscope for Tuesday May 16
If you’re selling it, Pisces, we’ll take two! Today, effusive, maximizing Jupiter—your cosmic co-ruler along with dreamy Neptune—bounds into Taurus, waking up your expressive third house. Between now and May 24, 2024, you’ll have a silver tongue, so make the most of this articulate cycle. Got a message to spread or a brand to promote? Work with a pro to help you polish your stump speech, then start marketing your masterful ideas. This zone also rules local goings-on, so you could find yourself taking a more active role in your community in the coming year.
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