Ophira Edut of The AstroTwins is a guest on The Terri Cole Show sharing the major astrological themes for 2024, for all of us and for each zodiac sign.
Ophi joined psychotherapist and author Terri Cole for an episode of The Terri Cole Show to discuss The AstroTwins’ 2024 Horoscope book. They covered a lot of major themes for 2024 that you can read about in detail here and listen to and watch at the link below!
“Astrology is something I enjoy, but you flipped me” into being a believer, Terri tells Ophi at the start of the episode. “I always knew I was an Aries, but it was never a thing thing [until I met you]. But now, every year, I super look forward to the annual horoscope book. It sets me up to know where I am. I see value in my own life” with it, like planning around Mercury retrograde.
“It’s got to make sense for your life,” Ophi agrees, and says astrology is a helpful tool.
Themes for 2024 shared on The Terri Cole Show
Ophi says 2024 is The Year of Transcendent Leadership. “It’s a time when a new kind of power, a new kind of leader is emerging, which I think we’re ready for.”
Terri asks Ophi what is the key difference between 2023 and 2024, astrologically.
“2023 was about a lot of fear and overwhelm,” Ophi tells Terri. “The energy was about not acting, but observing.” The AstroTwins called 2023 “The Year of What If?“, after all.
“In 2024, we’re going to be a lot more courageous, acting on the information we learned,” Ophi says.
2024 is also the The Year of the Dragon in Chinese astrology and an 8 Universal Year in Numerology.
You can read more about the major astrology events of 2024 and what they mean for you at Astrostyle.com
2025 Horoscope
2025 Horoscope
2024 Themes for Every Zodiac Sign
Terri asks Ophi to give an overview of the key theme for each zodiac sign, for 2024. The following is a brief summary of the discussion, which you can hear in its entirety on The Terri Cole show, and learn more about in The AstroTwins’ 2024 Horoscope book and individual sign planners!
With the North Node in Aries, you’re being called into a reinvention cycle of your life, Ophi says. But there’s a lot of work to do, especially in the first half of the year (during which you could make a lot of money!) The second half of 2024 is about putting things into action.
You’re being pushed into the spotlight to be a voice for others. This is a sign that doesn’t like change but has had a lot of change happening since 2017. You’re being called to lead in the first half of 2024. In the second half, take your big ideas and monetize them, or do the hard work to build them.
A lot of Geminis are struggling since Jupiter has been in their 12th house since May 2023. If you can strive to give over power/surrender where there is that opportunity, you can shed what you don’t want to bring into the next 12 years of their life, and begin healing.
Cancers can gain a lot of new friendships and build community, come out of their shells. In second half of the year, though, it’ll be easier to go back into their shells. More hibernation shell-time coming!
This is a big career year for Leos. Establish your place as a leader. Changes in relationships will also occur (while learning lessons about power balances). Leos: please run for office if you’re a good person, Ophi says; it’s supported in the second half of the year!
You’ve been so not yourself (in a good way)! You get to be a “misbehaving college student” in the first half of the year. Then a nice career year starts in May. So get it out of your system before you turn serious and focused and regimented!
Libras are in their “underground phase.” With the South Node in Libra until January 2025, they’ll be a little under the radar in 2024. It’s better not to fight it. Libras can benefit by studying, learning, developing ideas, and doing the inner work.
2024 is a relationship-focused year for Scorpios. It’s time to go find that person (or few people) they can trust, which doesn’t happen easily for this sign. In love, business or creative endeavors: Who are the people they can truly trust?
Pull back, simplify in the first half of 2024. Get connected to health, body and hormones. This sign will find great partnerships in the second half of the year. Also think: Who do you want to be in the spotlight when it shines on you?
Pluto is moving out of your sign for the first time since 2008! This sign rules structures. You’re ready to come out of that long cocoon period. It’s a big year for Capricorns!
Pluto going into your sign, settling in for 20 years. It’s truly the Age of Aquarius starting. We need you and your innovative community centered ideas more than ever. Home and family are strong themes for you in 2024 and into 2025.
2024 is about growing up, maturing, and learning how to adult. Saturn is in Pisces for the first time since 1996. This is a timeline of hardships and challenges and being tested, but true opportunities await to step into new levels of leadership, responsibilities and reprioritization.
If you want to go a little deeper, read about what your sign can leave behind in 2023 and what to focus on in 2024, at Astrostyle.com
Editor’s note: Information about the AstroTwins Network has changed since The Terri Cole show was recorded. Anyone looking for information about what was discussed should inquire about the Become Your Own Astrologer program instead!