Friendship by Zodiac Sign: Your Astrology Guide | Astrostyle: Astrology and Daily, Weekly, Monthly Horoscopes by The AstroTwins
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Friendship by Zodiac Sign: Your Astrology Guide

Can your BFF be written in the stars? What zodiac signs make good friends? Your astrology guide to friendship by zodiac sign.

Friendship by zodiac sign

Aries Friendship

Aries prefer to spend quality time with a few close friends or to be the center of attention in a huge group—but nothing in between. They’re sensitive to noises, smells and other people’s vibes, so they can become a little distracted if there’s too much stimulation. They’re great at one-on-one conversation, and love to have a stimulating talk about ideas that fascinate them. That said, a charged–up dance floor may feature them smack in the middle of it, rousing the enthusiastic crowd. Read more about Aries Friendship…

Taurus Friendship

Hardworking Taurus approaches friendships in much the same way that they do everything else in life—as a serious task that must be attended to with consistency. The Beautiful People will dazzle them, too; but at the end of the day, they prefer the realness of their salt-of-the-earth squad. Read more about Taurus Friendship…

Gemini Friendship

There’s never a dull moment when Gemini rolls into town. They have the ability to see life from many different perspectives and, as a result, get along with people from all walks of life. Lively and energetic, they love to talk—especially about the latest and greatest ideas going through their head. Sometimes, they get so carried away that they wind up talking at people instead of actually talking to them. Fortunately, they’re usually gushing about an interesting topic. Who needs The Discovery Channel when they’re so full of facts? Read more about Gemini Friendship…

Cancer Friendship

In spite of their giving nature, they are quite private when it comes to sharing their own deeper feelings. In the beginning, they’ll know their friends better than they know themselves. However, this sign is not looking for superficial relationships. They want to form genuine bonds that stand the test of time. Once they’ve opened up, Cancer will gather their closest friends into cozy little families. Read more about Cancer Friendship…

Leo Friendship

Overachieving Leo has as many friends as they do projects. In fact, many of their friends are their projects! Noble lions like to help people—it makes them feel like the important and powerful royalty that they are. Doing favors is a big part of their connection strategy and their pals know that they can always crash on their couch if they’re in a jam. They won’t mind a bit—but they won’t forget either. Should they need something in return, the answer had better be yes—or else! If they don’t roar at people, they’ll sulk, and their guilt trips can be just as hardcore as their meltdowns. Read more about Leo Friendship…

Virgo Friendship

Nothing lights up a Virgo friend quite like a deep conversation. They analyze every little detail, and will stay up half the night gossiping or helping friends iron out their issues. They expect results, however, and can be quite critical of people who don’t live up to their standards. The truth is, Virgo tends to give too much and as a result winds up resentful when people don’t immediately return the favor. Learning to speak up for their own needs can help them relax and get the support they need to keep friendships mutually rewarding. Read more about Virgo Friendship…

Libra Friendship

Loving Libra makes gentle, patient and sweet friends. Being the sign that rules relationships, they are genuinely interested in knowing people. They don’t mind getting involved in friends’ inner lives. They will stand by your side from beginning to end, helping you work through an issue one step at a time. Because of their ability to look below the surface, they develop deep connections with people from different backgrounds—many Libras even get “adopted” into another culture. Read more about Libra Friendship…

Scorpio Friendship

Scorpios are drawn to mystery, but only if the surprises are small and the risks are calculated. Too much wondering makes them suspicious but not enough to bore them. They need smart and competent friends who can help them stay grounded when they start obsessing about all the behind-the-scenes details. Read more about Scorpio Friendship…

Sagittarius Friendship

Open-minded and open-hearted, Sagittarius is friends with the world. They rarely meet a stranger who isn’t soon converted to friend status, which, admittedly, is a broadly applied title in their world. If they’ve shared a meaningful exchange—on the subway platform, while waiting for their morning coffee—then they’ll readily use “the f word.” Life is too short to keep people at arm’s length. Besides, they never know when a synergistic opportunity will arise! Read more about Sagittarius Friendship…

Capricorn Friendship

Hardworking Capricorns like to mix business with pleasure. They often develop tight bonds with people they meet on the job or through a team project. A high achiever with a competitive nature, friends who can help them increase your status are valuable assets who remain in their contact database for eternity. Not that they won’t hang out with the rebels and slackers. If they can mentor you, it’ll give them a power surge. This sign also needs to indulge their own wild streak from time to time. Read more about Capricorn Frienship…

Aquarius Friendship

Aquarius friendships are storied and deep—the layered “onions” who must be peeled slowly to reveal their dimensions. (And even then!) Aquarius dreams of making the world a better place. They may actually be more generous with the general public than with their own friends and family. While people are naturally drawn to their accepting and open-minded nature, it may take years before they open up to others in the same way. It’s not that your Aquarius friend means to be cool or distant; it’s just that their emotional side can be a mystery to THEM! Read more about Aquarius Friendship…

Pisces Friendship

The best friends for Pisces are stable types who don’t actually need anything from them, but can appreciate the imagination and romance that they bring into their worlds. Although initially, they may judge these types as dull, in the end they are the very rocks that they’ll thank their lucky stars to have in their life. Pisces simply hate to disappoint other people, and that can creep into your friendships. But, like the best of us, they also need time to take care of themselves. Read more about Pisces Friendship…


The AstroTwins

Identical twin sisters Ophira and Tali Edut, known as The AstroTwins, are the founders of and the authors of multiple bestselling astrology books. Their horoscopes reach millions here and through their resident astrologer column at ELLE Magazine.