What’s happening in astrology today
July 1 in the stars: Find out what’s in store for you today in our daily horoscopes for Monday July 1. Read the daily horoscopes for your Sun sign or rising sign (ascendant) to plan your day.
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Your daily horoscopes for Monday July 1, 2024
Aries (March 21-April 19) daily horoscope for Monday July 1
Money’s on your mind as the week begins, Ram. The moon and anxious Mars in your second house of financial security could send you on a budgeting mission or looking for ways to make your hard-earned cash work harder for you. With a shorter holiday week ahead in the U.S., there’s a lot to get done. Keep your head down and don’t get distracted by meetings and side chat. Tap into the power of your energizing ruler, Mars, for an extra boost of motivation!
Taurus (April 20-May 20) daily horoscope for Monday July 1
It may not be July 4 yet, but YOUR Independence Day happens now! With the moon kicking off the week in your sign, you’ll be in the mood to express the true Taurus—taking extra pride in your appearance and sipping your morning latte focused on your personal mission for the month ahead. Lucky for you, motivator Mars is also in Taurus today, riding shotgun with la luna. Let yourself dream big, and save the “doing” for tomorrow.
Gemini (May 21-June 20) daily horoscope for Monday July 1
What area of your life needs closure before you can focus on the week (and month) ahead? The moon in your twelfth house of healing and transformation puts you in the mood to address unresolved matters—even if this only means deciding to see a certain situation in a different light. With action planet Mars in Taurus conjunct the moon, you won’t be able to ignore something that’s been making you anxious. Instead of pushing it aside, reach out for support and finally deal with it.
Cancer (June 21-July 22) daily horoscope for Monday July 1
Rally Team Crab today and get all hands on deck. The moon and go-getter Mars in your collaboration corner will help you pull together for this shortened holiday week. Got a project you want to push over the finish line before the July 4 barbecues and fireworks? Assign everyone their places and press “go!” Make it a friendly competition and give out prizes to incentivize. If there’s been tension among a few group members, use your mediating powers to soothe their stress and forge a compromise.
Leo (July 23-August 22) daily horoscope for Monday July 1
You begin the week with your eye on a very big prize as the moon and Mars join forces in Taurus, heating up your tenth house of ambition, fame and honors. Perhaps it’s time to fulfill one of your longest-standing goals or at least give a big push to get things moving in the right direction. With expansive Jupiter in Gemini and your community sector for the rest of the year, a big key to success lies in tapping your network. Who might open a door or make a strategic introduction?
Read Leo daily horoscope
Virgo (August 23-September 22) daily horoscope for Monday July 1
What adventures are calling your name, Virgo? With the moon and motivator Mars in your globetrotting ninth house, you’re in the mood to broaden your horizons. Maybe you’ll begin the week looking into trips you can line up for the season. If you’re going away for the upcoming holiday weekend, get your packing and errands started early. Mars can add stress, and you may be worried about getting it all done. Not going away? You can still escape the norm. With this duo in your mind-expanding ninth house, today could spark ambitious ideas for an entrepreneurial project or a new course of study.
Libra (September 23-October 22) daily horoscope for Monday July 1
What’s up with your investments, Libra? As the week begins, your mind is on your most permanent commitments—financial and emotional. As the moon joins energizer Mars in your deep-diving eighth house, you can’t ignore what lies beneath. But before you play detective with everyone else, turn that magnifying glass inward. Investigate: Have you been acting aloof while resentment bubbles inside? If you don’t address an issue directly today, it could reach a boiling point. Summon the courage to speak up.
Scorpio (October 23-November 21) daily horoscope for Monday July 1
Is a certain someone getting under your skin? One particular relationship could be on your mind as the week begins. Today’s Taurus moon connects with restless Mars in your partnership house. Have one of you been dancing on the will-we-or-won’t-we edge? Maybe it’s time to commit fully so you two can operate like a proper tag team. If you find yourself feeling irritated by every little thing someone does, that’s your cue that you have an unexpressed need or desire. Speak up, Scorpio!
Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) daily horoscope for Monday July 1
Manic Monday alert! With the moon and go-getter Mars activating your administrative sixth house, things could get chaotic fast. You might begin the week in high-productivity mode, with a to-do list as long as your arm and a structured approach to getting it all done, thanks to the moon in your super-organized sixth house. But with Mars in the mix, your expansive sign could bite off way more than you can chew. Since this is a shorter holiday week for many people, that’s all the more reason to make a plan (and a plan B) that’s ambitious but still realistic. Incorporate healthy eating into your day to get into good habits before the indulgent weekend ahead.
Read Sagittarius daily horoscope
Capricorn (December 22-January 19) daily horoscope for Monday July 1
Is it Monday already? The week begins with the moon and energetic Mars in your playful fifth house, and you’re in the mood to keep the weekend vibes alive. You won’t be waiting for the July 4 holiday to get festivities going. Take charge of the fireworks, food and frolicking and see to it that a good time will be had by all. Today you might be tempted to go over the top with a DIY decorating project or custom cocktails. Be warned, Mars can make you sizzle then fizzle. Don’t sign on for something so complex that it steals your fun by adding stress. Do you really need an entire “Young Sheldon”-themed game room or a rare tequila that might not ship in time? Answer: Absolutely not!
Read Capricorn daily horoscope
Aquarius (January 20-February 18) daily horoscope for Monday July 1
Wouldn’t it be lovely to work from home today? The Taurus moon in your homey fourth house is bringing out your nesting instincts. But beware: All the unfinished tasks at Casa Aquarius could add more stress than serenity. With irritable Mars also in Taurus, you might get distracted from that Q3 report by a sink full of dishes or the discovery of a small leak in your air conditioner. Silence notifications while you’re in focus mode too. Relatives could ping you about July 4 plans and distract you easily—and often!